DocketNumber: O-3369
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Melvin Comb8 County Attorney Jefferron County Beaumont, Texar Attentions Hr. Earl Black Dear Sir: eosive la addition to .oo ralary of ohhi he 4200.00 additional tlon provided under Art. eatlon provided under Artiole 3902, See. 5, B.C.S., 1925, vhloh har been alloved by the Cotiraionerr court. “Mr. Land ha8 been a deputr In that otfloe for eight oontinuou8 yeam.” The offioial 1940 oenaus ehovr that the population of Jefferson Count.7 la 145,329. morablr Melvin Comba, page 2 seotlon 5 of Artlole 3902, Vernonta Annotbtsd Civil atutaa, ia applioable to Jefferson County, Texaa, and rmda 1 f0110Y8l ‘5. In oountiea having a po ulatlon of one I hundred thouahnd and one (100,001 T and not more than one hundred aad fifty thourand (150,000) In- habitanta, flrat a8818tant or aNet deputy not to cxoeed Tventy-mix Hundrsd (#2600.00) Dollar8 per (Undsr8oorIng ours Xnaaauoh am the &ted rootion of the statute expreaa- lirlta the oompanaatl~n vNoh may be alloved the firat &aria- ;:z thief deputy to not to exoeed Tventy-air Rundrod (~2600.00) and does not expressly mention the firat a8818tant or lef di uty a8 being entitled to ho additional Tvo Hundred 200.00 P Dollara upon oertaln conditiona, auoh offloera vould entltlod to auoh additional Tvo Hundred ($200.00) Dollar8 only It can be determined that by the underaoored part of the atat- e the Leglalsture Intended to alloy auoh additional oompsnaa- on to every head of a department vlth tvo yeara oi contlnuoua evioua arrvioe Irreapeotlvs of vhether he la the firat aaaia- 2t or oNef deputy or not. Ve have been unable to find eny Taxsa oaae defining thr ra “head8 of dep.artnonta’ aa used in the statute under oonaid- The term appeara to have been firat uaed b the Laglo- %?{ln oonneotion vlth the oompena&Ion of deput I ea ad 3latrata of dirtriot, county and prec?! *?t ofiicwa) In 1913 an tha Leglalatura amended Artlole 39J: oi’ La Revlaed Civil atutor of 1911. (39th Leglalature, Act8 of 1913, Ch. 121, 2.) Artlole 3903, Ravlaed Civil Statutes, 1911, provided, part, ar r0ii0v8t norable Melvin Comb*, Pago 3 . The maxImumamount alloved for depu- ti48 &‘a~#~#tMt# iOr their 84rViO48 shall be am ?011OVS, to-VitI ‘?irSt ~88:8t.Dt OF Ohi.? d. a mumnot to exoeed a rata of Tvelre ( Dollhr8 per anmaa, others not to exceed a rate of Iline Bundred ($900) DOllUS per 8``88.~ In 1913, Bald Art1014 vaa amended (33rd Ldgialature, ;I 1913, Oh. ial), t0 road a8 ?OiiOV8l "The maxImum&mount alloved for deputI.8 or a88i8tbLlt8 for their 88~1~00 shall. be AS fO11Ov8, ‘?irSt a##:#tMt OX’oh:.? d#pUty & SUP ``~%'axoeed a rate of Elghtoen Hundred {$1800) Dollarr per aunumj he&la o? dOD~tmMt8, a mumnot to exceed FiftSM Bundrsd (6150 ) Doll Othar8 not t0 axoeed a rat4 Of &4lVS ii&.% K%) Dollars per annum.' Said Al’tiOl. 3 03,.R.V18.4 CiTil StatUt.8, 1911, Va8 thsr amended in 1913 3rd Leglalat~., oh. 142), In 1917 :h Lsglrlatur., oh. , In lg2C (36th L+alature, rd Crlled sIon, oh, 32), and In 921 (37th bgiSlAtUF4, oh. g63 . By 30 amendments the tngi8~atk~r ret up net population braok8t8 underlach braoket, lx o o pth4 t lOV48t, alloved the oNei lty or first bC8i8tMt ?hr.O Bundr.6 %11-S (4300.00) aOX' 1 the *heads of eaoh department,' and the heads of eaoh de- :ment Thr88 Bundred D~llara (+300.00) more than 'other depu- ! and b88i8t~t8.m In 1925 (39th bgiSl8tW4, oh. 52), Artlol. 3903, Re- :d Clvll Statutes, 1911, vaa again mended and here, for the !t tlm., th. Legislature defined the term 'head o$ department' :rovIdlng am ?0110v#t %ov1&e&, that no head a? a department 8hall be oreated sxoept vhore the prraon 8ought to bo ap- pointed la to be In aotual oharge thereof, vlth d.pu- ti.8 or ~88i8tMt8 under hi8 #Up.rV:8:0ll, OC A depart- ment approved by tha oourt and only in OffiO48 oapable of a bona fide #ubdlvI#iOn intO departments.’ 70 th. present time, this remains am tha only ~glala- deflnltlon of head8 of dephrtaenta. (344 Seotlon 4a of sl. 3902, V8rnon~8 Rool8ad Civil Statute..) Bonorable W.1ri.n Comb@, page 4 fn 1929, htiOl4 3902 VA8 again aawnded (Act8 1929, 418t Legialatum, Flrrt C.g., pg 225, oh. 92), the material part reading am ?ollov81 “Provided, that In cOUnti having a popula- tion in 4~0.88 of US,000 inhAbitanta, the maxImum oompen8atlon that may be alloved auoh bbpUti48 or A88i8tbllt8 iOr their 88?V1O.8 OhA be AS ?OiiOV8, to-Tit I ‘FIRS? W818TNlS OR CEIE? DRPUTY,not to ex- oeed ~3000.00 per rrraumj provided the CommIaaIonera~ Court may lnorea8e arid mount not to 4xo44d 43300.00 per annum, vhere a n400881ty thereof 18 ahovn md vh8re the person to be appointed ham been preiloualy the head of A department for not 1.88 than on. y#W or ha8 been in the oontInuOu8 SOWlOO of the County for a period 0s not lear thaa tvo your. %bdS O? kpUtD.ZItS luy be allo~.d by the Court, vhen in their )d.pant auoh 6ro n40488ary; not to ex- 0046 ~2700.00 par annum, vhen ruoh Ho868 0s Dsput- menta sought to be appointed shall have prorioualy sorted the county for not 1488 than tvo oonttnuoua y.tWS. Othrr Reads o? Dapartaenta -11 reoel?e not to exoeed #?bO.OO per anmm~ provided that no Bead of a Department shall b. Oraat8d lx o epvhere t the person sought to be appolnted is to be in AOtUl oharge thbr.O?, vlth tipUti.8 Or ~88i8t~t8 IlKid.r hi8 SUpbP- vial&n, or a brpartaent approvedby the Court and only In O?fiO48 oapsble of a bona ii64 8ubdIrIrIon tito de- partaente. *DZPUTIEll OR AS8ISTMT8 otherthan those above provided for may be alloved, the number to be deter- mined by the COlld88iOll.r8’ COUFt, Md th8ir Stilri88 baaed a8 fU a8 po88ibl. on a gMduat4 SOal. aooord- ag to 84rf104, ability hnd qualI?Ioatlon, Fifty per oent of the number 80 appointed may be authorlred at a rate not to 8x0846 $2500.00per annum,prorlded, auoh rate shall be allovod otiy to beput in mar- vi08 for tro years or mora and 811 other 80 appointed at a rate not t0 8X0886 )2100.00 p4r BMuI.' The legIalatIve history of the statute ti qu**tion thu* rw, therefore, olearly indiOat88 that the Legislature Intended Honorable Ie1v.k.n Coab8, page 5 to dlrld. d.putl.8 md 888:8t.8llt# into three &iStiXiOt group* and to ooapenaate tlIIaon thr bar;! of the gray-thft thoy~ vere In. The hIghOSt paid gFOUp, VA8 the ?iFSt 888l8t`` Or Ohio? deputy; the 8800n6, heads of d.pkrtB.nt#J the third, other b88i8t~t8 OX' d.puti.8. A88umIrig that 4 aNet deputy or firat 888i8tMt may be a head Of a department, vhiob 18 A qU48tiOn not SubmItted and therefore not ruled on by us in this Opinion, he vould n4verth4l488 be lirlted to the wxlmurr alloved Ohio? d.pUti.8 Or first b88i8tMt8, Vhil. thf8 i8 0l.u ?FOB the plain language of th. statute through the amendment O? 1929, a more 8erIou8 question ar18.8 oa this point by th8 mblquou8 language used in the amendment to Artlole 3902, in 1933. The 43rd Lsglal~ture, Aota 1933, p* 734, -.nd*d that part or ~t101. 3902 here lavo1v.6, to read a* ?oUov*t ‘5. In oOuIlti88 havlng a po ulation Of On4 hundred thowaud and one (100,001 P md not aor than one hundred ?l?ty thourand (l~,OOO) Uiabl- tWit.J tir#t ~88~8tUlt or Chief hputy not t0 8XOe.d TVenty-ah Enndr.6 ()2600.00) &11U'S per m-1 other a88i8tMt8, dOpUt or o1erk8 not to lx o eo d Tventy-thrae R u n& r ed ((2300.00) DCllhr# per annum eaoh. '6. In OOUIlti88 hbtillg a opdlatloll Of On4 hundred ?l?ty thousand aad on. PlfjO,OOl) or more lnhbbitanta; ?irSt ~##i#tUit or Chief mputy not to exoeed Three thoUaM& (43000.00) D011uS per M- LlUEj 0th.I' b88i8tMt8, d.putl.8 Or 014rkS DOt t0 .xoeed Tventy-four Run&ad (&2400.00) -11US rash, 4XOSpt AS Oth.l’Vi8. provided in thi8 tit. '?i.sdS of d.partEent# may be alloved by the cOaai88ion4r8' Court, Then in their judgSL4nt Su4h allovable 18 jU8ti?i.d, the I- of T’VO Hundred ((200.00) Dollars per annum Ia addition to the amount hrreinbe- for. luthorl8e6, Then SUOhh.&dS Of dOpbhS8nt8 #Ought t0 be 8.ppOint.d 8hd1 h.ST8 ~4TtOU817 8.rt.d the OOWty or polltloal 8ubdlvi81on thereof for not 1488 than tvo OontinUOua y.WSj prorIded, that no head8 Of dOpart- aOntO Shall be OrSbt86 aXeOpt VhU8 th0 pOr#On #Ought to bo appointed shall bo in aotual ohmgo thsreo?, vlth d.putI.8 02' b88I8t~t8 under hi. #Up.~V:#:i~, or a deputment approved by thr oourt, and orily In 0??1048 oapable Of 4 bona fide SUbdiviSIOn intO de- p~tlS.ntS . 4 Eonorabl."~elrIn Combr, pga 6 It vi11 be noted that In this amendment, the l,eglala- tur. for ths first time provided th a l t h.848 of d.partm.nt8 MJ be alloved . . . th4 SUU Of %fO BUnbred b11~8 D8C .MW# Ln addition to the amount hereinbeforeauthorlred. , .,- in Mao8 r tti dflnlt BAXAE in prior aaendaenta. The am- bOig:ty if thli language pr~e~:ed the qUS#tiOn o? vhrther auoh additional Tvo Hundred Dollar8 rhotid be alloved to a Chief Deputy or First ~##i#t< vhere Such 0ffio.r 18 a80 the head of a department. In r1.v of the 01.u out dl#tinOtiOB betveen the Oh:.? d.pUti.8 Or ?IrSt a88i8tMt8 and ha&d& Of d.pbl’t8Ient8 theretofore 00~8i#t.ntly nrsd. 33 ths &giS~btW. Ln dealing tith th. subj.& for a period Of tV.nty J.bPS, to &r. of the opinion that the Lagl8lature vould harm exprrcqed ItSCl? more olearly if It had int.rid.6 to incrf~d.Such OffiO4rS within the 'pvoBundred ~llara bddltlonal ~hrmo8 vhara they Yore 8180 h4bd8 Of d8pbWS4nt8. fhbt Ohi.? deputI.8 OP ?irSt 888:8tMt# V.r. not OOn- 81der.d by the Legl8latwe a8 entitled to the Too Bun&e& Dol- 1hr8 addItIonal aalbry under the 1aSt paragraphof th. 1933 amendment, quoted aupra, appehrr to be obvious1n88au.h am the var next L4gI8lature (Aota 1935, 44th L4g181rtur4, p. 752, oh. 8ruendrd the relevant put 0s Art1014 3902, to read am %!I,,. t ‘5. l[noountl48 harlng a po 0s one hundred thowaad and one (100,001 and not more than one hundred andrift7 thOU8aXlh(l~,OOO) in- hbbit~t8, ?irSt A##i#t~t OC ChiO? Deputy not to lx o e.6 henty-mix Hundred b11W8 (42600) PO? annum) other lI88:8t~t#, d.putl.8 OC olerk8 not to rxoeed W;;ty-three Sfundrod Dollar8 ($2300.00) per cum- . “6. In oountiaa harm a population 0s 0114 hundred aad ?I?ty thou#rpd and on. (150,001) or more lnhbbItbnt8, FiI'rt ~SiStMt or CNO? D4pUty not to lxoeed Three Thousand DollAr8 (43000) per annum; other b88i8tMt8, d.putI.8 OC Of#rk# IlOt to exoeed ‘her&y-four Iundrad bon-8 ($2400) each, exoept am othsr~i84 prorided In this Aot. “~8868 of d.pbrta.nt# may be alloved by the CoaSIi88iOn8r8 Court, vh4n I.n their jUdgS4nt ruoh allovable i8 jU#t1?146, the #Ill% Of Tvo Run&red bal- 1FDS (4200) per AllXlUBiXl additiOD t0 th8 mOWit Honorable XelvIn Codor Page 7 hsrelnbefore authorized, whether It be chief depu have prevIob8ly 8.rved tiie oounty or-polItIoal 8UbdiVi8IOn thereof for not 1488 then tvo (2) oon- tinUOU8 y.&rS; provided, that no haad of depart- ments #hall be oreated except vhere the person sought to be appointed shall be In aotual oh.nrge thereof, Vith d.pUti.8 or a83i8tMt8 under hi8 aupervIalon, or a department approved by the Court, and only in 0??:048 oapable 0s a bona ride SUbdiVI- #Ion into d.partm.nt#. (Undermooring OUrS) By .X&3re##l~ and clearly 8tbtLng 'vhether it be ahlO? deputy or 88818tant, deputy, olerk or 88818tant,' a Ohio? deputy or ?irSt aealatant undoubtedly vaa entitled to the ?vo Bundred Dollars additional, under Artlol. 3902, am amended by Chapter 327 of the 44th Loglalatur.. Sererd BOdh8 later, hoveter, the same Legi8~atur4 (Aota 1935, 44th Le~alature, Seoond 0.5.. p.17b2 h 4b5) again amended Artiole 3902. This amendment 18 geoilL*S 0s Art1014 3902, applying to ~4??4r8On County, In its present form quot.6 at th8 baginnIng 0s thI8 opinion, It vi11 be noted th&t the lhngunga used In the clause vlth "heads of dephrtmenta in geotlon 5 of ArtiOl. 3902, i8 ldentloal vlth that contaIned In the 1933 amendment. I? the ~gI8lbtW8 had Intended to allov Ohio? d.puti.8 Or ?IrSt 88818tant8 the Tvo Bun&red Dollar8 addItIonal salary, VI believe It rould have used the rem4 clear languhge to that effeot that it used In the Ragtibr ~O88iOIi(Ad8 1935, 44th IsgIalatur., p. 752, oh. 327) ili#t.8&of going back to the language u8.d in the 1933 amendment br a previous Lsgia~ature. In 39 Tex. Jur. 241, Seotlon 128, It IS stated a8 fOiiOV8 I 'In the oonatruotlon of an sot or provlalon that ha8 been amended, re-enaoted or restated, the olroumatanoe that th8 original statutory language ham been modified, or that it ham bean pre8.rved unohanged, In certain partioulara, may be taken Into oon8Id.ration, am an aid to the aaoertainment Of the legl8latIve Intent. Speaking generally, alt4ratIon8 Bonorable Xalrln combs, page 8 in the laqmge 0s a statute mU8t be given 4rr40t. The aai88IOn Of A SIgnifiO~t vord Or prorirlon ?rom an &u8endmentor re-•naotment Indioate8 a de- air4 to ohange the 4rr40t or int4rpr4tatlon 0s th. hot, or an intention to exolude the objeot tharotofor. bOooapl18h.d by the vorda omitted: zh. ``Ub~O U8.d in bootion 5 Of Artlo 3902 and the 1egi81ativ. history Of Said hrtlol., 14bd8 U8 to the oon- olualon that th4 Statute IS aubjeot to but one oonatruotlon, to-Vit, that Ohi.? d.putI.8 Or ?irSt a88i8tMt8 &l'. not ln- titled to the TV0 Hundred D0118.r~addItiona.l oanpen8atIon even though th.y are the head of a department rith the ll00488bF~ tV0 y.aPS pr4viOUS 8.rViO.. Even I? it oould be oonoeded that the statute under oonalderatlon IS oapable of being oonatrued either vay, vhloh oertrinly 18 the BOSt that oould be oont8nded for, V. vould Still be for0.d to the oanclusIcm that thr oN.i deputy or fb8t 888:8tMt 18 not entItled t0 the tr0 Hundred Doll-8 additional oomp4n8atl0a. Artlol. 3902, being a f.. statute, IBUSt be atdot- 1y oon8tru.d. The rule la 8tated Ia 34 28x. hr. 508, Sea. 105, AS ?OiiOV8 I lStatut.8 pre8oribb.g f408 for pub110 0??10.r* hr. 8triOtly OOn8tru4d; and hOno a right to f448 may not rest In lmplIoatI0n. Where this right i8 le?t to oon8truotlon, the luquage 0s the lav must be oonatrued In faror of the government. Vhere a statute 18 oapable 0s tvo oon8truoti0n8, one 0s vhloh vould give an 0rrio4r ocmpen8atIon for hi8 8.rriO.8 in addition to hi8 abhry au4 the other not, the latter oonatruotion shouldba adopted. It 18 no OollOOTll Of M OffiOOr that th4 ~giSlatUr4 may have been tovud other O??IO4~8 more liberal than tovud hip ln the matter of oompenaatlon for 84rVI008~ nor do.8 this fact jUSti?y th. OOUItS In upholdi hi8 olain for oompenaatlon r0r 84rtio48 am against a se and r.aaonab18 Interpretation 0s the statute. In applying r44 statut48 md a8o4rtaln- in& the intent Of the ~gi81btU.?8 and the meanbg Of the statute, thr US-1 methods and rti88 Of inter- pretation are applioable.q YOU ~'8, therefore, r.Sp4Otflil``adv18.d that It I8 the opInIon of this department that, under the ?aOtS 8ubmltt86, Eonorable Melvin Cmb8, pago 9 1cr. 9. 0. Land 18 not ontitled to be paid the Tvo &uxlred Dol- lam additional oompenration provided for in Se&ion 5 of hti- 018 3902, Vernon’8Annotated Civil Stat&em. / verp truly yourr EPldb