HonorableRalph Logan CountyAttorney Ton Oreen County San Angelo,Texan Dear Sir: OpinionNo. O-3446 Re: Qual.iflcatlonr of perronm entitledto vote for county schooltrusteea. We receivedyour letter dated April 23, 1941, requestingour opin- ion on the followingquestion: Are the qualifiedvoters of the San Angelo Independent SchoolDistrictproper electorsto vote for a member of the CountyBoard electedfrom PrecinctOne a? Tom Green County? We appreciateyour opinionand analysisof the questioninvolved which you submittedwith your request. You state in your letterthat the City of San Angelo lien wholly within PrecinctOne. Article2676, Vernon'sAnnotatedCivil Statutes,reads, in part, a* follows: "The generalmanagementand controlof the public free schoolsand high schoolsin each county,unless otherwisepro- vided by law shallbe vested in five (5) county echo01trustees electedfrom the county,one of whom shallbe electedfrom the countyat large by the qualifiedvoters of the cormton and con- solidatedindependentschooldistrictsof the county,and one from each Commissioners'Precinctby the qual.iffed voters of Commissioners' Precinct,who shall hold offfce for a term of two years. . -" (Underscoring ours) We held in our opinionNo. O-3235 "that all qualifiedvoters of the Commissioners' Precinctsof the countymay vote for the countyschooltrustee from their respectiveprecinctswithoutreferenceto whether such votersre- side in commonor independentschooldistrictsof whatsoevernature." We wish to point out, however,that this rule is not applicableto the trueteewho is electedby the countyat large. HonorableRalph Logan,Page 2 (0-3446) You are advisedthat all of the qualifiedvoters of Commissioners~ PrecinctEo. One, which includesthe San Angelo IndependentSchoolDistrict, are proper electorsto vote for a member of the County SchoolBoard elected from PrecinctOne of Tom Green County. We enclosecopieeof our opinionsHoe. O-3235 and 0-2066wherein the questionla more fully diecursed. Yourn very truly APPROVEDMAY 7, 1941 ATiXBEEYGEEEBALOFTEEAS /6/ Grover Seller-8 By /6/ Lee Shoptaw FIRST ASSISTAET Lee Shoptaw All'OBEEYGElVEBAL ABBistsnt LS:lh:lm 2 enc. APPROVED OPIEIOE COMMITTEE BY /e/ BWB CHAlRMAa