DocketNumber: O-3416
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
G 0 The State of Texas P Y OFFIOE OF '&E ATl!Oi?XW GlTSFSALOF %7EX&8 AlaRtin .Gtwal& c. Llann P.ttorneyC8ne-ral Honorable %orge P. Htison County Attorne:o.v Sonm Comtg hmon, Texas Dcaj*Sir : .~ : i.. .~_ : _.. :.. .. .. .._, :’ . -. ; ‘. ...’ : Dow the oounty eurveyor beoaae entItled tO~?sw or ewat1Qxlfor oapgiling. ~XL notollfor tlq .fmmlta-~ &lonsrs*.a- wer ** -:-., : fast& rtakido' Your recezitrequest for nr opinion of this ae- yrtment on the above stated gusstl6n ,hssbeen rboelml. ,.,. ~., .j ~, We quote frcm your letter as follows: -Dow the Count; Surveyof:be&ma entitled .to few or oompeG~tlQu fQr oon@.lng field nderi for the oonndsslonersoourt? tithe instant 0180 theCounty Surveyor oompllsd field nobee~taaaon- the bonntlariecr.of. tiolidatiia@ the l&lwa.y- Sohtml Dlhrl~t #2l andMb~fiars Soho J’Ji8t;rlot #loo into one oaablneackawoilsdlool Metrlot, and nuw, ha presents the comissioners oourt with ablllforsaiaserrlow. ‘Wnder Artidle 5283 R. C. Sh the 0-3 faunlohodthe surveyor an affioo~in the oour6 house and pays his utilitiesfor ~saldofflas. Ilhder Art. 3944 R. C. 5. the mmty aamos- ' or lrr~entitledto oertoin fees for seai rem- aerea, but Is he entitled to such tees irokathe county comlsslonarz court for the ahwe mention- & typo of work, or other work done for them. Eonorable (;eorgeP. Iiu&wn, &age .2 r: "It,appqareto me that he gives t&e ooqntp i nothing in return for office and benefit6 glwm him by the cmnty, but wants to oharGe onuntya ~tea for all vsorkdone for it. T cannot find any further law on t?& point ad the Lou&y Zudge :;ouidlike an opinion on the above questIonsrromyour departmnt." The statutes (&ticle 5283 to 5298) proTIde for .. t!:eelection ,of 9 CaUltg surveyor ii: ea'chcounty and specl- f:-.$l;~ .dutics 0" th``~inouq&ent~.o~t:iis:opi~ce, Zt~.l.sstate<.: .: :.:,:. ‘.. Y..- ., ~.~',trs6...ctasat.'iiP::``:ba..~..:``~;l'~.Tcr;-,.:3j``:-~."~.~: "::.‘," ow 'kt-&li&t k&tory thk'dtitim df these. offlcern hay&bean, to a considerable extent, under the aireotlon of the Cam- missioner of the General iand Offloe,and'the.~orkin tha fiald ha8 genomlly been dono by the degutlearn~ ” Ccma%y~&ur- ~. ‘.* veyora, .undh, the abcm ~me&igned-at&u OS, .:are reqe:.%o keep records of 'surveya,oertifted$ be IntroOuceU In eVl&ms In legel,@woeedlagst The mrveyor must plot all anrveysupon the 9~p of his Ooiu!tyam3 trenemlt sketdaeg ana flela notw,thereot to the Lqml Wmlsaioner. 30 zap is free to public Inspection. A.ff&J.ure .,w.the,part of the county surveyor to aorreat 6iiaretUn. field notea la punishableas en offense. The fees that may be reoelvod by a county surmyor'hare been fixed by statute, omtlalf3539L.4 and 5280.) Texw Juti~enoe, Volume 34~,pages 42-3. After a. o+reful~seamh of the Statuteawo have been unable to find any statute leskingit the duty of the oounty aurvo or to oomg@e the above mentioned field notes. lyeltherdp54 e.~,etatutw foes for .oountymrreyara jtrovltllng lroride fees ,Soreuah sarvloes as above gnentloned.It ratlet go kept in FL&IOthat.atatutespr8S&.bing fees for pub110 ofrlcers are strletly oon&rued~ and henoe a right to feea may.not rest in $@.ioatlon. HoCalla V. City of R0Uklale, 2.46S. is+654. &I ortloermay pot olalm or reqeln, any mm&y tithoqt a l&w authorit- him to do so, and olslirlgfA%lng the amount to~whloh he is entitled. (Texas ~h&qu't@enue, Volume 34, page 521r km& authwitles olted thereLri.l ,Aa there la no duty imposeC upon the oounty sur- veyor to compile the above !nentionedtlelclnotes and no fee prcvl.dM! for such services, r~epectiullp answer the above VI:" Eoncrable George P. fiudson, slgs 3 stated questionas tollowsr Artloles 27&ana 27J$, Ve+&*s .AnnotntedCitil Statutes require the oomlssloners~ oourt to ~ivc the ,luteeand bounds of each oomon sohool dietriot and desl(pate the 8am carefullyby g1vd.n~the whole surveys and Terts oi surveyswith acreage of whole surveys and ap- prmimte acreage of parts of surveys in each district, end the county tier‘-is required to carefully reoord the aape. Xoaever, as above stated there is no duty imposed upon the cmhtg scr-eyortq co@le said field notes and there is no statutory fee provided for suchservices x!lenreriomed by beoause or his orfloiel ohamotsr, he ataM as deny non- orriclal persons, ana what they may lawfully do he may do, e?d cofitraqtsthey may make and enforce he may make and +A- force. (Morrisv. Pasling,15 S. W. 227
) If the t%u&ssloners* Court requested the aounty surveyor to ye-form WiWabovs men- tioned sex-does, and he performed them, he is entitleU to a reasonablecompensationror the Bane, and oan reeooverfor suohservlaes perronred onrsquaatorths oo&eslonsrs' oourt. Trusting that the romgoingray anfswerii your In- quiry, we ax-8 YguLg‘qv tntly ATTOBNYI G!YEEAl;OF TEXAS By/s/ @dell W%.lLSa# Ard4ll.~liUalM AWLM Aesistaut