. .1 ‘*, 06FlCE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Q-C.- -OR- ” Honorable char. Y. Castnac,~chlof Rleemos~ Dlrfrion state Board of Control Aurtln, Texas \ \ Oplnloa - Rer Da a delinmw’tc din stats 8oh001 &II ed la the lest pet 2338, R. and In Opinion Ro. O-2746,tbia department held that the Board of Control ham aumaary authopltp to effaat a transfer of inmates from the jumenile training aohools to other proper elee- morynary institutionswhen sucrhinmates are iouad to be feeble minded, epileptla of insane. The oonoluslonvns predloated upon the provlslon of Seotlon 4 of Arttiole5143a, Vernon’s Annotated (llrllStatutes, OOnt8ined in the folloving rentenw of th@ rtat- uteI 838 Eonorable Char. W. Caatnor, ?qe 2 a* 6 6. lrQper8on&allbe 0Qtmlttod to olther lohool who 18 feeble minded, eplleptla atiln8an0, but ii 80 ooamlttd the State Board of Cantcol 8hall ham the euthorLtJ to imedieto- ly tr a n~f~rthe*tlJ proper llwmo 8y Minmtltu- r y tion. . . The provl~ion va8 held aonatltutlonalupon the thaorp that, a ahlld having onoe bun judlalallydeetired a 'delinquent ohlld' by due prooe88 of lav, it become8 a ward ot the State and the State'arswr the porltlon of mn8 patriae. In ouch a oapaolty a8 la pointed out ln our i.nlanlo. O-2746, the State may plaoe a minor oommitted to a ntats juvdnlle training 8ohool in the proper eleemoryna~ ln8tltutlon in hi8 ovn intersrt,ln order that ruoh minor map reaelve better treatPent,sndaarei R0Y.rthe1.88,the ohlld under rueh oLmlm8tanaer f.8 the uard Of the stat., and the atate oaellpie8the po8ltloa of paren pataloe sole17 becaure of the adjudleaziono? the trlal~ court that ah ohlld 18 a 'd~l.inqueskt ohlld and found to be such under & provl8lonm of Title 16 OS th@'Code of'Crbninal Proaedure, titloles 1083 to 1093, lnolu8i~0, and Title 43 Ar- tic188 2329 to 2338, laolurloe, Revlred Civil Bt8tuter o? Texerr. And the latter pert of Artlale 2338 a&err 8 oontlnuous jurlcl- diotlon over the person of the juvealle thur oomm.ltteiiI upon the trial oourt, regardlsraof vharo ruoh child say be, if there by virtue at 8uch oonraltmerit.Bze lpplloable language of suah AT- title read8 a8 followrt *a l #* T h e o r der or th e o o u r t c o lmlttlng much ohild ta the aare and cwtodj of 8ny psrson 8hall pre8ariM the length aftlae and the oon- ditlona of awh aommltmmnt. Suah order 8hal.l Under thm Qlr~hanC6~, it 18 our oplnlon that the above quoted langusge vould aontrol, derplte the Provir~on8 of Aptlole 3236, Revieed Civil Statuter of Texan. Such artiole~18 here quotedt 839 1 Bonorable Cham. ti.Ca5tner, Page 3 I t "All per8ons oomltted or admitted to said institution (Austin State School) shall remain in it6 cuatoag a3 perwnent uards al z:hetate until released by the management . The muporint~ndentand Board may in their discretion and subject to rovoca- tlon at any time, parole any such person In the auatody of parent or guardian for an indefinite pcrlod. lbtloe 31 all pmolss of longer duration thsn thirty darn shall be sent by the superintendenton the date of the parole to the coamltt OoUPt." (Parentheticalinaartion oum. It is apparent that thin statute would apply to all patients aommltted to the Austin State School am auah, in ao- oordaace vlth the procedure outlined in Tltle 59, Artlelea 3867- 3871, Revised Civil StOtUtbS. We do not ngwe that it applies to a dsllnquent ohlld transferredto the Austin Stste Sohool by the Board of Control from either the Oatesvllle State Sahool for Boya or the Oelnesvllle 3tate School for Olrla. We thereforer%e~ectfullyadvieo that In our opinion your question should be anaverod in th6 efflrmatlve. Yours very truly ATTi)RNdYGIWZRAL ASSiStNit BWrRS