DocketNumber: O-3091
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
TEE ATTORNEY GENERAL Aue~w 11. TBxAn Thie Opinion Ovrrruler 0 lnion #O-722--O-12&-0-1529 bnorable I. Predecki Overruled by O-6616 aounty Auditor &lrerton, Texas Opinion No.~ 0.jQ1 Be: Compenmtlon of a 8p8ai8l county judge of Galre8ton county. Your recent requert for an opinioir of thlr dopart- ment on the above etated matter has been received. 19l&,.and B. iiolaan of thlr county ‘home for ap roximatel twb pregid.e an s udgr of t El tfon at a 8peeial called t, 1940, elected Hr. hl88el l a 8 Special Judge hating tters In the ttention that the County may or the senlaes rendered by the County Court. ute that author stated above. full amount of in January of t Com~iAssi0ner.s' illness. Honorable I. Predecki, Page 2 Hay 2Tth, 1939, to Mr. Fred T. Porter, County Attorney, Kaufman County, you rtate: ‘A Special County Judge, whether lrervlng in a general capacity or a probate ca city, only rhould be corn enrated on the fol r owing ba8i8: The annual ra Pary of the Judge of the County Court divided by 365 and the quotiant multl- plied by the number of da 8 actually rewed by ruch special Juige. Til8 compensation should be paid from the Offlcerr! Salary Fund of ~the County. t “Ou October Pth, 1940, I wrote and arked for an opinion with reference to the salary or compensation to be paid the Special Judge who wa8 nominated by the Bar A8sociatlon to act during the abrence, through lllnes8 of the elected County Judge E. B. Holman 01 thir Coun- ty. -“In a ietter from you, signed by Mr. W. C. Caaon, Admlnistratlve.A88istant I received -boples of Opinions NOS. O-722,-6-123& and O-1529, concerning the quertion submitted In my letter, a oopy of which I a l80 lncl@ae. ‘Judge iiolman was detained at his home until the 1st of Jan 1941. On yesterda hr. ELssell H. harxi Special County Juz?ge pres- ented to me hi8 claL IA the total amount ‘of claiming this a8 his compensation from it$$t*$ ? At 1940 through Uecember 31st 1940, Inclusive. ‘I enclose s copy of nis bill: “From the opinions received, I -understan d th:.t tne special Judge is to be paid for each day that he actually serves, and the compensation to be arrived at as stated on Page 2 of 3pinion No. O-722. AS NW. tiarktell renders nis bill for every day, including sundsys and holidays from August 21st, 1940, ne is requesting payment not for the d;:ys tnzt he ?ctuclly served, but for evCry dsy intervening between the first dzy of his appointment until the last day. ItI understand fro:n the ocinions rendered th;t the 3p@cial Judge is entitled to all of the gonorable I. Predeckl, Page 3 compensation received by the dul elected Judge (in Galveston County, the Eounty Judge receives &,750.00 per annum, and which he received during his ab8enCe) and It ir nec- lr lr a for r y me to establi8h the number of actual day8 for which he is to be pald. ‘1 therefore respectfully 88k your ‘. opinion to aid me in determining the actual day8 that be beWed, ~whether the tinA i8 reprreented a8 8hown in the Hinuter of the Count Court or whether it includes any minis- teria 1 duty that deVOlVe8 on the County Judge and of which there is no record in the Minute8 of the Probate or Civil Docketr. To rubrtan- tiate or verify his claim, it would be neo- l88a r thy 8t the County Clerk chow the number bf day8 that wire actually 8erved by the Special Judge and that the Clerk certlf to this statement. The clain that Mr. MarEwell - has presented is a statement covering the entire perfod without any reference to Sun- dape, holiday8, and when no Probate or Civil matter8 came up fcir hearing. At tlmea thr Speelal Judge qpeared at the office of the County Judge and whether any dutle8 were per- formed or not, I am unprepared to say and it might be that 80m8 day8 the Special Judge did not appear at all. In other words, what constitutes in your opinion, a working day for the Special county Judge.” The claim of Honorable iiussell H. hsrkwell presented the following claimagainst the County of Galveston for service' rendered as special County Judge reads as follow-s: January 23r&, 1?41. 11 days in August - - - - - - - - 4143.11 -- y% honorable 1. Predecki, Page 4 4 months at $395.83 per month - - - - - $ 1583.32 Total amount of claim a8 provided by Statute .- - - - - $ 1726.43 Section 1 Article 5 of the State Conetitution pro- vides In part a8 fo Plonr: "* * *. When the judge of the County C&t ir di8qwlifird in any cane pending in the~county Court the partier intere8ted ma by consent, ap- point a proper person to.try ra 1’ d care, or upon their falling to do 80 a competent perron may be appointed to try the muse In the county when It 18 ending in such mPnner a8 nay be prerorlbed by Paw.” Articles 1930, 19313 1932, 1933 and 1934, Vernon's .¬ated Clril Statutes, read a8 follows:~ “Al%. 1930. When a judge of the county oourt 18 disqualified, the partIe may, by consent, app.oint a- proper. peroon. tomtry- ruch oa8e. “Art. 1931. Whenever a judge of the xoun- ti Court 18 dirqualifled to try a civil oa8e pending In the oounty oourt, and the parties shall fail at the first term of the court to agree upon a epeolal judge, the judge 8hall certify his disquallfioation to the Governor and the failure to agree upon another to try the same, whereupon the Governor shall ap- point some person, learned in the law to try such case. “krt. 1932. When a county judge is dis- qualified to act in any probate matter, he shall forthwith certify his disqualification therein to the Governor, whereupon the Governor shall appoint some person to act as special judge in said case, wno snall act’ from term to term until such disqualification ceases to ex- ist. A special judge so appointed shall re- ceive the same compensation as is now or may gonorable I. Predeckl, Page 5 hereafter be provided by lar for regular judges in similar cases, and the commls- donero' Court shall, at the beginning of each fiscal year, Include In the budget of the county, a sufficient sus for the pay- ment of thr special judge or judges lp - pointed by the Governor to act for the regular county judge. .tryiG a casi, ghe parties or tihelr counsel may agree upon an attorney Sor the trial there- of; and, if the shall fail to apse upon an attorney at or i: eforr the tins it Is called for trial, .or if the trial of the Case i8 pending and the county judge should become unable to act, or is absent, and a special judge is selected who IS disqualified to pro- oeed with the trial, and the parties thrn fail to aeleot or agree upon a special judge who Is pual%fied, the county judge or special judge presiding shall certify the fact to the ~Governor Immediately whereupon the governor shall appbint a specjal judge, qualified to ttXer2 or%~e2i~0,``"m~ ~L~lrn~gF shall prooerd to the trial or dispoe tion of such case. Any special udge agreed upon or appointed to try cases s Ll 1 receive the same pay for his services as is provided by law for county judges. "Art. 1934. If a county judge fails to appear at the time appointed for holding the court, or should he be absentduring the term or unable or unwilling to hold the court, a special county judge may be elected in like manner as is provided for the election of a special district judge. Tne special county judge so elected shall have all tne autnority of the county judge while in the trial and disposition of any case pending in said court 8Y'+B EbPn&~Sjft8~&. in3Ulif$J' ef~cfY~&r~$~sSi held at any time during the term, t0 SUpi6821, supra , provides oompensatlon for s?eclal district judges, who ere appointed by the Governor, or elected, or agreed upon. There is no such provision for paying special oounty judges In the above article. Artlole 1933, supre, provides oompensatlon for speolal county .- 387 . '. aon. I. Predeokl, Page 13 j0ages appointed or agrerd upon, but does not mention or pro- Tl4e oompcnsatlon for speolal ooudy judges who are eleoted by the bar as euthorlzod by Artiole1934, supra. The above mentioned statutes, both the Code oi In &idnal Prooedure and the Civil Statutes, prwldlng oompensa- tion rtx speolsl oounty judges, apparentlyapply in oaacs where tha regular oounty judge Is oompensated on a tee basis. The regular oounty judge 0r Gliteston County Is ocunpensets4 on an snnual salary baslr. Seotlon 4, Artlolr 39120, provides In arreot thst whom thr oounty ofilolals are oompensated on an snnual salary basls It shall br the duty or all oitloera to ahargo and oolleot in the mnner ruthorlzed by law all rers en4 samlesIons whloh rrr permitted by law to be assessed an4 oolleot- 04 ror all oftidal aerrlors perfOrms by them. As and when suoh revs are oolleoted they shall be deposited In the Offloors’ Salary run4 or runds provided in the Aot. We hare bern unable to rlnd a4 Statute providing e.ompensatlon ra speolal oounty judgeseen- ing ln that oapaolty in oountles where the regular oounty ju4ge 1s oompensated. on an annual salary barls. It la a well settled law that statutes presoribing fees ror pub110 ofrloeis are strlotly oonstrued;~snd henoe a right to rees may not rest In lmplloatlon. (Tax. Jur. Vol. 34, p. 508; MoCalla v. Clty of Rookdale, 246 S. W, 654; B&or4 v. Robln- son,244 S.W. 807). Ad ofrloer n~3y-not~olalin or reeoh any money wlthout~ a law authorizing him to ‘do so, and olearly flxlng the amount to whloh he Is entItled. (Tex. Jur., Vol. 34, &5;;; -34 v. Robinson, 244 5. PI. 807; MoLennan County 1. S. W. 347; Duolos 1. Harris County, 291 S. VI. 611, arrirmeb 298 s. w. 417). As above stated, we hare found no stdtute author- lzing the peyment of oompenaetlon to 8 special county judge in a county where the regular county judge Is oompenseted or. an annual salary basis. Therefore, in dew Of the absence of such statutory authority, we are of the opinion that no com- pensation is provided for a speoial county judge in counties where the rsgular county judge is oompensated on an annual salary basis. Our Opinion Nos. O-722, O-1234 and O-1529 are here- by expressly overruled in so far as they conflict vilth this opinion. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your in- qulry, we are Yours very truly A:::R9 :jrb A’PTORNXY GiWflAL OF TEXAS By /a/ Ardell Williams mIs Opinion Considered Assistant and approve4 in limited conferenoe