DocketNumber: O-3308
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THC ATTORNKYGCNCMLOF TLXA8 AUSTIN 64 p&&lo t. a. Wlmblo, llrrt Arrlrtant rintondont or hblir Put?uotion xcur rrltton nqlm 18, 1941, h&8 boon p 46, boction 40 of the Zeta8 Ooa- SO pW8OZi 8h.h hold Or 0X8 Oi80, 48 oitfi orrm 0r 8dtmt3at, fTlth In tho eaaea et I&arm7 v. Mate. 67 8. W. (id) a741 8tat8 ?. -8, 42 t.x. 621 Ukd hvTt8 V. ml'l'i8, 13 2.X. 507, it hA8 kOn h01d thd L d8pUt7 8hOPirr 18 8 pbm OrriOOrs It has been held that school tlW8tW3fl nr0 pub110 Or- riOOr8. 680 34 tbX88 JUF18pFUdOXlOO p. 332. -4F;t Rononblo 1. 1. trlrblo,?yo t b i& OO80 Or 8tOt8 V. k?ia, (at, 8iV. 8. W.- (24 815, th8 OOU& h e ld t& t l 8ObOO1 tm8t.O %I ‘;‘2 Wt u Or 1 iOa Or 8WiWUt. th@ OC4UPt 8Om kh* OOZh8titUtiOU&~ pP0V18iOll 4OO8 AOt, $Or 80 Ud l8 l MttU Of hf, PNhibit l fEW hOldbAg th8 Orrl@O or 8Ch001 tPU8 r- @O rhii0 a180 hOld%B& UlOth8Z’ mbllo OfriOO, fO? w 8-h IWO808 ahrt p?0Vi81OB Om1188, ublWuIlJ, Odr t0 'OtTi OrriO (8 Of 8WhWnt,' Wh0?OU th8 OrriW Or tN8tOO 0 1 ihe k-d0 iadOPtiUt 8OhOOi diltriet 18 not On0 Or 'UOlUUIt,' 8bkOO i& hOid8P8 th8F8Or '8hdi 8OPV0 WithOUt ~8~ti0th.' h’t1018 P775, 1. 8. 1925; 1 Bouv'ier'~hmI Mot. 'jaBd.) 1035, Blaok'a Ltw Dlot., 321; 6 tkWd8 b ihramem, llrrt 8orl.8, 2367~ OFares t. 1. 0riifl.n O'llell& 8ana (Tar. Cir. App.) 189 2. W. 778: th0 oourt in tho Nartin ~88, rope, ha.db~ro~ 1.6 the que8tloa 88M8 pW8Oti oould hold Of whethor or not th. the OrrlO8 Or Olty ttLX aISC3880F Snd at the 8~ tirs hold thO Or- rlO0 Or tFU8tOO Or l 80hOOi di8sPlOt. ArtOr hold1 &8 aOtiO@6 above. thAt the OrriOa Or 8OhOOl tN8tOO 18 Wt a "I[' 0 ~11 Orrit30 of emolument rithin the OOIl8titUtiOUd roblbltloa, the oourt than prooeodedto coaeem it8dr with tL vtre8th% of vhother OF XkOt th8 tV0 OrriCiW8 8?~bi18d datlO8 that wOF8 tiOolr818tUit and ino-tlblo. ?h. lOWt raid8 lo 4 0. m dUtiO8Of th 0fW0Or r iOO8 & PO +h Oll~UlWOl8tOd, l?.in W 1 1 9 1 inOOIUi8tWt, wI am MvOr in OOniliet. mOlthO? OrriOO? i8 AO- oomtablo to the atlnr,nor mIdor kir bmlalon. Ralthor 18 8Ubo?&iMt. to the OthO?, Wr k8 Uy pOUW 01 rrigkt t0 iatOFr8I9 with th0 Other iB tha pOPrOFWBC0 Or aq dUtf. Ihr OrfiOO8 a19 #WOrO~ not ~OOXh8i8tOFAf Or iaea0am~l~# ud ~0 0r tk08 not be* l 0i~ii 0r fiee 0f lw i uwnt,’ both WY bo oomg1.d utd the dati.8 themor 18Vftllly pWrOm& by th8 I(LpH POF8CIt. 22 R. 0. L. pa 419 .t 8-j 46 Q. J. pp. 8-., 88 46 lt 8w.t Ca8. !lOtO L. 1. A. lgl'?A, a161 8aal v. fovxwtnd, 7'~ Tu. 464, 14 . W. ;$ti?lguru8 v'.btate (fox, Oir. &p.) k 8. V. . Ye rind 1i0 axpro rtatutory prOYi8iOa rarblddlng a tN8t.O Or I 0-n 8ohOOl. di8tFidt t0 FO4dV8 w CO~Wl88tiOn - 1 Iononblo 9. 1. hlmblo, I-0 3 a8 8uOh. &WWOt, tkW0 18 M 8t&UtOm &UthOz'itz W OvtiU ?W 8F ltfiOW U# th W Of0~TO k ilO~0 tkd it 18 ‘Oivil Oiri@O WithaPt Uyr 8WiMUt Ud th8tOrOm kh. -0 mttin la80 in th 8w=, 10 to lmlloablo TOUP pl’O~8ltiO3h. a Vi@+ Of th. dOOi8tU ir tkAt U80 tht w OrriO Or 8 88hOOi tN8t80 i8 B Ot l ‘OiTii 0fliOO Of lWi- umont’ tlthis tb omutltutianal ptoh%bltir, vo am thw ma- r?08tOdImhthO qUO8tiOB Or VMbO? 0r-t Of 0Ph.8 OOUlht~ Om 802’VO b8 * 80&01 tm8tOO 0 8OhOO1 dl8ttiOt in thAt OO\ot7 Witbat th. buti Of 8&Oh r.- rpmatiro orrlao boo- iIAOOWi8tut or inawtkble. fn th8 O&8@ Or T-8, lt a i V. A~OPM Line bd.pendOnt 8ahool Di8triot, ?pO 8. W. 152, the te8t Or Ubrt OOU8titUtd I8kOO4hkbiO dUtlO8 w&a jiVa l8 rOliOV8l “a Ott? OpiniOZI th0 OrriQO8 Or 8OhOOl tN8tOO rldermma 8nd ln inooapatiblo$ for u P d Oto ut 8JOtW thuo lo In tko city ooirnoil or board 0r-alderwn tWiOU8 dlnototi or‘ t Well at180 l Oaniliot Of dl&iStica FO8p8Ot t0 hO4lth, qMtUtin@, 8ULitrr7,UId riM pP8TU&1OZkFO~&tIOn8. l l l.’ Ii m 8~ wX?~OI& l0d.d b 8a 8Ok OOi tl'U8t00 a 0 wmber 0f th8 olty COUn8il or baud er •``&t at tb8 8U8 tiw 8-1 pO11a188, la YLIf lmportant n8poo~8, vu b. mbjeot to dlnotlaa Or the -11 Ot 1wWn IMiUd Or $0 ihAt Or th0 tPUlliU8.* tUndenootlq W8) ]tn Ti8~ Or th8 ~a.8 Or & U, Va h B t0lUO- rO?OgOiry t-1111~00~k8idOt8d th0 MIpOOtiVO dUtiO8 Or a &OpUtJ 8hUiri U& Or a 8tJhOOi tN8tU Of l 0-a 8OhOOi dI8iPiOt U&d Ve hero boon uaabl. to find Wh8FO UrJ Or th. dUtIO8 hllin(( u;pon l holdor Or lOh tO8p~OtiW OrfiW VOUid ~0088Uii7 b0 iBOW8i8tWt rith Ot inOwtlbi8 Vith t& dUil08 Or l pOP8- hddhg th@ Ot&t Or- ri00. mO:thU d0 VO find ULy 001~08pOndlng dUtiO8 Of llth8~ Or raid offif Vhiah V&d P 0088i ii ~&al7 infl\HnO~ th0 dUtiO8 4?08@d by !a" Upon tb0 h0fd.P Of & OthU OrriW. di8ttlOt tN8iU UO OrfiOW8 $0 be mid 3W8-, vo do wt kllove Artlolo 16, bootlon 33 of t& t8m8 @A8titUtim 18 lppllorble t0 VOW pJ’O~8itiOUb It 18, ihO?OrO~, OUP OP i.EIfO Ud n p U l* n8p OOt- fullr bdVf8md tht th.?. 18 W prohlbltioa ir th. 1rVm Or th18 8tate rhL.h would pnront b doPIty 8btlff of h-8 8OPnt7 t0 8WVO lt t& 8uY ii88 l8 l 8ahoO1 8lQ8tH Of 8 oca 86hool dlrttiot in uld ommty. Wa tFU8t th8t VO hare iullJ UmVW8d 70Ur inqai~. l8l7 t?Uf~ 7OUF8 AttOBXRX - WtXA8 ly tto ld lo dmo k en A88:8$8Rt OClNloN COMMIl7U