Y2 ‘:, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ,! AUSTIN 1, in thiu Stats until thsro he beea affixed to XonsrablsGhazQ*jLsokhart~Page $3 suoh instrument sttmp8 ia aoowdanob with the protlrk~ons~ OS.sa%tJ statute,as&dvhish fixbe e tax basbd npon thr.amount al the notes or abligatianl, recorded by thr hmtrwmnt filed or reoofdod, a& whloh provider that *payment oi ths tu . . . shall k mldsnssd by afflrln$'thostalPps~i.rsued by the State through the Btato Tro~suror and tbo Cow&y Olsrktiss prs- rb~%kd In the statute. The statute spoalflaally provld,$ as Pollova: I eaoh Cbant~ h&k 8hdi be entitled to r&G ia tees~ of 0fri00 for huwS,ing said 8trop8, rm (6%) pat omnt.ot ths muat or Lana) rsoeirsdfrom ths sale or su``st;arrpe, prorldadruoh ice for w 01)s 6alwMar month shall no* rrorod On, 'Huiadrsd(&lOa.QO) Dollars, said,ilvo(6%) psr osnt te.bs rsUaLned, by the County Clwk when retiittlng to ths Stats 'Trsas- urer as aboveprwldsd~ . .'.* We urulsrrtsnt3that tho,faotsltuatian~ou,ask a?wut &se ihsn a pemob.paid the stamp tsx in quostlon00 a &m&y Clerk under pmtost in w$)ing ugd~r the pmosdum prasorUn~U In Art1018 7pWb OS Vsrnon's Annotattrb Rwlssd Oiril StatutosOS Texas,.bu8failsd~ to ill0 solt.towtoovs~ said tu wlthln 90 days. Said AMlola TOS?b roads in part as'r0ih8: '880.,l. kry perron,rwm 0~ o~rpor4tton who may bs required to pay to ths hsad of any brpartment 02 tha BUatb Q~VOTMOQ~ any oocupa- tlon, gross raoeipt, inumhlse, 118ense or othec prlrfloge tax or fss; and who bsllsvos or oon- tends that ths ssmsLie unlawful and that rush pub&s olflolsl 1s not lawfully sntltl*d to ds- mad or oollqo0 the cam shall,asrarthslsss, be requirsd.to pay suoh aaount, as rush publla orftioial &argsd vlth.ths oollsctioa thsresi msy &ma to bcdw the, State an& shall ba. entitled to aboompanysuoh payus& wlth a wrlttrn grotwt, srttlng out fully. arid ln &tall each and s'lsry' ground or rbaaon why it is 00ntSoilSd that Sirah dsaand is unlawful or unauthorlrsd.' l8so. 2. Upon ths payment 05 suoh tues or Ieon, noosmpanlsd by suoh wrlttsa protsst, the tupyor shall have ninotj (90) days from said date w:%hW whibh to tllr suit r0r th4 noovory thmreof iti a&v oaurt of aometeat Wrisdtstioa In *avia tlotity, Texas rad~noar o*hoPi . '. .* wb hstb hrretofOr0 held Ln AtOornb 6rarralBs COG frrqnos Oplnlon MO. 3061 deted Jwab 17, 166I;~ that thls ti$ lnird b$ said Ben&b 6lil HO. 64, 46th Log%riaturo, Aotr 1968, fbrt~olo 704701 18 an 0x0%80tsx upon tha prltllogo or urlnj~ tha publto rsoordr md not a tax upon property. See ala0 the oar0 of CftJ of Abllms t. Tryu, (Ct. C&Y. i&p.) 146 6. W. (ad) 664, whiah hold ~thst the er%glnal Woordl rtup tu statute, prior to Us metiernt .by aaid donate4l 111 Xo. %4, was a tar:~poa the prlvllog0 0f th0 llrs~holdor to aoqPlri ths het%@fits af the rhglstrsti6a laws*. Thotsxln q?&estion, belnf a p~ivllsgo tc, is a tu t&U oan bs paid' unds~ prates6 to ths hoad of~arpr dspmrrcsnt of the Stats ~Weranrnt* as provided iA the protest rtatute. Wb are not maindful that thrrb might ba a paos’bioa hto tither or nbt payment OS 83amQtUr8 80~14 bs ludo to a Qouaty.‘Glsrk under said protoet statute. (hrbl010 7OS7bj kaauee raid pretest statute appl$es whun a person rmay k mqut#d to p@$ to j@‘h&ad of a4 drvatiment of ~th8 State BoVo~ ,a14 oooupat%un, g~ors reoolpt, frttnohlso, lloons0 Of otbr prtr- iioga tu OP re0* and then ti#%t be a quosblon as to uhbthor or not a Count7 Giork is the hasd ot a dopartaent of tho Btato Oorunmsnt; but we do not bellovo It is no~srary to psss on that qusetlon in answorlng pour 1aqulpJ: We will naw oram%nethe part of &8101* 70470 qwt- ld rbora that makes rovlslon for oaoh County Olork to ro- OOiTO rile POP 6M6 P5%) Of th0 mOnO;l r0OOl~Od fFOm the DA10 Or tho s0aaps. It saps thit ths l Oounty Olerl shall bo on- titled to rotain . . . ror handUn omid ItAlBpA, rm (5%) pu oont or tho amount of mmop roaelrod fro= th0 srlo of ruoh st~s. ' The statute says that the Clerk ohall POtAb the menoy *for handllnn said stamO8 , and lt 1s the @taPpa Sold to whlah that provliion refers. Prom this we ooaalode that tbo author@ Of the atatuto lntendod that the Clerk who made the #alo should reoaltm the ooiaponsatlon. Xi tho Clsrk’e right to oolleot ths rite per mat (5%) to which ho 18 bn- titled for handling the staarps and tho salo 6bscSOr 1s post- poned ninety dAJ8 bsoauso of oertiln 186~1 delays AS outllnod in your lottor the #AinS rule would appu, that Is, ths Clsrk klonor8ble@barley Lookhart, Page 4 who R& th8 8ri0, sod Uot th0 clOrk Who hWI ttiOn Off100 later, would b8 entitlad to th. @oRPenration. a. mtatute ray* that the monej he rhall retain rhall be "five (8s) p.r omnt OS the ameunt of money reeelved iron the male.* The mali takom plaao when thm lt8apm are deUvmwl, and the money I8 reamiv@d at that time although it mar be *tfmd Up* for 8 pmrIQ& of time beoaumo 08 oertaia legal roomedLng8. Uhmn the tine doer OORIOthat Siam per gent(Cd OS th8 non87 r8orlvei.i from that taken by the 8~10 Oan be lo tua lly Clark am a fee for handling m&l ltampm, it 18 a Se0 ior the month UI whioh the 8818 ~88 amlo. Our anewor to your firmt quomtion im that the five pri- omnt (S$) oommlmmlon mheuX&M 8pallea againat thm #lOO.OC montlily llait allmcl by the mtatutm to the moonth fn whloh It im 0olleolW. Our anewer to your mroond question is that in the bet litmatloa you lmk about, in whloh a new Clmrk took oifioe aftor the @tonmywarnoollmoted but befor the money warn.re- loamrb fr@m the muepenmm iund, the retlrlng Clmrk vho oolleet- ld the money im entitled to the fLve pmr omnt (a$) oo~im8lon. We wimh to adtime that we IMJ not parrlng oa a mituation In vhioh the payment o? the five per oont (6%* fO0 for hanUlln th8 mtimpm %r dmlmyti for more than a year titer the County 8lerk oeamemto hold offloe beoaummof a protemt lult being filea and lltig:.ted. Buoh a sltuatlon night in- tolro a oonmtruetlon of Artiolm SBQRof Vernon'8 &knot&M Rwiwd CivZl Statutes of Texam, vhloh provides that iiem in oertrin Inmtanoms#hall be paid into the County Treamurf and not to the oificer 'In the event the of?loeP earning th8 fee8 that are dellnqumnt ham not oolleoted the 8-e w-in trelrm monthmafter he oeammsto hold the oifkoe.* Your8 very truly Aam~mtant