DocketNumber: O-3171
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Szm Baln County Attorney Leon County Centerville,Texas Your request f gueotion~ and Comissioners wer to t&e the ing expenses and ng varrants or ered upon the olatn have not been paid," Vernon's Annogated Texas Civil of each veclceach County Tax.Collec- it in the County Dapository of his ceding week until the mount so deposited for the current calendar year shall have reached a total 6ua of Fifty Thousand (&O,OOO.OO) Zollarc. NTheretiftcr,and until the motit 80 deposit- ed for the y&w shall havo roached a total of One IIundredSovonty-five Thousmd ($175,000.00) Dollaro he 3hztlldoposit to tho cre2i.tof naid Fund on Monday of each IJCO~C an amount equal to fifty (505) per cant of colloctionn mde hwwur,der during the precoclin~voel:. ``‘ww”tC1md ,“~n”vC”“..D .I-- ._, ,. I-.,,..._.,... ^ _..,.^......._ _- .----..-- -..-..- .- -.,...... -.., --.. -- -.-- , Honorable 8rm Bnin, Pago 2 "Thereafter,he shall make no further deposits to the credit of said Fund during that calendar All collectionsmade during any week under ``?~rovicionu of this Act (Arts. 66758-l to 6575a- 14; P. C, Art. 87oa) in excess of the mounts rc- quired to be deposited to the credit of the Rond end Dridge Fund of MS county shall be remitted by eaoh County Tax Collector on each Honday of the eucceeding week to the State Rlghway Department to- gether vith carbon copies of each license receipt issued hereunder during the preceding week. Re shall also on Monday of each weok.remit to the Do- partment as nov provided by Law, 811~transfer fees and chauffeurs' license fees collected by him dur- ing the preceding week, together with carbon copies of all receipts isoued for oald feea during the veek. "He shall e&o accompauy all remittances to the Highway Department vith a complete report of such collections made end disposition made thereof, the form and contents of &aid report to be pree- cribed by the State PUghway Department. Rone of the monies eo plaoed to the credit of the Road and \ Bridge Fund of 8 county &all be used to pay the salary or compensation of any County Judge or County Commlssioncr,but all said monies shall be’used for the construction and maintenance of lateral roads in such county under the supervision of the County Engineer, if there be one, and if there is no euch engineer, then the County Commia- sioners' Court ohall have authority to command the eervicee of the Divialon Engineer of thhoState EL,&- vay Department for the purpoae of supervisingthe constructionand surveying of lateral roads -in their respeotive counties,. All funds allocated to.tho countlea by the provisions of~thia Act (Arts, I 6675a-1 tia6675a-14; P. C. Art. 807a) may be used by the couutlea in tho payment of obligations,If any, issued and incurred in the construction or the improvement of all roads, Including Stnte nigh- vays of such counties and districto therein; or the improvement of the roads comprising the County Road 8y8tom." 1 ' The above mentioned otatute oxprosolg provides hov motor roglrtration fees coming to the County ehnll bo expended. It Olga provideo that such foos be placed in the Road and Bridge Fund of tho county. BeAn, Page 3 Bonorable Z3r.m Section 9, Article 8 of our State Oonztitution prescribes the naximum rate of t=os for general purpo2ezI, for roads and bridges, for juries, and for permanent im- provemento respectively. The monoy~wiaing from taxes levied and collected from each of the above enumeratedpurposea are conotitutionalfunds. The Commiseionora~Court has no authority to trma- far money from one conetitutionalfund to another, or to expend, for one purpose, tax money raised ostensibly fcr another purpose. The Immediate purpose of the provision 1s to limit the amount of taxes that may be raised for t&se oeveral purpomzo, reapectivoly,and it la aleo designed to inhibit excessive expenditurea for any of such pwpoo~s ma to require that any and all moneys raised by taxation for any purpoee ahall be applied to that pwpoce and no other, Carroll vs. Ifllliams,202 Se Ii. 504j hit V. Kill COUIlty, 1.16 9. W. 359; Tex. Jw. Vol. 11, p. 609-10-U; Henderson v. Bock, 262 s. w. 94. It is settled law in this State that the Com~iz- aloners' Courts have no powro or dutlcs except those Glich are clearly sot forth and dofined in the Constitutionand statutes of thia State or neceosnrily implied therefrom. .., Opinim Ao. O-937 of thi8 dcpartmcnt holds th& the CommIasioners'Court doos not have authority to transfer funds from tho Road and Bridge Fund to tho C-worn1 Fund. It is further Dtated in eald opinion that "the ComMaoioncrsl Court is not authorized to transfer any moneys from one oonotitutzfonalfund into another. Such tran8for, if made, vould constitute o diversion of such funds and be invalid." Articles 1625, 2626 and 1627, Vernon'3 Annotated Fexna Civil Stetutea, roadn as follows: "kct. 1625. Each county treasurer shall keep o.veil-bound bock In which he ehall register all I clSims egalnst his county in tho ardor of preeenta- tion, and if more than one ie presented at the same time he ahall register them in the order of their date. Be shall pay no such claim or any part thereof, nor shall the anme, or any part timreof, be received by any officer in payment of any in- debtedneas to tho county, L:ltilit has been duly regi8terOd In accordance with tho provisions of this title. All clalns In each class 8hal.1be paid in.the ardor in which they are registorcd." Honorable Sam &in, Page 4 “Art.. 1626. C~SIIIIS ag&w R 00&y am be reSIstered in three olaoses, as fol.lovs~ 9. All jury ~crip’and scrip Lasued for fsed- 3.q jurors. “2. All scrip Issued under the provisions of the road lav or for vork done on roads tid bridges. ‘3. All the general indebtedness of the county, ticludixq feeding and guardinS prisoners, and pauperst claims.” nm. 1627. Said treasurer shall enter ench clt&z in the register, atatlng the class to which it belongs, the name of the poyec, the amount, the date of the claim, the date of registration,the number of euch clolm, by what authority issued, and forwhat service the same vas Issued, and shall ttrlteon the face of the 01aLu Its registration &umber, the vord cregistered,cthe date of such ;;E;;zai$ion, and ~ha11 sign his name offLcia3ly t The case of Wilkinson v. Pranklin County, et al, 94 8. W, 1190, (Texarkana Court of Civil Appeals) (I!ritof Error Refused) held that an order of the CommissioncrstCourt re- quiring the county treasurer to pay current varrants drawn 8gainst the county general fund in preference to warrents of prior yaara dravn a.@.nst the general fund was void and the court held that varrcJl%iiosuad during prior ~oe.rsvkich’ bore preferential reSistration numbers to current year var- rants vere payable out of the general fund for the current year in preference to current year warrants. Also see the case of Clarke PCCourts vi San Jack&o County,45 S.W. 315
, 316. I The case of Iiovardet & v. Rendorson County, et al, 116.S. W. (2d) 479, holds among other thlnSs, that the County Co~missloners~ Court is vithout authority to bLnd the county by contract or othoruise to pay olaimn in cash vhereby such claFns vould be given preference in pessnt over other registered cl.aLmsof the county. . , Honorable Sam Bain, pago 5 Since the Legislature has specificallyprovided that registrationfees shall bo expended for specific pwpoaes, those fees may not be legally expended for any other purpose, nor nay they be cretitqd to any fund except the Road and Bridge pund as directed by the statutej and when eo credited the COD nisoionerstCourt may not trt-msfcrthem, or any part thereof, to any other fund of the county. It is our opinion that your question should be answered in the negative, 8nd it is so anewered. Yery truly yours ATTORNEYGICIEFSL OF TEXAS WF:db APPRCVECMAR 28, 1941 ti3X-L-d ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TFXAS