OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableW. A. Davie State llegirtlrrv of Vltbl Statfrtlar Iorar Mate ,Bobrdof Eealth Awtln. Zexar Dear lllat Your VPitten thlr department, dated Nbrah 21, 1941, ha6 been received and aon81dered. r) you to ooaulder flaate, aad adtim aertifiaafe bhould ed by the 2eur Leglelature In 1939, the 46tb Leglulatum, parsed Houm Bill lo* 7 , the oaptioa of whiab Aat reads aa iollovrt 614 (Pp.346 "An Aat ameadlngSeations14 8nd 1.8of . !533 HonorableV. A. LIevIa,Page 2 QupteP 41 of the A&8 of the FortiethLeg- Iglatur6,First Oalled &88ion, 00 a8 to providefor the flllag of the birth record of an adoptedohlld fn the loaal reglstrar'r offlae;and providingfor a ahsagela the bLrth reoord of a oatId vhea that ahlld la legltIm8tIred by the marrlageof It8 mothms and 80 a8 to provide for the reglstratfan of a birth or death that ha8 not prevIou8ly been reglrtered~aad decrlarlng an emergeaoy." The above Aet in additionto nmndIng Seation14 ii80 amended8ectlon18 of Chapter 41 of the Aatr of the 40th Lieglr- lature,Piret Caled 8688ion (8hovnIn Veraon 01~11 Matutor a8 Art10104477, Rule 51r). &ctloa 18 nov prOYid68 In part a8 fpllovrr “And provided further,that 01tir;m of the State of 2exar.wlohlag tb "T ii 0 the recordof m birth or death, not prevlou8ly reglstwad, amy sutmlt to the Prohte Court la the aotuaty vhere the birth or death oa- aurred,a reoord of that birth or death vrit- ten on the adoptedform of birth and death oertlfiaater.2he certlflcate shallbe rubrtaatlated by the affidavitof the medlcbl e&ten&& prerentat the time of the birth, or in case of death, the affldaoltOS the phy~lolanlast la attendmoe upoa the de- oeaasd, or the uadertaker vho buried the body. When the affidavitof the medloal attemdantor und6rtelce~ oaauotb6 8eau.r6d, the Sertlfleate8hal.l be supportedby the affidavitof mme person u2ravaa acquainted with the feat8 aurroundlngth6 birth OF death,at the tins the birth oc death w- aurred, with a ssoond affldavlt of 8cm8 pemun who 20 a6qualated pith the fact8 aQrmw&q the birth or death and vho Is not relatedto the ladlvldual by blood or marrlsge. 2heProbnte Mart ahallmquire nrohothar in- fomtion or evldenaea8 may be deemedneoe8- rary to ertabllahthe oltimnrhip of.the ladlvidu8lfIlIng the oortlflaata, aml the truthfulness of the crtatementrmade la that reaord. The Clerk of the aaid Court shall forunrdthe aertlfloatoto the State Bureau of Vital UtatI8tlo8vlth an order from the Court to th6 State l?egIstrar that the :, .. 534 ‘., Honomble V. A. ,&via, Page 3 recordbe, or b. not, aoaepted. 2he lItate Regirtr8r IS lutho~lred to 8ocept the certi- flaate vhen verified In the above me‘c, and rhall issue certified aople8 of SUCh records a8 provided for In beotloa 21 of thl8 hot. Suoh aertlfied cop108 shall be prim faole evldenoe In all Courts and plaoes of .th8 faots stated thereoa. The State Bureau Of Vital Stati#tiOS Sh811 fUI'Ili8hth6 fON upon vhIch 8uoh reeorde are filed, 8nd no other form &all be \?8edfor,thrt purpose.* ft vi11 be noticed ihat the p&ate aourt is given aonslderable latitude, b7 the above quoted Statute, to deter- nine the truthf%&err or to a8aertal.niPtonmtlon~neaea8ar7 to and the birth or death of an7 persoa Thl8 pYXXIoa~ rtatute ap- app1Ioabl.eto the establlsh- ment of the blpth or death of a altl8en that has not been reg- %ste*ed prevlou817. The statute, it 8eems to u8, clear17 pro- vider that the State Registrar shall aaoept for regl8tratlon th8 certificate and reoord from the probate murt, In such canes, provided the oertlflcate 18 verified in the 8mnneP PO- wired by the above ektute and 1s upon forma approved by the State Bureau of vita% St&iStiOS. We believe the 8plrlt of the lav and the Legislative intention18 menlfeqt In the phrase used la the ml'gellC7 e1ause Of the Act referredto above, vhIah rays in pm-t "that the prer- ent lar do08 not~deflaItel7 define lasthod b7 vhioh birth and death, not prevlou8l7 ed m7 be reglstemd.' Ob~lou817 the purpone of the nev Act Section 18, a8 ueaded) vao Intended to Provide a mean8 of regl8tratIon whloh hsd not t&qre- tofore exl8ted. We sea find nothIng In the hat~whioh yould Indi- defeat a registration made ln aom- We ~llcrve-t``uertifiosts I8 duly verified ln the *a nndr r eq uir bed yth eltatuteshereIn oltsd, AltbaUgh 7oUr MPUert and exhlblta do not 887 that the oertlflorte and reoord are Prerented on forms rpproved by the State Btuwau of Vital Btati8tlom, ve aamume that prOPer nnd the fOF4LSrubmltted (Lr'b h@mS been duly approvqd'and this opinion $8 vrltten upon such a88umptlon. y- 535 . Davi8, Page 4 ?OB ti Of the Maeons diSCUS~#d VO am Of th0 Opinion end 70~ are SO edvised that the StateReglatrarof Vitrf Statis- ties is authorixedand shouldaccept and file the oertifloate and reoord la the oase referredto la your lnqulrg. Ye trunt that ve have f’ull7SnxwerQdyour inquiry. Very truly 7oure m AFR 16, 1941 A2’fOlWEX OBRERAL OPTEUS ATTORNEY GENERAL