DocketNumber: O-3086
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Your recent req ion of thi# 4qmrt mont upon the qawtlonr le ted haa been re- aolted. 8' Co&lktloglly in ~4dltlon 00.00 to 6QTW expelme, do- ~8 ier tho oourthowe, 00.00, and when It Is oon- e foas of offloe till Bob rotorthe year? "2. Ii the above plan 1s not authorisod in this oounty wham the tooe 02 by law, orffao will not @,xoeed#Og.OO ror the per, my thlroeurt pay, in adbition to an ex 0rrhi0 selary for tha sheer, any amount for deputy, Jailer hire and expenses of ear Bonorable John R, Moors, F'arge 2 used in oounaotlonwith dutlea of the Shar- iii*a dqmrtsmnt , - or, la the aathority of the Comm.laslonsra~Oourt with referonoe to mlarlea and allowsnoofor osr axpenss lialtad to the approvrl ar aettlng ot amounts whiuh may ba dtiuoted by the ahorlff ot tha end of the pear only In the ovaat thst he has axoesa fess to looount fos? *The aitustion oonfronting the Commla- stonera' Court in this oounty la to properly finmao the Eh4rlrr'D orfi04 nh4n the r448 , 0r that orrioe ha4 never axaaada4 &NO.OO. By tho reason of Incnaao la the papulatlon 0r thin 00mty, th4 sh4rirf*a orri04 ~8s aepsratrd from the ofiiao QS Tax dolleotor- A44*440r. The oontamplatadfeaa derlra4 from the Sherlft*s offio~ alone will not be edequete for the propar oonllootof tha ofiioe, aa viewad by tho ~oaorriaalonara* spurt. -Umlor Artlolc 6849 St. C!. 8. aa amaided by Wnaral $awa, &l@‘ii~Se& 1aC’oallq& aaa- 41011, 1929. it naaa ---- Tro~lde4 iurthsr, that if, In ths opinion ot the Coraiealoners* Court fess Or the .Shariif*a otfioe ax-4 not surrfcisntto justify the payment of mleriee of suoh doputles, the Ooamiaslonera~Court shall hate the poioerto p8y the same out or the Gmutral Fund 0r 4814 oouaty'. voes this Artlolr sa aaaaded llit the 1Mtetlon upon the powsr or the Oommlasionere’ Court M) aa to allow other oofapaneatlon than grnntad under ~Artlala3883 and 3891 H. 0. S. when in their opinion thao la a aao~saity, for the sdequete end propar couduot or the f4heritr'm ofriae, to pay aeld 4eputi48 out of the generel fund, WC118 id.50 Pl.bWiUg the Sheriff sn ex orriolo salary within the limitstfonsof Article3895 Rawle 6
. R.* V?s818 inl~wmd thst Jaok County haa a '~opulstlon of 10,196 inhRbttsnteacoording to the lost Bea~srsl mnaua, Honorable John W. Mocre, Page 3 ana the tb oounty orrioi~la or so14 00unty a~ 00rpti- asted oa a tab kale. Artlolb 3934, Pornon' Annotated Civil Ststutoa, prarldma I Wherirfa ahall alao raooiyo the follow- ing ooaponsatlonl '1. ?oorall proossa issued from the Suprome Court or CIourt.8 or Civil A$psale, and aoned by them, the smo fees a8 are ellowmd then for alailor aorvico upon proowe iseued from the dlmtrlot courts. “2.. Yo rlumo nlng jur oin r dlatriot s and aounty oourta, oonln~ all elsctloa nc- tloea, notloea to worawra of roads and &o- lng all bthsr pubLl0 buainor8 not othorwleo provided for, not eice~ding one bhotiaaad dollar8 per alum to bs fixed by tho oom- miaaionars~ SourB at the same tlms other ox otrlaio rlarlea dire ihod, and to k psld* goaozal fund4 oi tha aouxktyf providti~d, tbt'no auok 81 offiolc salarj aholl k alleaod any &oklf? who hoe ra- osivbd the wxlmu`` aslarp allowed by low.* Art1018 3995, Parnon~a Anaotsted Civil statuka, mods as follower '*rheCommissioneratCourt la horebg da- barred fro@ allowing oompensationfor ex 0rrioi0 aervloee to 00tmty 0rri0i4ia uhea th0 compensationand exocss fees which t&my are ellowd to retain shall reqch t&a mnxlmum prcvldrd fur in thla ohapter. In oasoa where the ocaiponaationand oxcena aa v&ioh tho ofrloora sro allmod to rots, It ahell not reach Ohs m~xixt,mprcyidod for in thin ohapter, the Commissionerm~Court ahall allm crcmiponraticmr0r ox orri0f0 eervicea when, lritheir judgment, such ccwqqneetlon is neoemery, prmlded, such ocmponsation C Eonorabla d0hn.W. Ibore, Pago 4 for ex offialo servl6es U1a.d shall not lnaraase the eampensatloaaf tha offlolal beyoad the Mxlmum or ampeasatlon and ar- aaas Seer allowed to be rrtalned by him uader this ahapter. Pravided, however, the es orrlolo hsnla lathorlsed shall ba allowad only a fter la oppartanlty rOr a pubilo hearing and anly apon the drir8+ tit* rots of at Least thm maabwa 0r the Commlsalonera* Courti.* Undar Artlola 3883 aad Artlole 3S91, Bemoa's dnnotatea clvll Statutes,ths maximum oapensatim 0r the ! aharlfi ok Jaok County mna o tlxaeed ~,OOO.OO per annum. . l3nderthe abave rntloned atatutes, the Com- missionan' Court oau le@ly alla thwsherltf ex oftiolo ocmpenaetlon not to lxond #1,09(3.00per year, provlde4I, that the said ax orri810 oompansatlondoa8 BOt inoreaa$ tha eapensation or tha aherift beyond the xmsxlmum as /:’ prwlded by law, P Artisle lOU, 004% 46 CririnalProaedure, pro- ,,.i ,I : : ,,,,,. easus vldas la part, r hsr u~.~ o r ::i*a v%,allo?aaae nrkrde shall eta l ,-:‘:~ lle?n,no$~ tide &::r i ih ~ss For the,baard r o rjailer o rturnkey, lxoept in aaantla8 0r r0rtp thou- sand populitlon QC ame.* With rererenoe to the ooapen- satlon or Janitor for tha aourthausa,said aompenaatlon la not be ba ragarded a8 part oi the aompensatlonoi the akarlrf, but such oampensatlonmay ba alloaad and paid bg the Corri.lasloners*Court under the general power (md authority of said oourt by virtue of ArtloX 2351, Vernon's 'L Annotatad Civil Statrotos.Tikenrore, your rmt question is respeotiollyaaswred in tha negative. Artlole 6869, Vemon’a Annotated Clrll Statutes, reads an followsr 'Sheriff8 ahall have tha parer, by writ- ing, to appoint one or more deputies for their raepectlva oountias, to oontlnue in orrh during the pleasure 0r tha therm, rho ahall have power and authority to parfox% a11 tba aote and dutiaa of their prlnolpals;and evsry person so appointed shall, before he eater8 upon the dutlaa ai'his oitloe, take end aub- aarlba to thenofi%alal oath, uhlab shall ba lndoreed on hi6 appointment,togethar with Honorabla John W. Moera, Page 5 ‘the oertlrioataof the offioer admialsterlsg tha sama; and auoh appointmantand oath shall be raoordad in the otfioe af the &wnty Clark and degoslted In naid otiioe. The IWR``T Of deputies appolntad by the sberirf of any ens oounty sball ba 1lnltnclto not axoaedlag three la tha Juatl.aepreolnot in Uhlah is luuatsd the oountg alta or such oounty, and one la esah Justloe preoinat, anb e list of these appointmentsshall be posted up In oonrpiououaplaae in the Clerk's ofrios. An in6lotmentror a relony or any boputy sheriff appointed shall operate a retooat!an of his , appolntmantaa au& deputy aherltlt. Fro- rlded further, that if in tha opinion of the Conmlrslonwa* Court reea 0r the sherlSf*a orrloe are not 8urrlolent to ~uatli~ the payment or aslarlea of auah drputlea, the Commlsalanars*Court shall have the power to pay the same out at the General Fund oi 6ald OOUnty.* Article 6871 provides la paa38 Wh8na*er in a``“houut~ It bwoou ae- eeuary to employ yarda fbr the aare,keepln& or prisoners and the leourlty or fs@a thr shwirr ply, with the approtsl 0s th& boa- missioner8 Court, or in oat30 0r amergenoy, titb the approval oi the County 3udga, employ nuah number of guards aa may be noceseary; and hia aoommt therefor, duly ltemlud aad sworn to, shall be allowad by uid Oourt, an6 paid out ot the County Treasury. . . .* In tleu or Artiolea 6869 and 6871, 8uprat In answor to your seaoralquastlan you are odvlrad that it is our oplslon that the ComaLseloners*Court aan lagallg pey the salerles of deputy &erlffe out of the #general. fuad or the oouaty, if in the opinion of tha Corraloaioueral Court, fees or the aherirfie orriee ore not sutfloient to justify the paymant ai aalarias of euoh deputies. The salaries of suah daputlea are to be detvrorlnad an provided by ArtlaZe 3902, Vernon58 Annotated Clrll Stat- utes. Alav, the salarise 0r guards for the aarekoaping of prisoners and the aeourlty of'jaila, may ba paid by the Commle#lonsrr'Court aa provided by Artlola 6871. Konoreble John W. Moors, Pega 6 In rim’ of Artlole 3899, V*rnOn’~ Annotatea Civil st~tutw, you we rurthor aatisoa that it la our opinion that am a0m omn0t logdly pay 8utomoBi`` ox- a0uimis~ioeer** PUIWI or the sherirf*adepartment,b u t le ProrUW by Se&ion A of Artlole 3899, suo hlxpeneoa met be paid out of the ri3e6aarnea by ad.4 offioer. Trusting that the forrgolng fully anenver8your inquiry, w are VW-y truly yours A?PROWD PEB 7, 1941 ATPORKEYUlWRAL CFl’EXAS ! (8) tireid c. )aenn ATTcmmi omx8AL CF TXAS By (elgeattlra 1 Aradl mii0~0 A88ll¶suBO p AW:W/JUP ~moms~-````cm aoimm5 p.wJl<, OEAIRMm ‘,~ V&F.