OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN L. lIo88, Page SF0 &awnwble B;aaer? H~orrrbleRw L. x088, Fs&e #fj - to - betvda I%? aad uld yeate, nor k- tamea 4 mid the oomu*loaor8’ oourt. An tb@ d-d, 4 8U8W Of it8 MtifiOSt%;iosl by th8 06&n- d88iOa8~'O@uI'tma8tbot?utedulaa`` OPi6inrlt MiSdO 4 atid OOUl’t, the q&lO#ti~ 188 Would the fWt, lft~hv~ the f&et, that&r kaevrtthetlwhe nooiti rushdeed frcmth6 eouHmwlp(rtd tb pux'ohsewmeytherefor, that the aourt in- to miupp4 8 pwt of the pro- aeeda, hsve readeped uld deed void? Ii $3~8 POWW t0 8b11 depsaded Upar th8 app#Wat pWpO#e to vh%oth hep seo eede veve to b alp p lA.d, th e que8tiga mast bo aamwemd ia the affinrt&w# O-Z’UiS*, W tbbk lt Should be @auverod ia the no ( p tive.l l * + litlib elnsta u to ueth o title vu In RMsopti oowty and 1t -8 lutb ezis- ed to Bell th8 Lard la avlahmmaor a# 8lwuM b8 &tls*riaed 4 it* S0niUiabe.F#’ o0Wtr 8e@tS.a, 6, Art. 7, OwstituMoa of Texas. Qt oouwe, 8W3horlomUMkf@P~y8 ouhoroncramklt, rs~lurrly````~r;lpa*ainlhloB~pro- OWd8 88e diX'Wtad to b8 iaW@t@& vhap Saoh @+80- OW&8 WW t+oO%VW# 4 th. 6OU8t, It VU it8 tiUty ta thenritaP aaveat tw uma a8 tui8eoted by #be Oolutltutiaat btttveBoacatthaktmtit8pwp388 not to dir- It8 duty tn this mpeot, WM