DocketNumber: O-3317
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
7: [,,. OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN i:( ,. ’ .; i”. . “I to u&e to hat. a ruliag owingwhetho .ornot auoh 0 a hmliaed oa thefr ag Sn the busiaeae of haoling pomt, to markmt.* On&&l 10 1941 Seaat. Bill Ioo. 43 of tha 47th k~ kgislatore booane a Lw of’tbla date. s4ation 4 or asiu i.Qlll protide* a8 r0n0wtbt SO6 ``a. OOLO II. .~.WOUSOQ, Jr., Fat? 2 Sso tio n 1 , so a s te h u sa ftu red lw fo liews: ~'9sotlon ea. mlen a OcEmerei~lw'%r tt hiale soughtto k rogistsr86 and ~rsd b the omrr thereof only in th0 tmnapOrkti0n d m own poultry, daltJ, llTsstoar, Urestoak products, timber I@ its Bstural stats, uro.ram ?rcdsetrto -et, op ts other pints for asla 01 proasreiag, or tlrensportatlon the by tha omiar tarsaf Ji leborus ‘Srom thdr plnoe ar ~SCI~SFIW, USI mtsc- lsls, tools; squlpasnt end sapplim,rltdat char68, mm the plao* of pur0hw or starage, to LIB OIL rum or ranoh, exolusivsl~ror !ds OWI ims,ot II.SO oa suohSaw or ranoh,the rsglstntlonllcen``e fe*, for tho weight 01688irlcsri3a82srsia ssa- this AOty provided ~Surthor, t&t It’sball ba the da*y or tbs Blghway OcuoPirdoa to pzarido Uaenss p%ates dlstinguishable'tnnlio`` yhtss ussd tot other oommralal motor rshlolo8 e t!m k3grnmp; provided further, lS ths own01 CS rsy aaasralsl motor vehlals, oodag withinthe petlsloas31 this hot, shs&l u10 or pernit to bs ussd ss~ nohrs- Mole for any Other purpass taathos+ pzoribd fW ia this Aot, hs shsll be guilty si s lisdsmsaar, and upon oonriotion, slullbs fW inrs,yssmaot ,‘. 1088 thsn Twenty-tire ($25.00)Ecllarsn3r soon .j,.. thaa Two Bundrrd (g?iOO~.OO) Dollars, mU ual IUS of suah rsbiola aad raoh~psrslrdsn rar sash us8 of sush tohlals sbsll ooaatltut8 8 wpsrsta aflmrst provided,howstu, that all ooauelsl aotor rshlo- lea, truok tractors, road treotors, trsllsrsssd 'ssml-trallsrsas dsflned in Caction1 af !%ptsr 23 of the General Lsws of the Pltth Csllsd 508)11cm of the 4lst Leglslaturs, not oamlsg dt!~Ln the ~?~Visions of this dot shall be raw to py lll reglirtratlonsnd liasnss tsos pr-aseribed by tb other prollslons OS Chapter 88, Cumml xms ot the 4lst LsgisLsturs, Second Called ferrlcaas sssadsd by this Atit.‘” In the above snaotment the leglrlsta~ ineluded, for ths rim time, the olssslflo*tlon af -tiabm lilits natural tat&s". Utlquestienably cedar pnts wouu eoao rItN* Hon. Coke 8. 8tevmson, Jr., ?ags 3 this lsglslatlvs ola8alfloatlon. Thersroraan Individual 'may In our opinion, operate a vehiole with a farm llosnss thsrson as providedIn 3aatlon3a, supra
, and haul cedar posts out err 0r land that said Individual owns; Your attsutloa, Jmwever, 18 called to Opinion No. O-3aOl of this departmeat. In thst o lnlon us were ooaosxnsd with a teat situation where an 4ndlrldual used a truok not only to haul hls own aattle froa hle 05x1ranoh but also to haul aattlo whloh he purabesed troi%others to ma*st. In amwar to the qusatlon of whsther or not Arti- al8 e675a-oa authorlzrd auoh lndlvldual to so oparats with odly a tam lloanas cn.hls motor vshlols this dapartmsnt ruled as follower WA both of the oeaaa ou submit in your flrst'two uestlons the InIIf rldual is not using a ‘aonmero Pal motor vshlala* (aa def'lnsdby the Leglslhturs) ohly In the transportation cf his own poultry, dairy liyestook and farm produx tomarks t . ii8 IS using aaia~ for the transporta- tion of produots that ha purchases iron others also. It Is apparsnt that ths Individual in eithsr aaao you outline should not be entitled to the reduoed lloan5s roe as prescribed in th5 above quoted Artiols. "In line with the above reasoningthis de- partment ruled In Opinionh'o.O-587 aa followa: w``zeare of the oplnlon, therefore, that ths benefit5 of the Artiale eoorus only to a paraon who tramports hle oxn products to market or other points for'salb or prooessl&, and 1s not ror the bensrlt or a person,as lndlcatsd In your Inquiry that would be tralps~oftln3producta purchaasd from another farmer .' *It Is the opinion of~thlsdspartmmt, there- rore, that the lndivlduals nentlonsd In your ques- tions one and two would not be entitled to the SO$ reduction on iarm tNCk llosnmee aa defined In krtlole 66754434, 5upra." we belleve that the lndlvldual who leases a ranoh for the purpose of outt1n.gthe tfrnber tharetrom or one who Hon. Coke 8. Stevelllon,Jr., Pam 4 purchaser the tlnrlaer under a rtraieht contraat of aala with- out leeming the land would be in the nnmmporitlon aa the octtle treder who puroheee~ aattle from othsrr and hauls mm tb merket. Its is the opinion of this department therefore that the Individual who purshames timber from others or rho leearesland for thr sola purpose of remcvlng timber there- fram would not be entitled tc the *faflD lioenee" provfdod for fn Artiole 8678a-da, eupm. i0eare additionally in- flueneed to euoh oonolnoion by the fact tbat our Cpinlon Ho. O-%301, atupra, wee urftben prior to the snactmont of raid Senate Bill ,W. 4Send the legi8lature readopted tha phraeeologj l hla,:bwmpoultry, et%" that appeared in the AOt prior t0 x iii&btBnt. Xe truab that the foregoing fully enewera ycur inquiry. Your0 rery truly APPROVEDAPR 30, 1941 hfLdciL-2, '+ctlwb ATTORJSEX GEaTERALOF TMas