839 OFFICE OF THE ATrORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS C. R. NOXm~O Itat8 Dlrirlon Railroad Oomal88lon of Tax.ar Aurtln, Texas Dear sir: on inquiry rrom ‘* tir* to tIl* trntioa tha thr abarr lrtlslor *Ia$nnkr to qrtrrtior~ No. 1 you 8re addrod that AriiOiO 4005 prohibit8 th8 :arri8ge Ot prOp- rrty fre.a or obarda by #tram o r llootrio railw eompanlar , or other tranaportatlon OOnpanirr, in- trS%.?b8nlWilW8f OoCIlpaBiO~, SlWpti( 08C ClOdjJUiU, tel8graph oompanl88, telophcao oolapanior, or pu- 80118Opel-ding th8 8aa@. Artlola @06 prOd4ol oartain oxo8ptioru to lirti8ti4005, bml rrr) 40 not tin& anything th8r8in uhioh powit thr traarpork- 840 Ronorablr C. R. NoXame, page 2 tion of prop8rty by %I080 ooaP8al8o fr88 or ohargr rot ihwiteblo in8tltutlonr. Il.am, thrmrOr8. Or th8 oOlnlon that nalthar nil- road 003pinlrr nor iotor oarrl8rr arm p8rmltt8& to oarry prop8rty frar ot ohargo for ohsrlte blo innrtitatlon8. TOUP quO8tiOllR0. l 18, thrroron, 8MWOt8d in tb Il8&8tiV@. Ar ti 4005, RevllrrdCivil 8tdlt8B, Tit18 66, mad8 a8 rOliOW8l “Art. 4005. FRXg PASSES P~iiIBITiSD.- No steam Or 8108triO Z'8ih8~ OO;aJ)aly, 8tr88t t8illt8r OOoL&iallJ, Interurban r8llnay ooappany or other ohartrnd trans- 9OrtrltiOn0039`` 8Xpr888 OO'%pIIr,#hOping Oar 003- panl, trlrgraph oonpany, t8lrphonr oompan~ or prrroa Or 888OOiStiOIlOr 98r8OM Cp8rBtilig th8 8a90, nOC ens reoslrer or 188888 thsreor, nor any orrioar, agent or anploy or rrorlver of any 0uoh oospany in thi8 Stat8 shall knowingly haul or carry any proprrty frer 0r ohsrgr or gin ot grant to any 96rIQ1, rirp or as800latlon ot psrsoua a fro0 pa88, frank, prlv- ilag Or 8UbltttUtO tar $aJ Or a rubartugr NIoh i8 U8Od Or *hiOh 18 giV8n t0 b0 U88& ln8t88d Of th8 regular tar8 or mtr oi tranrportation or 8ay mathor- 1ty or penllltWhet808+8r to twrr1 or to 9888 ot ooa- try or transport any psrson or pzoprrty frro, nor 8.11 8Bl tr8U89Ort8tiOU fW mythlog lXOOpt aOrWr, Or r o tlar gr8atrr or 1088 r8t8 than 18 ah8rgrd 811 98t- aone unbar the rrno oondltlona, ov8t any railway or trenrportation ~l~n~8~or~per````~r-llno ~l=th18~St8t8Jm~-~ ot rim11 knoviinglyprrdt anl parson to trananlt anr m88rgo r-8 in thlr Statr; ot 8ha11 sir8 8ny trank or right or priMleg to tra:akit any asssegs ire8 in thir stst8 or proparty rrrr or chnrgr or for gr8at- or or 1888 famor rats than 18 chargrd othsr 98rsOus in thir Stat8 ?Or rinI1ar 8ervIO0, 8xc89t 88 herein- art8r pro:ldsb la thin titlr.' Cmr att8ntion ha8 rsorntly b88n cdllrd to Artiolo 4009, Rs+i88d ail11 stdUt88, Titlo 66, rhloh Ma48 a8 rOiiOW8: -Art. 4009. FR?z TR:::SFORT.~TXON.- Nothla in th:8 tit18 8h8l.1br OOu8tNId t0 prohibit 8nr 8Xpr888 Honor8blo C.R. YO??OosllOO,pa68 3 ooapaay from hulln( or oarrylng fro0 ot ohmgo any paokbgo or it8 rotual boar ildo orri- froputy of o us,lttornsya, yentr 8nd ra910~808 till0 la the ir8@-Of-ohargolj AO88``o-O?-ltObona iida Of6 ou8, lttorarya,lgrnt8 o tla91o~rrr rnd tkrlr ha- llI.8 ltldloIn th 8lotual raploywlt 0r mob OQL- 8nr or 188 roO8lt8r 00 larrrry provided tho aOkra iOM iid0 OfflO8MI lnd M3&0)808 UpOIl81lllUa1 881. ad88 or rrilny tale9hwo oqmnior rBd tolograph oom9f1nl88ara hmrob;l punfttd to uOheng# frank 9rlrlllgr8 and fir* trlr,8portatlon ov8r thrlr to- 8peotlro llnor 0r r8lluay and trlq&raph or tru- phonr.. (Undor#ootlo# ours) Xt lr not lntlroly slrar from r88dlq Utiolo 4009, 8upr6, whothor only 8Xprr88 003~8AiOS QUA tXW8port +%rtiO1eO fir8 of OhUg8 t0 oharitablr in8titutiOnSOr Utrthr tho8. attlolor may bo trsnrportod frrr of ohsrgr to ahsritablaIn- rtltution8 by 811 of tho tr*n89ortationocacanirr a8 omme- atrd la Arti 4005, rupra. fn this eonmetlon wo quota from B.2. Ho. 196, Aots 37th Lag., RO(rii8rsa88iOXLach. 99, 00 191 l8 iOiifJW1 "800. 2. That thr prorirton, of Srotloa 1 or tN8 Aot (Art. 1532), shall not bo hold to prohibit rlnfrtoaia or OloOtrlO lnt``b@n rallUav, t818pqh oo~+ay, or 0hertrtad tm3nsport5tlon owpan~, or olrapl~ 08r ooaFa), or th8 r8oeITrrr OY 1r88.U thrrrof, 01: p8r8OAS oprratlng the maa, or th8 of- SiOOrs, 8gIAt8 or OriplOyaO8 thonot, ftom grantIn& fro0 ot rxohanglAg frrr perol, l l l i l 8 c 8, aor rhrll ~ythln# ln thir Act prrtrnt aal ruoh ooa~mirr, thoir raorlru8 ot loarr8r rr0r trmwportlry frao oi ahergr *al artiolo king 88nt to snf or#an haso Or Other ohrrltsblo kr8titUtiOBi l + 0 .a . , t-342 Eonorsblo C,R. YoUmaoo, pago & Soaalon, Oh. 42, p. 9) as amandod bf LB. No. 168, f2n6 Lw. # Regular 8asalon, Ch. U), 9. 151 as latar aoandrd bl H.B. 198, lupm. Th8 air008 0r 8h8 SboV0 quotd hot8 IS to allow all tranaportatlonoo.z~mlaa*a lnumer a tatharaln 6 to trrna- port artloloa tr88 or ohargato oharitablr lnatltotIona. It l9981r8 rr0mmi0i8 5009, SUPS, that th0 i604~uOg8 OOD- talnad in R.R. Ro. 196, rbova quoted, was allShtly ohs-ad aad rr-array84 Whan tha Civil Statutaa ware ravla8~ In 1925. It aa8ma to us that Art1018 4009, lupn, la rlaarl~ luaoa9- tlbla Oi pOmittb6 any trWI890?%3t10~8OlU~4, 8s SIIWSr(L- t8d In Tit18 66, to oarry 6OOda rY88 Or Obr@O 80 I oharlk- bla institution. Thla clrpartmnthas hrld that motor buaa8a and motor OSZTi8lS a r8lubjaot to the 9rO~iaiOZ1a Or 'Pi81866 oi th8 RavIaad 01~11 Statutrr, ama baitqJ Arti 4005 to 4015 iIlO1ClsiV8. O9lnlona No. O-445 and O-2983. SfnC8 th8 18giSlStiV8history 0180ru ShOWS th8t th8 L8gialetun has always lllored transportationOo51p4nIaato oarry goods to oharltabla inatltutlonarT88 0r ohargr and since A,tlola 4009, aupra, la olrsrly SuSO8ptfbla to lua h oonstruotlon, w8 oonoluda that all tranaportat1onrolqpanlaa in Tltla 66 or th8 R~vlard Statutes, as wall aa anPla8ratIJd as motor oSrrl8r8, arr transport goods fr88 or oharga to any orphan hona or other oharltabla Institution. o+lon No. O-2983 la ovarrulad only in80rar aa 1t oonrllota wl8h this opluloa. Yours vorf trot ATTORNRY GZNil;ALOI TZXAS Bt bL+ Lea Shoptar Assistant