OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Orville BullIngtan,IUamber Board 0r Regentr, Unlverrity of Texar City Rational Bullding Ulehlta Fallr, Texar Dear sir, Ue bve far letter OS April 22, wherein JOU rumt sor departmentthe follow- ing quertlonr appcdnted and are patd a 8tatutq aompenra- e of the Board. ou omk whether under Artlole e ~tltuLn, pur aoaeptanea and oe o? Nreber of the Board of Regent8 ham worked a v~eatlan of the offhe o?weabero m$ore 0r tha Ulehlta Cotmt7fUatsr ImprovementD Artlale 16, Seotion 40, OS our State Oonrtitution,pro- hibltm the holding by one pareon of more than mm civil offlaa of Honorable CrrilleRullingtoa,page 2 eioluaent,vlth aertala exaeptlonsnot rpplioablehere. Renchof the po8ltloar held by you la, vii&out doubt, a civil o??lae. The aon8titutionalprovirion,hovever, ir not dire&ad to the holding of tuo eivll o??loer,but to the hold- ing of two civil office8 of emolument. 'The Con8titutionlpplle8 only to o??laer of emolrnent. Uolwnt luuu e paoulllq profit, gal&or advautage~hence the 8ame perrau mar hold two civil 0rri0e8 where no pay, compaa8atlonor peeunlary gala attaeEe8 to one of thea, provided they are net in- oompatlblr." Am a Member of tha Board of Mreotorr of the Wlohlte County Water ImprovementM8triot Ro. 1 you hold a ol~il offloe or e8iolument.See OUE Opinion Ro. O-2&, hento attached. Row- ever, aa a Rember of the Bow% of Regeatr o? The Ualvsrrlt~ o? Texam, it 18 our oplnlon that you do not, in that pomltlog, hold a air11 o??iae o? emolument. We ?Sad no provlrlon of lrv author- irlng the prymmto? w aowfbn8rtlon,anaper dirbulr or ;;h;Fz, to #ember8 of the Roard o? Regontr of The Unlverrrlty It 18 true, as ~0'0~ rtate In Tour Utter, Uut the Re- genta of-the Dnlverritf of Text are entitled to be relmburred for the expenmea which they inaur in the dlrchage of the dutlec o? their offloe8, but Ireinburremeatfor expensea doe8 not, in our oplnlon, ooxutitute the oifioe sue a? emofuaent,Sor In mew ro- lmburrementfor expenrer there 28 Involved no peeoniary proiit, grim, or advantage to the offleer. You are advlred, therefore, that In our opinion the oonrtltutioaalinoompatlblllt~dealued by Artlale 16, 8eotion 40, with refereaoe to olril offfaer of emolwnent,doe8 not exirt under the $irouwtmaes involved in your in uirj, aad therofon, 8 of tha civil ofiise o? Re3b.Y of the Roard o? 4&$wm%~ ntvereity of Texan, 7ou have not, uader Artlole 16, Se&ion 40, of the State Coa8titution,vaaatsd rour ofTLoo a8 leabcr o: the Water Improvenat Metrlot. Aclde from the ooaetitutloaaliah%bltioa involved in the Seotlon above mentlcned, thePe i8, of eQur8e, the Question of eopon law inaompatibllity. We do not belleve, however, that BQnorablo orvOlonullington,pago3 the dutler of the80 rerpaetlve OfffeeS are ruoh u to rendor the holding of the one Snmmpatlble tith the holding of the other. Ia our opinion, the tvo OfffOeS are entirely unrelated and in a0 rerpeat do the dutler of the one offioe oonillot tith the lxerolre OS the duties o? the other. A. W. Fafnhfld A8#lmtmt RWadb APPR~VECMAY23, 1941