238 OFFICE OF THE AITORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G- G. MANN A-.vlCIIL Banorablo 5. S. Murohlrron, me 8 rw3ommendatlonr 66 to the medloal and nrrgliwtl treatment. 32~0State Department shell adopt a rsa8onablr fee sohedule ror suoh lxaminatlon&i, Suah fees shall be paid out oi the funds approprltited to the State De- part5Qnt SOP the pUrpQEW4 Of ~3el8- tanoa to mody blind poraonrr under the provl8loM of this Aat OP for admlni6trativo exp~nmb,~ “In oarzying out the provi8lons or thla motion o? the law, It will be naoeruery for the State Department oi Publio Welfare to ob- tain the asrvloes of an ophthalmologist for oonrultatlre servlae to the Dqmrtmnt. The ophthalmolo&l6t 8elaoted la on the ra$ular payroll of the State Sohool for the Blind during nine menth6 or raoh year-dkptambar thPou&h by. The Stats Dapartmmt oi Publie Welffire wlahso to obtain the ~;fz&ic 6wvlaea OS thlr ophthalmolo $I aotual oam by oas8 ba81#, said ophtaallPol.cw glat to rubalt a monthly bill for ssrvloaa rsndersd on a ease bash durlng~tha nine month period in whloh he i8 on the payroll of the Btata Bohool for the Ellnd.” Seotion 3% of Artlole 1.6 of the Eonstltutl~on of ‘hxar pl%V@DtfI oofqmneatlbn agent, oifloer or agpolntee of fo lant holding two State poeltionr, an “9 The aooounting offloe~r or thlcl State 6hal.l neither draw nor pay a warrant upon the !htasu~y In favor of any person, for aabry or oompematlo~ aa agent, offloer or appelnteo, who holds at the mum tlm8 any other offloe or gosit ion of honor trust or profit, under thie State or the United States, sxoept aa prescribed in this Coa&Atutlon. . . .” The ophthtilmologiat you daooribe will not oome within the certain sxaeptlona elaawhsre preaoribsd in the Conrtltu- tion. In opinion No, 04607 this department ruled that an eye, aar, nose and throat rpeelallnt caiplopod part time in one State lfi8tltutlonand aooeptlngand holdinga lliallar plaoe in anotherState imttltution at the same time oould IlQt r~osl~e otmpensationtor either po8ltionduring the tl.=e both positionsare held. A oopg of thie opiaion lr enolosed* Webellarethat the ophthalmologist oannot aOC3ept and r eo sive p a y Sr em the a nd l.o r ve dtate o ? TW~B la en- otheroapaoltyin behalt of the Daparlmentof PablloWel- fares and the taot that he may be paid on a ease by me0 baa18 by the Department of Pub110 Walfara will not raw our oplnlon, APPROVEDAUG 21, 1941