i OFFICE OC THE AlTORNEY QRNRRAL OF TRXAR AUSTIN Honorable Ohm100 T. Bmiator, Pago 9 l(e) Ifth e telationrhlp by lfflnlty b etween Reamor,o n6the Ocuaty Jude8 lleo t oomea +itbin the reoond eegre0 olnreifiootion, -would Lt be legal for the ~noO8iIlg oor~oo;oO- ld o o uroottng t a athe lb o o llo o fe tbr ia o o m- ing ooonty *as,, oftu alMry 1, lB4l to lppoint n00000 000nty oiorl, 00a 00016 40 le@ll ltrvo br ruoh lppolatmentt lInlrpl0m~ th0 fO0tO bOie00t to thr lbuo rltuatlorr, tho Ocurt~ Olrrk OS Uavamo Cous$~ -0 rrolm0te6 %,ntb8 uovrbor ll*otion Sor 8 two yeu tom be@nlR( J- 1 1QU. A few 4 .~ Jtu 8 the lo tr b er lleotloa Ch. Ocunt~ (IletR ah& The pnroat 0oBai.~ienerl’ oourt then m8t uk4 mea a tonpetorf appelat- aa of th0 brotr40r of th8 e00008oe 00008 0lmk, ettootire until Jomarl 1, 194l. &I hluuy 1 1941, uhrn the now oam8iaolo8uo' o c ur to ? Luutll Qo ua t~ i8 fo m.6,mo w lmr 8 till then appoint loaeone oouatt01erR tot the two foot tern bogianl~ on thet bte. t&ale 480 lo* l arty oaaoll to appel8t tio&t? &tome7 u&me wife ~80 the tlrmt aoarla W eenoamgulni~ to the wite ot the mayor. ‘SB oo~ootlon tith tb seaowl quootlea, Attiolo 488 Peuo Pw181 Qode forbiarthe et- ?lololrSnolu6e6withiD Artiole 490 Texu Penal Oo de fr o l 8pproviqg -7 8ooouat or &wily or luth e r irtheiy6tula g of a ny wa r ma ort 0-u nooeoom7 for the oomlr8lonora oourt to ap- ptue the pay8ont of laluios to oftioialr, Inoludln(lthe Gount~ Olorl, aad it $0 thm - pnetloe in tUr oouatp for the Qountr Su4ge to r1(laall l8luy OtmOk&@ . ’ llewrable Q&r108 T. Banirtor, Page J Art~oler430 Ma 4x3, vezllolt'8 Aaliotat84 PeMl Oodo, red am Sollowr: ltt. 488. The LahkbMilon8 ret totth ia UYr``rhrll4p~torad~arlnbothrQM~t, I4outobast 6elotnot speeketor tho aouoe a Rlpre80atOtL+oO, dls00d 000m%8o%O*O?O, h0d or the deputnent8 of tb Nat0 gomtuo88 Ju4#e@ mm4irrkroof``~lBol*ar~ua~o oot&bu~ by u UMot tb Mthotrt~ of amy gollotal leu or thlo 8te0, mubum or or spool8l. tha Leglmlatute,-0, ou8%08L088te, t-us, al4uaenos4~oBbor8of uhoolbouaootima?- potato4 em00 004 tOwi8 pibllo rob001 tntoteoO, oCtloer8 and mboto of boH0 Of m08OgOFO Of t&O a ta te Ua ~v.+ne~ & t8e o f it0lwuu b tM o h o *, a ll6 or the +etsour 1 tOt0 lewOtio00l ia0tltutloao, rad of the votlouoIt080 l loonowaary LaotMu- tt000, Ua of the ealt0ntlOtlb0~ tU0 OmMm- tion ohall ut k & l4 to lulu~o rm *hoop8vw tion ua oiioot of two law '01 puwa Saolu404 wlthln lta geaecal pro+l@lOah ___,_._ __.._.-.- -. --. _ .,.. I Honorable Gharloo T. Banlmter,Pyo 4 In Tyler Tap Rsllrod CO. & Dau@arr ~8. Ovortoa, 1 *pp. of App.810, moo. bSS, 4S4, 486, the mothodoof ct. oo8prtIn# the d.gr.0. of OoW``laIty WON 8t8to6 by the oourt aD followo: *In oorprtlag thm eagroo o? 1Inoal eoa- 8anguInIttldoting botwoa two per80118 wwy gonemtioa IIItho direot oouroo of red&on- 8hIp botwom tho tvo put100 WI00 a &ogre*, &ad the rule lo tho ~8. by the oIrI1 and oom- mum 18% Thelceo of oomwting degree8 of oollator81 OOIl8Nl#jUItit~ at tho omm am& br lev i8 to dimoover tho oomson u)- the OUSOII oootor, to bogla with him to rookon bowarud., oad the degreethe two porooae, or tho @ore ruoto Of thon, 10 a10toatrm the ~OSStOt, I8 the degree or )rlndr84auboIrtIag between thn. For inotanoo, two brotlkw8 u8 robto to 8o.h othor.1~ th8 flrot do o. booauoo fror th* ?&her oaah on0 of t F ta 18 one de- tF-- Aa UltO18 8ne nophw uo rolatod to la o hother In tho reoond Qogno, beeawe the MphW i8 t@fOeOgXVO8 diSt4Ut fPOm th8 OOUOO uaoootor, *ad the unelo is lxtonded to the trOtO8t dogro. of oollatetal rol~tlon8up.' -8 bpU8Unt hi OOntiuCU8l hold thd fIrot oouoU&o are tol&toa br oonruyuJnit7 in tL lo o o o deg d r W) the dopwtmeat hr fuPthot bole that dogree8 of af?iaIt~ aro 008putoutla thr WI ny 88``+080 of e*awagulnI*~. That ir t0 84 Of th9 Ui?O Stati ill t& W thmt S'otitiOIbS 68 eo or at?blt~ to the ho0me a8 * uo rel8wd to the Se b$ 00~8Ul@l&t.tl. Uneor th earpotin lt8tuto of thlr Itate no offloot et the 6tato or lmy 8unIoIp.l euWIrl*Ion theroo?, aor ry offloor or 8oduu of uy State or munioipal Board, oh11 lp- point, or rots ror, or oonilm the appointment of any oifloo o? noltamnt of •~ p8rron rolded wIthin oertab 8pOOii%e(l 6ofn88 to him or to my other lombor of moh baud whoa the eompon8ationof aroh por8on S8 to be pnid out of p&lo nrndo or fooe of off100 of lnykiod vht8oorer. ma8iOU Of IlOWtiW by trodIsy,md &pproral of tho &ooounto or tho Qrrw%agof nr- r8nt8 to w the oo~pon8~tIon of any IaolIglble offSoar or porron, us ~100adt with. The rtatute pro+Idor 8100 for tho puaimhm8nt or any poroon who tIol8t.8 any of its prorlrlanr. HonorrbloCharlea T. BmI8tcr, P-8 6 Thlr eeputmont hold on Soptombor 15, 19se In an opinionwritten by Honorable Boott 4&lnoo, a&Cre~rod to Ron- or&lo L. L. bbUt8, Oounty Auditor, Ibrtohln8on County Tax- thot ‘there Im no ~Irtlnotlonto be dravn betveon do gff-blood kin 8nd the full-bloodkin under tha anti-nopotla lu, and the hrlf-blood rel~tIonohIpwould be within tht 8-o d*groo am that of tht fun-bi00d.~ %hon tho rolatlon8hIpby oqnoangulnity (blooU) IO dotmined thur I8 no dlffloulty In urlrlng at the rslatlon- .hIp bar .f&Ity (urrlago) broauso l uuun'r hU8bOBd wowl& bo rolatea wIthIn tha oauo bogrto by affinity that the womn la horoolf rrlatadby oonoangulnlty, mnd rice veraa.* Underth elbwo rtatod faotr tho acumtf &tdgo lloot m0 Hr. llrnror8ro rol~tod by lrflnlty In the looond begr80, a eepeo oalng wlthln the do~o renttonedltatuto8 prohIbItlag tho lppoint~ont, *to. Thorofore you uo rsopootfullyaevi00d thmt It lo the opinion of thii doput8oat that it would k 8 viol8tion of tha nopotlom otatutoo for the oouIo8Ioaoro~ oourt to lppolnt Hr. hn8a to fill the offloe a? ocunty olerk. Vlth roferonoo to your 88ooa& quootlon It womld bo Irutorial whothor or not the inooming County Judge no &moat or roruree to rot In the lppoInt8ont of Mr. -808 by the oom- liSOiOnOr8' 0~8% Thoroforo, your roooa& quootlon is nopoot- fully mamfuod In the negmtlro. TruotIag thmt tho Songoiag filly mnoworoyour ln- q u lty,vo le 87 hraoll v;11iu* *wl#tMt APPROVEDJAN 10, lg4= AV:RI)