OFFICE OF THEATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN SionaMble Pm.119. ?folt countyAttorney w8Vl8county Aastla,Texas By letter of Feb IPabloktul T. Halt, kge 2 'A oertiflcateof exemption from the payment of poll tax ahall be lsauec? from a vell bound book, containingtherein original and duplicate, and upon lasue the oertlfleataIssued to the exempt vo ter shall be detaohed irom Bald book, leaving l&rein a dupliaete em-bon or other aopy thereof, vhioh mhnll aontain the same desorlptlonend the original oertifloate, bearing its proper number, ahall be delfvered to the oitlaen ln person to SdentHy him in voting. Certifloateeof exemptIon for each preclnat numbered conrsoutivslg, bogInui!q st #umber Ona. “XS said voter 1s nxeuaptProm the payment of poll tax fozr any OS the )9~ona mtstsd in Artlole 2960, Roviwd Civil 8tstutorroi Texas oi 1925, the 'c&mOoll~otoP llhsllmark mmh exemption to b6 a Pmsnent lx 65p tio n, a nd thereafter It -1 r not be neaassary OPFP+ qulred of the voter, vhile hm haa hi8 renlde~o l.ntho oounq and voting preclnut vhere atwh esrtiiioatovas t8sued to him, ior surrhvoter to obtain a yewl.~ oerttflcataof exmtion ilwmth6 payment of In-the event the exempt voter, hoMIng oetitfioateunder thl8 Artlola, shall PelBQverp0aone votin$ pnainot to another vithin the county, vhere certlilcataof exemption 2s requlCo4,he shall only be required to present his oartlfloateof exemption to the Tax CcYAector for 6ndocaement, vhlch nndorsewnt e&al?,vhov the drts of ramoval, and the date of endorsieww&.the nev adds66 and preclnot to vMah euoh voter hea removed, and be g&&the seal and el$ned by the County Tax Col- . "* + *, "APt. 2975. Befoce the flmt day of April every pap, the CoWlty TsaXQoll*OtOP 8bkl.l. F Honorable Pal t. Halt, Page 3 deliver to the Roard that 1s char@ vlth the duty of fumlshi.~ election supplies separate oertlfle4 lists of oltlzsns in eaah preelnot who have pald their poll tax or received their certificates of exemption, the names being arranged in alphabetical ordsr and to eaoh name lta appropriate number as shovn by the duplloate retained in his offlae vlth a description of the voter as to his resl4euae, his voting preclnat, length OE his residence in the State and County, his race, occupation and post-OffiC6 addrsss, if nOt iA a city Of more than ten thouaand (10,000) lnhabltants. 0 0 0." Yhile there is se exp~s8 statutory provision top the removal or oanoellatlon of the duplicate oarbon copies of psrnment exenptlon oertlfloates kept in "a vsll bound book" (LBprovided by Artiols 2968, ve bolisve it to bs proper Sor the Tax Ass6ssor-Colkeoto~to mark auross the copy of the oertlfloate,~"DRCRASRD" vhere he 18 advised by oredlbls infor- mation that ths person to whom mob pemvm9nt oertlfloate ves . Issue4 hss died. Artlols 2975, quoted above requires the tu Assessor- Collector to prepare ereh year, before the fimt of April, lists of qualified voters for e&oh preelsnat. There eas be no question but that sush lists ehould not oontaln the namss of psrsons known to be deaeased. The reason and propriety of stmh pvoaedure is so self-evident as to require no oltatlon of authority thers- for, Yours very truly WRXrRS