OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. %I. J. Lavaon Seoretary or State hrtin, Texas n Richardron oducte berore Dear Sir: an e!nendmen~ inereaalng the authorized capital stook to iS,OOO,OOO.OO for wh-llchthe correct g2.60 filing fee har been paid thie Department. “Ths amendment anpears fc be in the pmper form, but its rtook is divided into two olaeser -- 100,000 ehsree of coszon etook and 25,000 eharen or preferred ntook. noth oommon and preferred are voting etook and both olagsea of stook reoeire dirldendn not to exceed 8% per ennua, the only , 811 Bon. Wm. J. tareon, Page 2 difterenoe between the ooimnon and preferred @took Ir that the preferred may be redeemed or retired upon EO days notloe end that It shall be prererred an to 'amset and the dlrldendr oumuletlve'. 'Tha plan of operation is to eel1 the oommon rtook to producers, but the preferred stock nay be Bold to non-uroduoers. So far 86 we know, thlr im the rlrst time the cucstlon hsr erlsen a6 to preferred stock having the rlght to vote end being rold to non-producerl. 'booordlng to Article 6743 of the Revised CIvIl Statutes, xeabers of the oorporatlon or common stook- holders must be prod~ucers. ~rtlole 5750, hoverer, provide6 'any e6socIatIon oresnlced vlth stock under thi6 law EAJI 16eue preferred stock with or wlthout the rlght to vote'. “The ouestton In this connection la whether, when the preferred stock ha6 the right to vote, ltr owner6 are therefore member6 of the corporation and murt be prOdUOOr6, or whether being preferred Itook- holderr ther need not be produoere. ‘8inoe the pmjeot 16 the large63 one to be 6ub- lltted to thi6 Eecartaent under the Cooperative &rk6tlng bOt, we requeet an opinion rrom your Depart- ment on this point berore the charter mendsnent la approved. The ChArter amendment 16 attached hereto for your OOn6ideratlOn." Article 5743, Vernon's Annotated civil Statute8 reeds a@ ro11orr: ‘(A) Under the term6 and conditions WescrIbed ill it6 by-laws, en aaeoclation may admit an members, or is6ua aomaon 8took, only to persona engaged in the production of the agricultural products to be handled by or through the eesociatIon, lnoludlng the lealeer and tenant6 of land U66d for the pro- duotlon of 6Uch pmduots and any lessors end land Ownere who receive a6 rent art of the croo raised On the leared preaI6e6. (by xi a member of a non- 6took a68oolatlon b6 other than a natural pereon, I 812 Hon. Wm. J. Lawson, Peg0 3 suoh member may be presented by any lndlvldual, assoolate orrloer or member thereor, duly author- ised in wrItlng. (01 Any aeeooletion es derlned In Artlole 5738 (01 may beooao A member cr 6tock- holder of any other .a66ociAtion or as6ooietlons organized hereunder.' Article 5744, Vernon's Annotated civil Statutes, provldes In part as roilowrt I . ff organized with cacltel stock the amount'oi suoh oaoltal 6tock end the number'oi rhare6 Into whloh'lt 16 divided end the par value thereor. The capital 6took may be divided into preferred And common #took. If 60 divided the Artioles of Inoorporation must oontain a state- ment of the number of shares of etock to whloh preference Is granted and the number of 6hares of stooli to whloh no preferenoe 18 granted and nature and extent of the preferenoe und prlvl- lege6 granted to eaoh. . .* Artiole 6750, Vernon's Annotated Clvll Statutes provides ln part: 0 . Any as6ooLation organized with stook, under ih;s law, may 186U6 preferred stock, with or without the right to vote...' Article 6720, Vernon's Annotated Clvll Statutes among other things provldesr '(1) That no mdxber of the aesooletlon 16 tiloded more than one vote beoauee Of the amount of 6t:ok or membership OapitAl he sey own ther6ln . . . It 16 apparent that under Article 6743, eupra, oom- aon rtook can be 166ued only to pereons enyased in the pro- duction of agrioulturel products to be hAndled by or through the arsoulation, eto. ~onsldtrlne Articles5744 end 5750, muera, together, it 1% evident that oomDanlt6 or acsooldtlsne organ- Ired under the 'Cooperative l.;ar'ketIng Aot* may Iscue preferred Stook, rlth or ulti-.Dutthe rlght to vote. It will be noted . Bon. Urn. J. Lawon, P*gr 4 , that thr ?&operative ~brketing hot’ does nOti rcqulrs the ouners of preferred stock in assoolatlone or convsnlelr orgsnlsad under the aot to be produoers or enrage in the produotlon of aqrioultural vroducte ta be handled by or through the aeroaiatlon or company. At, as above etated muah aesoolstlona or companlee may :seue Drererred 8took, wlth or without the rlghf! to vote. The charter amend- ment o? the I”smere and "On.9umcrs Con&any reads In part am follows: #Said rharea are to be dlvlded into two (2) claeses, to-wit: Ccmson and iref erred, of which l.gO,otJOBharclr shall be common and 25,000 &ares ahall be preferred. Lath holder of oomson stock bnd each holder of preferred stock #hall be allowed one vote regadlsse of the amount of stock owned by such ehare holder. . .” In view of the foregolnp statute, the Farmers and Concrumerr Comoany may lesue preferred etoak with or without the right to vote, but It 1s act?arent from the above quoted portion of the charter amendment that the bolderr of the preferred stook are allowed to rote. l’here- fore, the above stated question la respcatfully answered in the negative. Trusting that the foregoing fully anewere your inquiry, we are Yours very truly, x1 / 1 ATTORNEY‘XHEFUL OF TFXAB FIR ;T AS’SIS”ANT ATTC)HMEY G%W.AL Ardell Yilllams Asslatant Aullh