/ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 4Z-C.MASM *-- iioaorablr, Gharlex Lo&hart, Page 2 the POrtInent raate ad attaohlng to the AfrIQavIt uote sta 6 in 6n amount 6urrk0ient when ri(ylsd with the % to Btupe ettrohed to the Deed of Truet and the 9revIouely f%led tirltlarIte to oomply with the r6qulremente oi the Statute a6 to a ee- oured obllgatlon In the amount of the prlnolpal Indebtedneee ae of that date. ** A 609~ or the affIUavIt mentioned Ln the quotation r0llove : “THE STATE OF TEXAS, [ COUW’IT OF IiIDLARD. t *Before ae, the un~erelgned authority, on thle dar 96reonally a996ar6d F. D. Orant ( who t’ml~ duu eworn on oath, rye: ‘mat he 16 the Chi6f Ulerk for Honolulu Oil Corporetlon, and 16 au4 authorirred and quall- ried to ma6 thie Mridarit and know6 0r hi6 own hnwl~dge the raote hereIn rot out. That he I6 ramiliar with the ten6 and ~rorIeIone 0r 8 oer- taln Dood 0r true0 between Honolulu 011 Oorpor6- tion, Fbet Pwty, .ana the aoainent~r ldional Bank or Fort Worth, Truetee, and Qeo. P. Liter- more, Ino., ld Ud-Gent inent Supply Co. , Bene- fiolartee, datra Dmember 16, 1940, reoorded in Book 27, Pq$e 196, De& of Truet Reoorde, Roahl~y County, Toxae, and Book 9, Page 486, Dood of Truet Reoofde, Coohran County, Texae, and Book 24, Page 210 D6ed of Trust R~oorde, Terry Ooun- ty Tmxae. hat am of the dete hereof SerIee @A( CertitIoates and Bcrlea *Bt OertIrioatee have been Issued under the terms or esId Deed or Trust aggregating In prlnoipal amount Dollar6 (ts 1. That thI6 AitIdavIt r being made to not out the amount of Sndobteiln6ea now 66oured by ha lhed or Truet ror th6 purpose or payment or blots stump Taxes ae provided In Art1010 70478 or Texae Rerle~d Clrll Statute6 (1926). That there har6 been purchesed uaEL6r- rlxed to thle Arrldavlt Rote Staa9e In the amount or Dollar6 (0 I whlah Hots 471 Hanor~ble Charler kwkhmrt, Page 3 Stamps vhen aggregated with Note Stampr prerloue- 4 purohaeed and drixe4 to the orIglm1 Ded 0r nature, total Sampa purohaeed am Taxse on the aeonred obllp- tioa above deeorIbe6. “9ubsorlbed am-lsworn to, berore, me, by the eald P. D. Grant, this - or 19 ;T;,;xtIry whioh, w%tneee mf Ya ne zicl r’ . I k P bllo ;.a and rbr 6% bounty , Texas. a You request our opinion am to uhethec the pro- oebure vhioh the Uorporatlon proposed to iolltw 16 a proper one. A tax or tea orate on lauh tlOO.CO or inetlLon thereof, over tIm iIre E200.00 oi the awunt 6esurQQ by Qeede or trust an4 other named ~netru8ente, %a levIedA by Artlole 70476, Yernon’e hnnotated Cl.rIl btatutee. In 6aM A& 16 round the rollo8dng provielon: ‘Ii the amount leoured by an Inetru8ent 16 not expressed therein, or if any part 0r tha leourlty deeorIbUl ia any luoh lnetrumont ap- pears to be boated without the 8t6te of Texa8, the Oounty Clark shall require prooi W vrltten 0r ruoh irate a8 uy be neeeerraryto lr r ia a vite determine the aaount or the tu duo.* Blnoe the amount leoured 16 not stated in the raoe 0r th6 deed 0r trust it preeentr 8 proper on60 ror the ibuntf Clerk to require the Jrla6rlte suggeetetl %n the quoted provIeI6n or the #t&W. Fbrthrruwe l~neo the anount was unoert6ln at the time the doti of &ISt was orlglaally ill&, It oould not then be ahawn b7 arrlcbvlt or otherdee. Aa the amount beaoeee derInIte rrom tlae to tlae we think it quite proper ror euoh faot to be ehown 1.n l&morablQ Gh6rlQy &O&art, ?6gQ 4 the manor pr6poeed and stamps afilxetl aooordlnglr. We wo uldluggeet, however, th6t the arrid43rit be 80k``i0ag6a mud then reoordeQ In the QQQ~ of trust recorda. Yours very truly AT!I’ORII$Y GENERAL OF TEXAS 016nn R. tile Aeeletant