OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL OFlEXAS carriarfioperating for property r0r charitixble ation NO. 2 i8 wited 88 mm538 “2 May the motor oarriers operatingfor hire in*+xcs traneport property for oharitable or other ~Ul’pGa08aa under special conditions, l,atr6tw8a sgeoial ratce, shore authority there- r0r ha0 first been obtained from the Railroad Nocw*"*,cAI,oN IS m I)= CONSTR"LD .sADEPAIITME*,Al. oP,N,OH "I(LEIS ACPeOYLD IY7°K AITORWI Oi34EI)A.L ORF1RST ***IsT*NT 838 Honorable C. R. YaRamee, Page 2 Commission of Texas, in the same manner that the steam railroade and others are permitted to do so undsr the Anti-Pass Law?" In answer to quaationHo. 1, you are advised that Artiole 4005 progibfte the oarriage of property free of oharga by steam Of eleatrla railway OompanfesJ,or other transportationaompa)21es, interurbanrailway aompaniee, alaaging oar oom``~Iea, telsgraphocmpanles,tslsphone aom- panles, or pareone 0 rating the same. Artiole 4006 pro- vides bertain exoeptf" ons to Artiole 4008, but wa do not find anything therein whiah petits the transportationof pro- perty by those ocvnganieefree of oharge for charitable instftutions. Be are, therefore, of the opinion that neither railroad Oimpenle$ nor lJtotor carriersare parmltted to aarry property free of oharge for oharltable instltuti.ons.Your question Xo., therafore,answered in the negative. In our opinion Ho, 045, a oopy of vfhlehia enalosed herewith, we held that the provieiona of the Antl- Pass Law, Artialee 400s to 4015, inoluslvlv,goverting railroads were applioable to motor busses. For the same reasona stated therein, it is our opinion that said law applies to motor carrisrs. You are, tharafore,advised that a mator uarriabr me 6a;re speolalrates for sgeolal ocaaslo~w.orunder apeafal oondltions,pruoldadauthority therecar 18 first obtained from ths Railroad Commission of TexasI We aherelore eamer yaur qucsetionBo. 2 In-the aff lrmatl~e. ~lng that the foregoingfully answer8 your inquiry,we tffe Your6 very truly AppROVEI)m 5, 1941 ATTORi'XEY GlBlXAL OF T'ZXAS