- I. ;.. e a.‘. . OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN EOon.T'.LI.Trimble L First Ascistant State Superintendent Austin, Term Dear Sir* . Gpinion Wo. O-3422 Be: Spearman Independent school District and the laws governing Its operation. In your letter of A&l 16, 1941, you request our c;inion in response to a number of questions concern- ing tbe Spesrman Independent School Distrfct, oreatad by sseclal act of the Legislature In June.,1920.. H. B. 7C, Ch. 73, p. 226, Special Laws of Texas, 3rd Called Session, 36th Legislature, Your first question is: . *Can the Spearman Independent School Dis- trict change over'and operate under the general laws of the State.oS Texas? If so, 'whatsteps would be necessary? Ke hatie no ztatutes direotly authorizing such a Vhange over*ias you'mcntloa. Article 2767, Revised Civil .. Statutes, provides a method for abolishing independent sohool districts,.those created by special acts as well as those organized under the general laws. Articles 27678 to 2767f, inclusive, should be considered in conneotion sith any such move. If-the Spearman Independ.entSchool District v.'as crested out of territory containing two or more coxnon school districts, then, ff the rAstrict -:houldbe abolished, . .the c&non school districts w-.uldresume their prior status,' under Article 2767f. Otherwise, upon abolishment of the District, its territory would be subjeot to formation into a new district or districts, common or independent, or nnnexa:i:.nto other aistricts, depending upon facts and circt+mstencesof which we are not advised. Y. i . .,- Eonorable T. ir.Trlmble, l?aago . 2 2. since your second question depended upon an effird=tiveanswer to your first question it need not be nOt'oc%. Your third question reads: "Can the Speerman Independent School - . District operate partly under the general. law and partly under the special law'?" As a general proposlti:Jnthe District must oper- ete under the terms of the special aot creating it. Smith vs. L!ortonIndependentschool District, 85 S. w. (2%) 853. .??oviever, certain lavasof a general nature have.been enacted since the District was oreated whlch,apply to it. Year question is answered affirmativelyIn this way: It must operate under the special law creating it, as well as in accordanoe with applicable general laws. Y&r fourth question is: Van the beard of trustees of the Spearman IndependentSchool District levy an amount in ex- cess of 25 cents on the hundred dqllars valuation for *sinkingfund’ purposes when speolticallyre- strloted to.25 cents for such purposes under the .. speolal act by whioh the 61striot was created?" Sections 17, 19 Andy21 of said X.:B. 7G, '3rdCall- ed Session, 36th Legislature, read:. ..V80.47.' The boera of trustees or the Spearmnti.Ind8pendentSchool District is here- by authorized to i&sue bonds and borrow money OT.the credit of said district ror the pur- poses set forth and in the manner prescribed by the general laws of the State as .now or hereaf$er existing, pertainin& to independent school districts; and they shall expand such moneys when oolleoted, or any..partof same in the manner and for the purposes set forth in the $eneral laws of the State, as now or here- . after existing, governing Independent school ;> a4str1,0ts* -. ?. -. -_ . . . Eonarable i. 3E.Trlmble, Fag6 3 i. 3ec. 19. The board of trustees of said Spcarman IndependentSchool District shall have the pa-werto levy and CO lect.an annual ad val- orcm tax, not to exceed the Constltutlcnallimit as Is now or hereafter may be adopted, for th3 ralntenance of the schools therein, and a tax not to exceed twenty-five oents on the one.hun- dred dollars valuafi0n 0n such taxable property for the purchase or sites and for purchaslnS, constructing,repairing, and equipginS public fre4 school bullaln~s within the limits of sda district; provided that the amount of mainten- ance tax, togetherwith the amount of bond tax, shall never exceed the Constituticnallimit as Is n0w or hereafter may,be adopted. "Sec. ?:. The provisions of this Act shall be cumulative of all Scneral laws.now In force, or to be hereinafterenacted, governing indgpend- ent school district, their ?Snner of creating debts, levying and collectin: taxes, axcegt when the same ia in confllot with the provisions of this Act." At the the said Rouse Bill was enacted the con-, stitutlonaL limitationwas fifty centson~the one hundred dollars valuaticn for oombined malntenanoe and building Ftirposes.Arti 7, Se0.2. HOWeVer, on November 2, 1920, the people of Texas amended such section of the Constitu- tion raising such limitation to one dill~aron the hundred aollers valuation. And, in 1921, the Legislature enacted into lew Ii.B. 118, Ch. 24, 0. 50, Gen. Laws, 37th LegIS- lature, enabling school distriots,.lnoludi-g.independent districts create4 by special lavr(Sec. 13), to take advan- tage of the constituti nal.amendmentof November, 1920. See Articles 27&4 to 2796, Revfsed Civil Statutes. said Article 2764 now prescribes the taxing +dtstiozz on this Eistrict. Your fburth question is therefore answered In the affirmative. However, your attention is call@% to subdivision4 of Article 2784, requiring the consent of the voters to any such increase. The seventh qu0stion'submitted'byyou roads: : . "Does Section 17 Sovern ln.the natter of the amount that may be leVi8d for buildings, eto., or ',;this gOV8Tn8d by the 25 oent l%mitation in Sec., ?" 2 .. . r - . .I Zonorabl8 2. zd.Trimble, Fag8 4 i. Ghat yieh3ve said in answer to the fourth ques- tion indicates the answer to this one. The District may proceed under Section 17, bound by the lim1tatlocs set forth In Article 2784, and disreEar%ing the twenty five cent limitationfound in Section 19 of the Speolal act. The fifth interrogationiXiUd8S two questions, re3ding: "%XIr8 the board Of equalization COnsists entirely of members of the School Board, which can be done under the provisibns of the act ore- atins said district, are the acts of such board of 8qualizatlOnvalid? If a member OS the bosra other than the uresident Dresideo over the board Of equallzation~would'th; acts of such board of equslizat$onbe binding?” .'Section~8.of. said FIou68'Bi1170 reads: "After every annual assecment bf the proper- tY of said aistrlot for taxation, as herein provia- ea, the board of, trustees shall appoint either of their 0~::members or ?ther suitable persons vihose duty it .&all be to act as a.boara of equalization, which said board of.equallzatlonshall be composed of three members and-shall make and subscribe to an , oath~a&dnist8red by the pr8Sfd8nt or SeCr6tary Of th8 bO3rd Of trustees, or by eny officer authorized to administer'oaths,that they will faithfully and impartially6qualiz.ethe accessed value of the ?ro- perty of the district to the best of their skill and ability; and it is furthe:,providedthet the prese- dent of the boerd of trustees shal be ex-officio member and chairmen of the board of equalizetlon, and said board of equalization shall hove 311 the power and authority now c cnferred by law upon com- ., missioners courts, when sitting as a board of equal- ization in firing property values, and shall b8 governed by the law applying to commissionerscourts when sitting as 3 board of equalization,as to notice and hearins on raises of property value." Vhlle the trustees of an independent distrlot Organized Und6r general laws may not appoint themselves to serve as the board of equall~ation (St. Louis S.X. hy. Co. EoonorableT.X. Trlcble , Pa@ 5 -.. VS. Xaples Ind. Sch. Dlst. 30 S. 'VZ. (2d) 703), it Is ex- pressly provided in Seotion 8 that the trustees of the Speaxsn Dlstrlot xcayap olnt the EqualizctionBoard from their own number. The provision in Article 2791, Revised Civil Statutes, to the effect that when an independent a district has Its own assessor the assessment is to be equalized "by a board of equalize ion ap?o?nted by the board'ol trustees"was Inserted by an anendment to the stctute in 1923. It is a general provision and no inten- tion to repeal Section S of said H. B. 70 Is manifest. The rlrst or the two questions lsgediately above is answered in the arrlrmative. Xe do not feel like attempting to give a categorloalanswer to the second'of these questions which would be applicablaln all 08886, regardless of surrounding facts and~oiroumtances. Ye would observe that the presl- dent of the board should and.vrehave no doubt does and will continue to strictly: ollon the.statute in this respect, thus eliminating this q:lestion. '. The sixth question is: Where the board of'equalization is to oon- s&St or others than members or the board or trustees of such sohool, how many suuh persons should be appointed to such board of equalizationand must the President of the Board of Trustees serve as Chalrr+anof'the board or equalization?* our interpretationof~Section 8 is that such a board as that mentioned in this question should be composed of the president of the sohool board as ohalman and three appointed aembers.~ Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENEP& OF TEXAS By ..-.'s/ C&l C. Cax&k Assistant CCC:lh APPROVED: OPIMGB C:‘LlXITTEE AP?ROVED APR SO,1941 . BY BWB Chairman 9/ Glenn R. Lewis ACTING ATTORRXY GENEAL OF TEXAS _ .