DocketNumber: O-3159
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
690 OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY QENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 0-COMAI -- Ronomble John W. Splsa, K. D., Dsln Unlrerwity of Texao, Yeflloal Branoh Uslveoton,Texar Dear Sir: Iour letter of Feb ot thlr department rclstlug Auatln for 8 lloenre to pr8U Enolo6urer w%th yo 4 th8t ii160 &6tin of rolrnoe degree 8 B8dNr de@'Oe~ 6 had nlae years of tesohlng experienoe whethe+ or not Xl6 tramthe rtmteof rtate se a proter- 8loid nurse. ad6 46 fOll0W6! aharaoter nho h&56 * a a proferrion81 nur6e from maentr sre equal to there ltlual qu8llflo8tion6 8h8ll oee required in thir law, rno~ be o praotioe nurrlng in thir St&e , provldsd 8 fee or tlfteen aol- Board by suah spplieant.* Before a profsrrianal nurse from another 6tate may be gl%nted a llosnse to prootlo4 nurolng in thlr state tithout ex- a6Matlon, it mu6t appaar: (1) that ahe hold6 a registration osrtlfiaatr 86 8 professloaal nur64 fr4m anothar stabe; 691 I Honorable John W. Spi46, paga 2 (2) that the requirement6 of 6uoh other ltste al-4 4f@lSl t0 tho64 Of T4X86; 8nd -(S) thnt her IndIvidu81 qusllfio~tlone are e- @V8lbnt t0 those r4qUir4d by the 6tStUte6 Of r4X86. Th464 faotr murt apo48r befor the Board ef i?Jwr8eu- nlnero of Texae I6 suthorlsed to grsnt a liesnor to a prOfOe- elonal nur6e from another 6tate wlthout exuolnation. Under th4 hnguage of the rtatute It I8 indlepene8ble that the nurse hold a regi6trstion oertlfioate frou another etate. ff.Ui86 huuetln doe6 not hold luoh 8 oert~tloate, It 18 our opinion that the Board would not be suthorlred, under Art- 1014 4521, to grant her a lloenre to praotioe nurring In Texae. Th4 ooadltlon *whore requlremente 8re lqu81 to thoee o? Toura Involve6 8 faot flndlng by the Board that the lrwe of the rtate from which tha nuree hold6 8 rrgI6tratisn oertlfl- eate equal thoec in Texar. The eondItlon 'whore lndIvidu81 qu8lIfloatieae eh811 be equivalent to tho68 ZWqUIXWd In thle l8u* likewIre lavolver a t8ot finding by the Board in the light af the following befin- Itionr of the term u4quivalent.n Qquiva14ntY mesne eq,url In value, foroe, me8nlng, or llk4; &en equsl 60 tar 86 oonoerne matter under oone~t%errtlon or squal in worth or v8lue, power, defeot, Import, and like. Vol. 1, Word6 md Phra6e6, Fourth eerier, psge 905; olting At- lantio Ohrlatlan (lolSeg8 v. Hlnas, 152 3.E. 79'7. The vor4 *equivalent* means eaual In value, worth,, idor, or elgnlflaanoe, but meaning to $8 attaohed to word In laoh lnetano4 depend4 upon oiroum6t6noea. Vol. 8, W0rUe and Phra686, Fifth 3eric6, page 74’7’1;oItIn& Callahan v. Telpter,185 A. 400
. If HI66 Austin hold6 a regirtratlon certifio804 from snother stat4 and, a6 a faatual matt4r, the requirsmentr of 6uoh etate arc) equal to thO6e of Tex6.6, and if, 86 8 f8OtUSt BStber, the !nd.IVlduSl qUaldfi4??tiOn6 a? )4i86 Aurtin 8re lq uiV- alent, in the light of the fore$joIng deZInltIon8, to there re- quIre6 In the liurse’s law of T4x84, Hi66 Au6tin is entitled to bc granted a llocn44 to praotloe nurrtng In Oh16 State wIthout examination, Drovlded thr required fee ir paid. Cornrercleljr, 692 Honorable Jahn W. Spire, page 3 11 the64 faOt6 do not 4xllt, whloh must be dstermlned by the Board, the Board would be Justified In relurlng to grant the lioense; Inasmuch a6 all of the fact6 incident to the 8ppli- o8tlOn Of MI66 Austin are not before thle department, and, In the final analyrlr, proeent raot queationr to be rerolved by thr Board In It6 UIsoretIon, we o8nnot oategorlo8llr rule wheth- er or not Xi68 Auatln 16 entitled to a licen6e to pr8otIoe nurrlng In this State unbar th4 provlslone of fu%Iole 4621. We tl'U6t, howevtr, that ths Board will b4 enabled, In the light of this dI6ou66Ion, to properly aircharge It6 duty ln rerpeot to ml.66 Aulrtin. /$gligg;* AT ATTCRqI';“ijLA