DocketNumber: O-3202
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE -OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF ‘TEXAS AUSTIN Eon..George E. sbeapsra Cciqtrollerof Public Accounts Austin, T e x aa ,~or,.the Forty- a f ex on the tionsa law bscame effective es 1, and the question arise3 8s to The stetu:e ir.C’$XZEtiOLl ii3 drtiOY.6 16, t~GUS6 Bill xo. 8 ?orty-ccvonth L6&faQ#, WiliCh ii333668 8 tcz on Ccr4&.n oil me11 services. Se&ions 1 and 2 of t&it st3tutxi.povide00 Poll~v~s: . - George 8. Sheppard,Faze 2 ;-. Vaction I.. (3) The tern 'pcrsonVshall .. ror tns purpose of this Article ffisen3na in- ma0 indivi&wfis,prrtnorohips,firms, joint stock c021p3nis3, essscintions,and corpora- tioil3. "(b) Zvery person in this St&a engqesd in the businass of furnishingany service or poricr3ingany autg for othsrs for a consi& eration or coupensotion,with the u3s of any device, tools, instrumentsor aquipaent,olec- trical, mechanical,or otherMae, or by means -of nny cheticccl, electr:col, or mschanical process when such service is garformed in connectionwith th6 ccnsnting of the oosing ssst of any foilor gas well or the shooting or acidizln$ the forsotionsof such wells or .thesurveying or testing of the sad3 or other formatinnsOS the earth in any such oil or &as viells,shall report on the 20th of each month and pay'to the Comptroller,at his office in Austin; Texas, an ocaupation tax equal to tpo ana two-tenths (2.2) per ;. cent of the gross amount reoelved from said service furnished or duty qarformed,during the calen&cr month next prsceaing. The ssld report shall be executsd usder oath on a form prescribedand fu&W.shea by ths ComptrolLer, . "Sec. 2. A complete record of the busi- ness transacted,togetherrrithany othor ln- formmtion the Comptrollermay require shall be kept by eaoh person furnishing any service or performingany duty subjecttosaid fsx, v?Lichsaid raeores shall be kept for a FsriOd of t?w (2) yB?irB,open to the inspectionof the Comptrollerof Public Accounts Or the Attorney G,nersl of this State, or their au- t!:orizedrspresentatives. T~Q Comptroller ah311 havs the suthority to ocloptrules and rsgulntionsfor the enforcementof this AP title an& the collectionof the tax leVi6a hwein.*f : Gear&e 11. Sheppard,Fqs 3 General's Opinion no. IB stqtad in I?.ttsrney O-3627. d:?tadJune 27. 19.L.l.We think S-As is 2 tax on``a~Vica furnished'4ndmbutp 3erScr:md.* It is 2n excise on opsrstionsllperSor;ladin connectionWith" certain Oil Mel1 services. It is not a tax on the gross recei;?ta,but it is rnaasursa by the gross re- ceipts reoeivsd by the operator,ati it is not due un- til the next inonthafter the gross rece13ts are recaiv- ea. AQ this iaw aid not go into asseot until Xay 1, a0c,snotspzly to oper-tionsp.zrSomeb prior to tb:t tine, unless the language of the ststuta shows a clear intent that it apTlg to acts prior to that date. w8 find no such language. In thecase of RO6E5U.,LCOUNTY V. KAWW3 OOVYE, 69 Tax. 172,6 S.W. 131
, the court : tisia : m!r. Risho:,says: *In the absenae of sny special indicationor reason, end EE a comon rule, a statute will not be applied ratrospec- tivaly, even when there is no ctnstitntional '5 impeaiaent. Some of tha cases appear to hold that to work an exceptionto this rula the rat,- rospeotive intent must appear in the words j~tbe~elves.' (Bishopon The mitten Laws, seo. . * See slao the cs3es of IEZi%AR P* TZRRiZL, 115 ',. Tax. 530r 2P4 8.7:.946, and CITY OFPCRT ViGRTRv. 3XOR- ROy;','28& S.W. 275. T&G tax is.xsasursdby recajgts rsceived for operetions ps~riormaRay 1, 19&l, or thereafter. F OS ::henthe receipt3are ~CGiVQd by the pep fiareiless Zoo maa6 liable for the tajc,a ts% ia only au0 if those .raceipts nro for taxable oper3tiona,thet is, open- tions Rorfor~ed after the la59was in effect. Our an- mer to your question is that no tax acorues fron raC6ipt3 the operator receive& during ?&y, 194l. in pagnlentof servicea Surniahedan4 duty periornad dur- tag Ansil, 1941.