OFFICE OF IWE A1TORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableChwlrf Lookhart txete Tma8urar Awtia, lbxm of ths Forty-alxth Laglalatun; and doolnrlng aa 6mergemay. STATE Wrotion 1. Thmt Sbo8loa 9 of &Male IV of C&ap?ier49s or the *ofa of the Thea CmUrd Seamion or ttn Fortpiowth Legialaturo, u awnbrHI by 6baatb Bill No, 04, Chaptbr 6, dot0 of 8ha BortJ-•ixtb ZyiaiMxrl, antI all mubw- quallto8madmeatatholqeo,bb ant3thb aam6 10 bareby rape&d. *Seu.le.Ttu fut that tha bxiotiaalam dimeri~m yainst rariow atate basking, aortgagem and loan eeapan%*roremtu w'emr- g6aoy aad ma Imperativepublio a~oraait~ 8hat the lWwtitu0ioaal!&la reqtiriag billa to be remd,in each Houao OD.thrro ae~eraldara be auapea4eU u%4 the maw ia hereby lu6pwade4, a&d th%r Let &*1X take lffaat 8n4 bcia mra* rmsn amI after 180 pauage aad it $0 me e``taUrw 80tei0n 9 0r ~rtl018IV or ch8pter 49s ar the kpt0 of the'lzwd Oalled~eaafoaof tb Forty+owtb tiqialaturu, ~0 the srigiaelnat Z6v~laga tu on ~abourea nfiti8 ma ob- l~atlona, aaid Aat ‘11~8a-de4 br tko Party-mirth kgiala- turo by Senate Bill No. UN Cb&@n’ 6. Wi8 lOaD anmndaent by tbm Perty-mirthkql$I.aturep~ovfddlia part,am fellowas W3otioa 1. 8eetion 9,or Axtiolrxv or Chapter49% of the Aota of tha 'ihird Callo& 6oeoionof tha ForQ-fourLh Lb&iahburb, Lo and the ame la hersbaawadra ao aa to read hercrartekAmyO~Uarr`` In sthorVVO~O, the lPg0 aseadmentwarn 3.13 it86lr th6 oaaplet6 stamp tax on, ``cswed aotsa, aaO abligcrtloaB am maadd at that t&o.. HonorableCherleyLaakhmt, Pas* S "8ootlon1. That Saotlon9 0r iwtleleIV of Chptor4QS oi the Aota of the Third Called Seaaioaof the Eorty-iourtib~e&ialeture,aa maend- ld by senateMl1 X0. 84, Cha*er S, Aota of the yorty-sixthbglOlatur0, be aod tha atmo is hen- by awaded ma am to hereafterread am rollam;* Swats Bill Ho. 97, aqua, was *d.icd itmall :ic+;pletsaot la olag a t u OR r+eiarqd notes md eblI(gr- The.bli! oontainsUI unwgehoy alauseand was paaa~d in t& &me oa Febmmy Mth by 4 vati at l&N to 5 and was 00004 ia.theS8aate013Bbruar 1Sst1by a rote of 53 to 0. !he bill was ill66withouttbs i$rdkhorta 8ignatum in bh, seorskry or Stats*8 orfloe ti Peb&uary 28, 1QU. Houae~BlllB8. 8x4 augth,warn,pamed by thmk@aa or Rejweaoatatft~aen ~ptfl dri IOU, ,@hd Paaaad’by the Eanat*.oaEpj 2l 1941. It uu rilea waaigmd by thi Oov- ernor in tha -0400 oitti Sawetuy ei State op Jutae 7, UW,. The problem in bonatrulig&moo E%ll 2Voo~ 514 rtiaaa baoaue the f&of that at 8onato BllZ Me. 97 aupra had bo- 00l ~ riootlie'prio~ to tb time that aa Bow* Bfiu Re. 84, mqm, hea km pa~ard by t&a k&Latun. Belle SkotloaL Ilo.8X4 providra t&at Wntioa o? %uq Ef.11~ ,9ot *sfiol~ZV 0r ch6,pt9r 4*8,0r 4th not8 or tbr milrilcam6 awlion or the Ftmty-fourth Leglmlatwa, am aasldad by 6eante Bill hlo. 84, hap%er S, dota at Chs yorty-aixbhLegialmaee, ad-all subsequentamendmnta theretobo aad t&a same is h&iii pealed,*It till be noted that the oaptioa to ~&wae Bill Bo. 514 fe not am broad or oaapreheaaire'as Wotloa 1 Oz the bill. The aaptioaai liouaeBill No. 511 reads am rolla?la: *U kst repealiae:'&eotloa0 ,ofArtWe TV or Chwor 49S or the Aota Oi the lChIrdCall64 f3realoa am amend- of thq ycwty-fourthLe$ialat\lre, la by senateT3111Ho. s4, ChapterS 6468 ot the yarty-sirthLeglalature;anb dekiar1ag en emar- genoy.* Ths above quobod iaption tails to take Into aooomt or mention Senate BilL Be. 97, ~uprs, passed by the maa* Lagialatuxe that pamood said ~OUEM B&l,1 Ho. 514. .Aa Senate Bill Ho. 97, 6upra, ia in itaalf a oes~nhonalte aad oompl~te HonorsbloQierleyLockhart,Paga 4 tax statute, the qwabion ariaaa aa to rhether or not the aam haa been npealod by Howe Bill Ho. 614. &QUWI~XJ the LegZalature mi?otplludtgat 8eia Emmte Ml5 Ro. 91 weakan a.mnWtlt to 3eatSsn 9 of 4tiaLe IV of Chapter40s 0f th6 iiots 0r the ibird ctaka ssadon ol th6 uortprow3h L&alature, bwmuse 5m Bea8lon 1 of Houaa Bill Iio. 614 th hginlature 8aatien9 of dtiala repaaleb aaid IV of Chap%e,r495 Of the &tti at t&O ‘&5rd Wm th86lOA Of th@ -7orty-fourthLegirlaturs,aa amndod by BUUta B5Ll Ho. 24, Ciuptsr 5, AeQa oi this Forts-8-h 'Lagialatw,'abt ala@ Bowover, the eation 0 of Th5ra caaaod Seasion. the and ala6 ref6raa to the amendment by &nat@ B551 No. Y4, OhaptiarS, &to ol the Forty-•lxthLa&alaturo, btitaakea no acntionof ang sub- 86tp8nt gc~lldmm 1)0r60.8 it 8j++iriedi,f m0nti5~ mm6 Bill 80. 9'1 of' bhs Aate 02 the hWtrt&'-mwenthk@alaturo. snotion%% Of Art501~ IIT Qi tb cwat5*ut50n or . Tuaa rsada au rdlfant +TtobifS,(oxoaptgrnoralappropriation billa,nblah me7 mbraoe the Vutoua aubjoata a a l bo muntafa , ra ndo na edo wet t wh lo ma h t- 09s are apOro&wlafad~ ahall eoatminmom thaa cm&t%bjeQt,ahlsh ahall be #~r~rqaaad In it8 Buti 5r any rub5oah ahaLa be mbraea4 in an*acit, whiah f&all nnt ba lrpra8m4 in th@ title, wah act #tall ba void milt aa to 80 much therso$,88 shall not be 110expn8Ned.’ 1. %hil6 we hare numtrcm6&aols5onnot tha court8 of this Sk’;4 awatruing &etlon %8 of ,iytiole III we uv unablsCo find any oa8e in whbh the ~egi#lativroa5seion in the uaptianwaa the mung ~8 that nhloh waa mado 5a Siouw all %o. 614. Generallyth6 00Urt8 aro very liberalin holdinga o~tlon brocrd mum&i ts ewec the prori*iene Of a n l6t a a p a a m& Also th6 0a808 all atate th6 6earral &WOBO#itiOIl that the &56Ot 6f thd tit10 Ot B~tiOl!i Of 8Ll 8Ot 56 to aP .ri86the k!~i``tUl% Of ths fUl1 OWtOnt8 Of t&6 UJt itarPI. The mo#d analo``ua aituatlo8 that wo are abls to flna to la. cm8 prsaenti~ 5tRelf hen, Se the on6 58 1 tf~ aas* of m&m v. Cmntaanlal Fural.a3-811 EWm0~ Dietriot no. E, 19c E. b'.(ad) 55% by thr AWtiB COW-t Of ~i.7~ b- p,sal*,writ of error diaJaa*d, OOlTbOt Ubgrntt BY tJM Bl@ren;scourt or Tsxa8. The aontulawt in *at oaam was atatada5 r0u0nt "!Rtesloa@ieano orbred by tha truatsoa of the ,-id d5atrfa8,ukd wm hold, thm rclturna aiuivaamd,the naalta doolamd ~6 eorblfisd in lo o o r a a no 6 tha Imv eovorallylband rlro- with tiotta held 5nlndepmAent 86hcPol Qlattietr, 4- pellanta,the ooaQo8bat8, ooatradthat the Aat of IJtmmber 5, 1989, being Chap. 40, bt8 4Sth Jag., t3woad QaUrd maa5on. 0. 1SM. Art. 89-L, ii.3.1986, VornonlaAttn.Glr. 88. arti.E98%L, prorfdeashet the banllrlaotiaaahall be h&M 48 in oop~op *oh001diatrtotag ana that the ooun- ty j-8 muat 0raOr thr rimtomt r~rd 1218cgd8- aloamrr~ Court mat wav*aa .tbslreturna anU do- alare the maultar Thk~'frlal4oura h6ld that Mid A4t Oi sOncPrbO+8, 19377rwU UAO4Ut8l5fUtiOA- al and toi bmoauar Of a 44fmotirm 0 ~$~2&an6 further.hel&theittha.lataOS ISET, 3 F5rat Called 3eaaiea, 0. SO6 leti. IloltL,&' earfag in R. US.or l%aS, 88 raurbotlby Aota ar POW), pmvido tiat ,Mm rlmot5oa#ho&t be.lwl4 in aeoordaam with the Ian #mmi5n# bead oloo- t5OiU 51i5ndepwkde88 84h@0l 45atW5OtBrn Ww aua- taia thm rotion of t& trirl oourt. nThmrunl high lohooi aot,waatire8 paaaad tn 1$55, 6. $0~ 4ml SW. la was plaoul in fho 8. a. of 5933 aa art. BQIPL ti provIa tlut rural hi@ aahool ai*triotamay rota bat&a In aoooraanorwith the.law8 gor6ra5ngoostmoa 86hwl diatrfot6.By the 5Wz? matmaU.mant,moat of the pro~la5eaaof trho bate of UMS W*M crclasnded~and, Art. 89pBL,appaarlta& in IL 8. OS'19lg6,~naamsn8- ed m au to pmti130 thaB bond elrotlotwfn rural high lohsol. diatridr ahwld be h&l la aooord- an40 with tha lawa gotclm5q ba0pcanded aahbol 6iatrfsDa. Thsn oat50 aha uit or 5937, rupra, whlah 5l1bold tyB+Bw&8 4AtitblI ‘hrbiddiil6 4- pointrentor px Oiflo#alrfa Sdcml D5atrLota xn crrtaia OwtttUta.! AM i $ h l a nt5r o oapW3a na a au routmat H6noxablo0harleyLookbart,Page 6 "'An iot rondi~ WetIon 1E of Chptsr 69, of the hots of the Thirty--nfnth Legl8laturo, m a8 to pxovidsthat in oartsinoountier having a populationaooordiw to tha l-0 proaodl~ Fad- era1 Cenws of not 10~s than eight thoumnd, five hundmd (8,500)and not mere than eight thownll, ~QVM hundred (8,700)rural hi& 8ti.4 bi8triOt8 fOmd by the QrOUpbg Or t30aslo~ 8Oh0O1 di8triOt8 8han n&i have the authority to appoint a tax a88Q88Or, board Or 8qUdi88tiOaa Iu)rtU acllaotorland daaloriag an lm8r g e nOJ.vw In th8t 0880 it mar bo noted that the oqptloaoi the 1937~#IUWdEtQIitBladO PO -IWiOrW8 t0 th8 i!m QiIIQndHnt but IVIrQrXWd OdJ to thb 19=&t. ThO WW't held l8 fOl- 1-8: "5lnoQ thQ title or oaptionof th8 19S9 Hot deOl.snd that the h&ti8tU= intendad t0 aI&Snd Sea. 18 of the 19M Ati 80 88 to prohibitwe- Oid tU a88088OT8, rqurfi%tiOa b8ar68,Od- oollootors in o*r:ain OOUlltie8 it oannot affwt oOUlItl88 not llifiluded,an6 t8 hll6-a8 not 88. braoiw 8UbJ.d ti it8 tfth, 80 $m a8 th8 bd& OS tho&toha~8dthQrubhOdai mdiag8UhO0% bond elootion8 frQm C&Omethod pnrodb8d ia the 1997 iat. IO0 rUkt 18 hotter l8tabli8h8d tbm rent umidaent lQ6ge v. 4wd.n- QOP‘ Tsx. Clv. ripp.,101 fj. -ai:&d 396; W8lkQr 1. Stats, 194 %I. 6r. R. 800, 116 6, PT.Ed 1098) 8utherland'1.Board ai Trwtee8, 'X%x.C&V. qp., 861 & w. 489." (Undsrsooring OW8) pie oall parliioular attention to tkat pcvtfOn of tjhooourt*r holding in whnhichthe court rtate8 that no nil0 i8 b.ttQr Q8tsblliQh.d thnB the ona that whl)rea tit10 Or a OmtiOn Or M 88t 8pQOliiO8 thr pUtio\z2lTii816 Or the UnOIid- meat aad that it i8 to~aoror or 8tat8 a BQTtl@UUT pWpo88 autorablo Charl*yLo&?nrt, I?asm8 8tt8vhti another a3iddifferent8aheduleof ar- tialea and r8t881and than, in rcyllar form, M- pealed the first 8e6tion of the act of 1768. 4 a. 43. In 1.807~86 pa8mBd another *irOtto mend aa lot entitled *&IIaot Sor amcndlngra rot entitled *An *at ZOr (titleof aot 19d6))'wt This 8Ot prCWided';?thd,bi%S(iiatsly from alld titer the pat8ing Oi thl8 aot, tha folloul~g X'tttQSand IDUIM,rQ8QOOtiVOlt, Shtill bQ p&id, ati M grttater 8hsU be cissundod or emoted by ma- Of8 or aarve44, or any other pareom8,ior nharf- age o? ~ahlps or vemwl8, or Zor laadta& * eta, to-witt Vor sh%ppLngsvury bale or ~a88 af oot- tea, roar oonte pr bale or oaee,’ sto. 9 Ct. 183. It +3rpM8815’ x'@~e8b86 awh Ol 8ald Nt Of .$w8 aold +Ulr OthQr QCtj8 Qt hl'Q l-t?~U#AUat t0 the+Ni8ions o? thn mt of l#?. hit wan to @ iRtki;OftbCt 'fl'O8lUr& &tQr it8 pU8r(ls,* a It8 prewislorr8taek~tb plam of an erl&iru;l snaetment, certainlya8 to th8 lmQQrtf& IteJB OS oottw, whlah appear8in thi8 aat f6r th8 fir8t tiret ghtring, pr&bly, that pravloualp that artSole had net attainedtha irparturewOS being 0 staple oammdlty or t&6 8tato. Th%8 18 th8 8ot uhloh l&a8 b8en Qa tibe8tatuta book a8 9 88b8%8tin(l &av fCrrrvsarlya eentuTy, a&b& wa8kJaQtmo~tleam4 tithe 8oheduloof the uuwml 8tatUt~8. In 189s tho 'Iterl8lea and oan*&iU- tlon* at the Qenarel8tatutr8 were adaptd, which arrasqpd may act8 by their title8 In a 8ahodnla, uador the heaaiogr'S%ar 0uo r ing sntltlod lOt8. ordlaeb3u, and zw8olvo8, pa888d iath8 8evQral ,gaar8 hareinnftarc)uuESxat6d,have upltit Or have be8n. or arQ hsrrby, oxp:-Q88lg~FepQal8d.* 8tc. Tha titleQf th6988t&'or lww a* 1778 era found in this ‘SOh~ti~’ mad PY!'?therefersCd.&%&- a4 to ham bwn thereby dlmotly- repealed. T&6 a& cf 1809t hawever, does Pat appear la the 'asohedul*',but it 18 alalmodthat that 01~0 we8 InCirwtly rQpQalod; that St8 tit10 aaoZamd t&et it ras an *aamndMnt* of the mother aot of 1768, and, when tha lmtt-srmadsot wa8 rsmd, thdttO? 1809, OM Of it8 ‘WIQndMlkt8,’ and tb8m- tom. 'i~ratted' tato it, fell alth it. . . ." Honorable Gherler Look&art. Pege 9 it is emrnest3.Y ".Blit lneiated that. Si there was go impliSa repial here, theremwtgs an lndbreotre@sel,based nn ths dcctrine that the repeelor 8a 8Ot neaeew3rily aarrler rtth It all ?8men&maat~* mae to saia ii&i,amI that therefore the sot 13 LCOT, being, aa stated in i't.8title, aa *em::tk~t* or the aot of 1768, fell with the letter aot when It was rqqaled. prI0 k5Qw or no inexorable X’UlQ a? law wbloh par- emptorl1.grequfree Wet Wary eet nhLoh la en- titled as ‘an 8uEendPd6nt' to 8 fonwr aat met thzr8forebe cwrl8a back, and 'lngrarted' upon that act, 80 88 to bsoom pert end pared of Lt. for 8ll purposso. . . . .vs thiuk that the aet ci l8W al- thOU&blhtbB~ 88 l&T& eRWidxMt to 8kl t&and- menf, ’uee in it* .~vleieae aiflrratlveerd Or&inal. It was lppogM lxportent eubject, which the le@sIeture, in eooorQencewith ita duty, alweqa clatisd the right to control.It h80 staoa apan the rtatuta %ok 63 the 8xfvt1ng lew, uboiiklieng8dfor needy e eenfurf,a3~dwe do I&t 8M +AlQthiilgin the 18W WhiOhn9~UfrfkS the court to ,@8rtlanthat It bee been repealed, el@hr lntentlonullgor by ,Isplioation, or ia- dirtotly by the cperrntionof a fixed Proorcste8a rule, a8 to the effect at emendlPent*, leaving. the whola subjratebeolatsrly *doTeliot,*86 to 8ny ~legirlatlve reguletioaor co&ml. ;wethluk the 8Ct le at fonw, and th*t l&awe it uuneo- emery to ooaelder the other exaeptioae.*