324 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorablo Thomas A. k’hmat Oountf Attornel Lfborty County Llbortr, Tsrar IMar Sirr oarcfully eonrl stat4 in JOur P, or IR thb d.WrnaQltr &see fry part of the rxpwiro of bulldlng aaao. *In 0n8wc to p,w quertten at ffrrt t,toM fou In an sit-hand oplnlaa that I t&l not FhWc that th6 Oosmi86``nsrs~ Mart ha4 tiu autherlty to a0nrtruat said Lwy beeauae It 4X&l a0t ia Uy wry pwtaln to OounfiJ %miRorr. rsmrsr, sine0 Honorable Thomas A. Wheat, Pace 2 that time, I have ha& the opportunity to briei this gueotion and my opinion ;e still the earn0 - that ie tbo County would not have the power or authority to oonetruot or pertly oonetruot or proolde funds for the conetruotion of a levy as deearlbed In your queetlon, unless tkere Is oreated a &ry Ioprorement Dietriot under end by virtue of Worielone of Chapter 6, of Title 128, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, providing for the cetablleiment and oreatlon of Levy Impror*meat Dletrlote. In other worde, the kgielnture has invaded thie field and pro- vided under what oondltkme euah pub110 funds m~y be used for She purpose of crerting lerlee along nerlgable streams and Ln add.itlon thereto in Chapter 1, of Title 128, we find Artiolo 802a, whloh provides: ulUFon mA after the taking effret of this Aat (epeik:ng mbmt the Letry Iaaprorelneot Die- trlot Aot) it ehall be unlavful for any person, oorporation OF Levy Improvemeat Uietriot, with- out first obtaining approval of the plane for the same by the 8tnte ReolamatAon Engineer, to aoaetmot, attempt to oonetruot, oauee to be conetruated, aatntnin or oauee to be malnBlned, mylevy or other euoh improvement on, along or near, any stream of this State whiah is eubjeot to floods, freehuts, or aver-floue so fa r le to oozitrol, regulate or otherwise ohnnge the flood water o f lueh rtresn; and any p weo n, c o r p o r a - tlon or Dletrlot violating thla leotlon or this Act em11 be deemed pulltr OS a mledemeanor and upon oonvlotlan ehall be punished by a fine of not ex0eeaing 6100.00. . .I *Then the Aot (toes en and provides that euah Illegal oonetruotlone am be an)oined by the At- torney Oeneral. gf think that eny inqlriauale who may ae- etre to have the levy oon~tmroted 00uia only conetruot it out af tholr private funds, after they have first obtained the approval of the plane for same by the State Reolametion FtnnlnOOP. Honorable Thomee A. #heat, Page J And after thle 1s done, I am still of the opin- ion that the County oould not have any authority to appropriate money for the oonetruotion of same. The only way they oould partlolpate in the same la by creation of a Levy Improvement llletrlct. It Is the law o? our land that Coun- ties and Oome&eeionere9 Court only have euoh powcre as are l peoIally oonrorred upon them, and unleee there 1s a provlelon in our Oonetl- tution or Wiatutee provldbg for then to have a oertaln power they do not have It. “I have aleo studied Chapter 6, Title 22 o? our Satutce and I do not tnink it throws any light upon the Iml)Jeot. *Llkcwlse, ArCi 6830 of our Statutes providing thnt County Coeueleslonern Court may build lcvlce or seawallt but it only appllcs to County Comm~eeLoncr Court of ~luntlce and. muniolpality authorities a? our Cltlee boracr- lng on tfre aoaet of the @ulf or Hexloo. OS oouree, tLlc would not apply to Liberty County.* Artlole 8028, vernon’e Annotated Texas Clvll atat- utee, reads am rollowe: *From an6 after the taking effcot of this hot it shall be unlswful for any pereon corpor- etion or levee Improvement dietrlot, wI{hout flret obtalnlnq the approval of plane for the eeme by the State keolamatlon EnKinecr, to oon- etruot, attempt to oonetruot, oauee to be aon- ltruutea, -2ntain or oauee to be mclntalncd, eny levee or other euoh improvement on, along or near eny etreRe of this State vbioh Is eub- jeot to floods, frcrhete or overflcve, so aa to oontrol, regulate or otherwise onan(jc, the flood waters cf euoh stream; an4 an? person, oorpora- tlon or dIetriot vlolatlng this eeotion of this Aot shall be dceemd guilty OS a mle6emeanor, and upon convictlou shall be punlehed by a line of not exoecdfq one hundred dollars. bnd in the event any euoh etruoture 3.n about to be oonetruot- cd, 1s oonrtruoted, or mcIntained by any pereon IlonorabloTheam A. Uhbat, PagO 4 or sorparr6lonvithout approval of tho plner by tho State Roohutlon Eztginrrr, it rhall bo tho buxFyoi the Attorney @moral, on the nquort of Oh0 s'ate Faol~mationEnguaror to file ru3.tin one OS tho dir8riot courta al barlo Couet~y,ia uhlch the oonur of such oultr lr hereb? fixed, to .nJolo the conrtruotionor emlntomoo OS rueh rtmoturo. Proridod, that the prvrlrionr of thlr erotlon chall not apply to dama, oanals Or other lmproromontssatloor to be mdr by lrrlgation, vator impcorenentsor irrigationlmprotemonte made br ind%ridualror oorpo~a1;16n~.' Ye have oanfully o o eo lder thoe dlOatuter poiatti out by JOU; WI harr aleo beoa \rmblo to ?%ab W,~etatutory authorityvh%oh rould authoriso thr '@ma%8rloaer8'QQur8 t0 lxp0ab 00unty mtbf0r th0 prvp0000 inpuma Ob0ut. It io lettlod l&V t&alt o o m4 iso ~o a reo the r s’ ur s bar only onoh power ml authorit;gatItho rtatutra sld %a- rtitutlon oonfo~ upon it, oithor oxpreml~ 88 br nrsoaauy kBpl~oatlon. It is ow cplnlonthat yor harr aornotly.aemwr- 04 the quort1on. Your8 very tm1y Am’QnxET - OF ¶mM Pr /eiP-;d Wm. J. Panting Irosirtant UJPIwl *='RO'JEDMAR .28,1941 -d-d- ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ````