, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable B.A. Turner, Page 2 Eouae Bill Ho. 255, 46 L8gl8latum 1939, reg8mUng approprletion for institution8 0r higher haring reed8 in pert en follollsr "&+0t10n l(e). Thet all balamsr in the inrtl- ttttionrl rd8 0f the ~OVOP~ ma in8titUtm8 named in thla Aot, at the 81088 or tbm rim81 year ew Attguat 31, 1939, lnoludiog b8lano8~ in thala r8volvlng ignd8 etthrttirs,md the 8ntlr8 inacme to seid iuadr duhg ~4th 0r th0 tm rima yoerr endbq August 31, 1940, 8ad Attguat 31 1911, vbloh ere not otbervlrs epp~PPleted rtm &mr or both 0r uud ri8t38i Jserr ere hemby approprletsd for the Impport, melnt~oo, operetion, end lBprovoment of 8eld State lmtltutlon8 during srah of th8 arid rieael yeetw, re5potively. . l . .. 'Th8 exp8ndlture ofth8 rpproprletlomh8min mde end euthorlrsd wlt8thsr Smm th8 8t8t8 Osnerel ~808nu8 ?unit, looel ln8t~tntlonrl fund8 or my other rscelptr emI funds wh8t808vbC, stiespt bequerte and gim, ddtl be rubjest t0 the rOuopi33g ~POV~S~OM* I . . .. %bmeotion (4) Local Deporltorl88. The OVO~JP ing boWI of the rsrpeotive inrtitutlom ror v &ah eppraprlatlon8 am psde in thi8 Aat ULW hbmby autborlsed to 88leat dopo8ltoPy b8nkr for tb8 8&e- kesplng or Zeoel randr ooll86tQd by said lMtitutioM. %'heboePds &I&l1 reqUfM 8eid degaaltolybsokr t0 furnlrh adeqtute 8UFOtJ bond8 r@r the &88UFUl00 Or M.?ety Of ttU& depO8it8...." Article 265kd, Vernon'e Armoteted Civil Statute& Pro- Vide8 thrt the VeriOuS h8tltUtiO~6 F th8l'Oin, vhiah in- olude8 the Hate heohart! Oollegeo, m8y zwkin oontrQ1 Ie- 8peOtiVely Of the fOiiOWitt$ 8U#I8 Or aOnSy OOllO&ed tbt -ah Of meld 8eV63P81 %3i8t~tUtiOll8 ill OSZ'F@B,f$ Out th0 hmctiOll8 Or 8Xl eduatiOtt&l in8tltution, 8UOh 06 &b&&8 collectsd fl?ar!student feea of all klndsj cbergee for um of' room and domltorl88; rm3elptr from maela, safes and oefeteriea; fee8 on d8po8lt IN- *dablo 00 student8 under aWt4&h OondltiOn8; mosipt8 frOa Honorable B.A. ‘RIrner, Page 3 8chOd rthletio bOtiVitie8; tit?ollls fl'o8lrrtudent pUblie8tlOn8 or other rtudent eotivitierj reaeiptn from 8e1b Of publioa- tlon product8 and l818C811WleOU8 8U9911e8 and eqtl.ipMnt# 8tU- dentr' Vohtttt8~ d8pO8lt8 Of rOany Wltk88id 8ohOO%8 for 88f9 k8eping~ 8&l other rm8s 8nd 10081 ln8tltutlonal lri8cm8 of ,e 8triatlp loael n+w8 erl8ittg out of 8nd ~by vi.rtue or.th8 eduaatioml ectivitle8, or re88eroh or ~demoxutmtion oarrled On bJ e&oh and Ed1 Of 88id 8eVOML1 8OhOolS.” This rtetute further provides thet "this lev &ml1 be 8ubordinrte 8nd 8ub- rervient to the blennlel appropriation bills ~for the support of the aeverel inetltutlon8 herein mentioned.* By virtue of the ebove quoted portion of Subreotion 4, it,%8 the duty Of the depOrit,OI'ybU& ,Or,burk8.80 88ieOted to Surnlah sdeqU8t4 8UtWty bond8 for'the 888UMOe-@f th8 88fe- ty of suah depoaitr. %%4I'9?02%‘,th0 V&idiou8~‘in8titiAtiQM 8bOVe mentioned em not euthorired to p8y the pm~tuu on 8uoh 8ur8ty bonds. After carefully exarfming E&uae Bill No.: 5, aqwe, ve ham not found uay 89eoific epproprirtloti r0r t3;3'5 lwJIlsnt 0r prerim, on 8urbty bonda or~Q;t@ll``Qwixwnos for the em- piOyW8'Of the verlou8 in#ltu+w b+xkdling their-hinds5 the 8U4 e8n be leid~vith referents to bwgtirj, th8ft and hold- up fnrurance forthe college reneger who has the fund8 'in hi8 oere, or "~888ttg6r" Osrring 88ld -8 to the b&&t. Hoyt)VBr, Ye believe that ii the board deea it neeeusspr t&Et the funds in the'hande of the offlaer or employ8e,,be ~pmoteated by bond 0~ iIl8UrSaO~ the preniums on 8ubh 188~ be peld out Of the loo81 fttxkd8,Ud.WlS thtlZ’CI ih 8OIB 8tahzte r8qtiFing thk~t$eU%Ir employee to furnlrh bond and 8ugh 8tetnte do88 not provide for ths premlua8~thereon to be paid by th8 State. In the letter 0888, the expense of fUl’IIf8hiXQ the band m8t be borne ?y the employee required by lew to give it. This department ha8 repeet8dlj held th8t no insurance polio188 8hall be taken out Upon any of the publlo buildinga of thim State, nor. upon the content* thereof. The 1W388On for this holding is 8t8ted in our Opinion &8. 0-184 aud Q-EOl, oopies of which are enoloaed fop your infopactlon. ‘Pherefore, Honttrebld B.A. Tuner, ?ege 4 you ere edvlsad that the pxvmlums for firs ln8uren~e, or boll- er Snsurenoe oannot be paid out of the loeel eollsge fund8 or w Oth6W fUd8 Of khO OO~lS&38. ulth ZWf~rmKMI t0 ttQ8t8 hU%dOXtt t0 ths %tISpO0tlat oibBp3sa-a itlrowopiahnthatt&esamomybe~ldbjythe veriw ooilege.. In thla aimneotla~ ve direat you ettentlon to our @inian 808. O-UUOO, O-l.l68 ado-29%6, coplea of these opinion8 am entt308ed ror your inioramtion. Ardell U~lems Ani8tMt