24t OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS JWSTIN GLmAw``~ 243 lx @ mb dfng fliteoc n mntbtatpay jur a 8, ou dol.&r*wdmtion, lxwpt the one huadrt14 of dobte inoux~*Q prior to far the pqraeixt the adoptloaof the o~ba&aontisaptoabor S5th, 158S;and for tta eroctiocpof gubliebuil&- in&a, atmata, eow*r*,watbx warlu and lQproroQontB, Othf porsrrraont not to 0x6004 tttoaty-Si+a oontb %a tho MO Inandre4 dal- Ama % mluet1 la o n, ma y a mp a r , a n&lxoagt 4m i8 fa thlb Gomtitutiaa othen2lr provided; aaa the Legi&.sture *O*Jairo author&r0m lddlt.bmalwmual rd v18lmomtax to bo loviod aad 80mbtba far the Sur@iornaintonanobof the publio ram%81 proviQ#t%, Wmt a mmferi$y OS the walls106 popbrtJ tax-p@u& Ybtbra OS the S:@QOtF rati&&at 10 ehOtiO&k tII be hrla tar that:QUXQOU rhau. rot0 mob tax, pat t0 exaeod ffftew oonta on tha aa~htanUred&`` iem orlu+~tloaOS the gmgbrty oub dot to taUtlOU in WlOh UOUUtf~ &Cd th0 G ~rAatQr* aaT pao* 100~1law for tImiualntomm* of roabs and hl&map, withoutthe county CoaaLieslon0rs' CcuFts bare no powors OF duties sxwgt thaw UN& en cdoarly snt forth and do- flnsd in ths Qmstitutlon and 8tatut.w. Mwixrds County Y. J0nnin$#, 33 s. IfJ. 6ebi %ooFS V. rCcuBoMJl county 875 S. 1. 4781 Xl Pa00 county V. Xlsep,100 S. w. (aa) 343. *m3 st~tutw hve ~10~4~ d8rin0a tha pmmru prwa~ibod the duti.8, arrEiz,mmcl t&r 1lab&1** oi ths aafIlm%soi:iMrs' court, the Iwakua throu$h l&.lt&hthe dltrerwt aountlw aiot,and froa *ho88 strtutss muoG eesm 811 the authbrit~ rsstrd in th* itountiw~*U m. J?lXiS,WJ, Xt has booa *all wtrbliahd that the jarlsdlo- tion of Cmcdssf4aez+ Oourtis Is llnrltod to strlo%ly "oounty b u*$ ne***, B a th a e La g f slrhtura no sl otr tswF ity b e?wl%~s their p sur OFs jtlF%adlstiaa~ dun Vapor slo str &i&t ie Co , v1%soaaa, 86 m.199, 508. ‘Il. es& TN8 dop8rtmwt has s&SWtbt tlw bwa %eoossmF 8 wuntlsl ?or wls Be0 opltioa Bo. rw oplnlon %o. 04959 *construing soatml 9 of Artlols 8 of ths Tww Constitutiooawl es0t1an 7 ef Artlels 8851, oupra in aem¬ion with all t&r otbsr statutes reirtlng to t&o wuers of the ooanty ecwarisrf.on~rs~ eaurt and irtthe light of the nsaensitg 09 t&s oourf,aetlng rithia the s$&mra cl its powam and autlw eomLirrrrd u-$c+n It, it is OUF 4pfAiW2 t&Et yiblid build- lngs xoan ‘rmwasaFy publie bulhllnEl;r’ anb that 'no``sa~p UIMe btil.&i~* ZIU*BpUNi builainge eased x41 for the mm&iot of atriat- l~y'~ountybw1n.r'; . . c 25: In acoraanes w&th the oourt ad8i0A8 of t&I* state,WI havs oana15tsnta~ ma ropoatoaly rtid that OOU``J COdSSl0ner** C4Wt8 ;naynot lr@ly sxpQa6or apqrogriats OOUntp fund8 f'w purp4sss~utb4rIz~ by the Coastltution or statutoxyf lew. For lxsa12ls~Opinion Nor f&891 ef thI8 a6pkftb- nant h&l that the CamIssIonasrst Court of &locat4a Wunty, Texss,sss withoutautibrlty to sxpond onrntl funds for the or@ojraaotal life ,~usrds for Gslveston Beae.hs0 fnion IOo.O-16698 of this Uspsrtmnt hold &hot t&0 c4ElJOSiO~OFS'~4UZ't Ot tasFtOlt htUtty,%hKW, WU WIthoutauthc~rlty to pay the smlury of a &am WsraOlt~ O&don Ea. O-1899 of this d*parttseot held th6 tbs CwmalsslonoFs~ Court of kpt ootlat~, Ta818, ma ritb- 4Ut aUthorit b0 mtpF&d So\ratr f’Ull& fOF fiF0 >TVtOO* tlon of port f 001 ot th4 oomty lyiw out&h of the olty o fSa n Anto nio 8a,th d a th t alsunty oouf6 a02 oaatme$ riththe oltyof SanAnEoaio to fu?at* srrcrh flss pm* tsotloofox suoh portIaasof the seuaty~ ~4 Opfaion %O* 0-1001of this do rtasnthsM that ths Caani*si4asm court oould not legalry make dorrationa to the TW~sroul~Is wm0i~tlon, fo the amiocur BstioaslW Cram 4r to my 0tbex ehwftable mgadMti@n maktag FoqUoSt f6z ruoh aaarrtionsrod Oplaloa Bo. 011779helLdingttnt ths tmunty C``s~4aas~ Court 4soo.nothero the authority al%0 for a 64astIonto the Udt*d Btatr to pu%ohasoi~8 Oarsmmt for purposes of a ntlltnryraaavatloa, an4 spinion Ro. 04.860 holUkg ttrrt a aauaty hmiosioaor8~ cclurt is net authorlecrd co make a duratbn of ~S,SOO&O tawaxdth4 purohaw prtoo 0r a tmot or land t4 be us46 far %mtlous&Ouard Zrnit,aounty relrs tukdothsr prbU0 o414bbretiaa8 ahers bhs beleaa6 of tha purohaaswiao aail all subsopueatsrponuo aill be paid by tha 418~. opiai4~HO. wit3480f thi0 a0part50nt h0ia8 that m&emon County, TOWS, ban 1t0aU%boritY %0``8rfiiOiw*a* nitficounty funbr idth the ~tty ot Pale6tiue an4 the Falcrs- this lndtP;mu6mtS4h4ol Mstrlot la tha ooastruotloaof a buildpw w Moe a ndsral Msti4m.lYouth AtW~stration prcjeut. * 00py or da opiaioa. 36.6fi4t~* l-:6trrdth APPROVEDAPR 2, 1941 co"sloclcD 1" ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS