DocketNumber: O-3001
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1941
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF TXE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -0.m -- Hoaorahlr Y. P. Sexton Couaty Attornry Orange County Or a a g r l Tsr u .. . Your requeot for the abore Hated quertloa ty , Texan. 104 to merlte ed on the tart tens of thir $76.00 per month er for him to opinion on this gasa- the ltatuter diligently y or mttno to rrlrc an. the aamt 1s rat out br to mt that a contribution to 7 a oitirrn or group o? oitlttnr olrt ion of the law. ’ You rtate in erfeot thnt unCsr exltting low the salary o? the oounty cudltsr of Grange Couty Is hzs.OG per month. Ylthout lnvaetlgatlng or ccnsldering the population Of said oouaty or the taxable valuation Of the proptrty thcrt- Of, for the pui-po~tc of thtr apinlon ve issunc the aboorr statement to be oorraot. . _._ Honorable Y. 0. Sextoa, Pago a? Tht OC8pOIi6OtlOclOf pub110 OffIOtr6 IS riXt& by the Conrtitution and statutes. & o??loer mw not ala18 or reaoh an7 aoatf rlthout a law authorlrlag him to do to, sa& olearl? fixing the amount to whIoh he Is entItled. An offi- oec is not entitled to a nyoo8pene~lon la ld6ItIon to that uhloh hss been fixed by law for the performnot of the duties of his offloe, even though the oosotnsatlon so fIxed Is un- reasonable or inadrquate. He 84 be requIrea b7 law to ptr- form s9eoI?lo aerrloes or dlsohsrge uldlt~oaal 4utIes for uhlch no oomptnsrtlon 16 providea. The obllgatlon to perform such eerrIoes 16 I~90846 as an Inoldent to the off108 and the offloor br his loooptanoe thereof is deemed to hart engaged to perform them without oomptnsatlon. (Terre11 v. XIng, 14 8.W. ted) 786; XoCalla v. CltP of F&okdale, W3 B.V. 664; Texas Jurlr., ,Vol. 31, 9. ml.) Ae’alreadf mtntioaed, an 0ffIoer is not entItle to reoelre any oomptnratlon for hi6 offlolal rertloee other i thsn that vhloh has been provided for by law. He my not rt- CoYer from third persons oomptneatIon for tht ptrfomanoe of an rot wlthla the 80094 of Rle 0??10lal duties; and effect rlll not be glren to a oontraot whereby he Is to rtoeIve from the 0ount.J or fro8 taird ptreons a different, or a greater or less oomgtnsatlon for his offlolal eertloes than that uhfch has been prtsorlbtd by law. (Cz’OSbr County cattle Company 1. KoDtnitt, es1 8.W. 295; fasling T. Xorrie,9 S.W. 759
; Latti- more T. Tarrsnt County, 124 S.V. ~206; Gulf, C. and 9. 8. I. co. v. the, 27 8.U. 110.) The dale of 8trIngtr 1. Franklin County, 123 S.V. 1168, hold6 in effsot that where the law fixes the oompen6e- tloa which an o??loer Is to reot~re for given strvioes, or Im9oses upon him the autr of p~tcrformlag his serrloe vithout speoIfloally fixing an;J oomptnsatlon thtrefor, he osnnot lav- full7 oontraat or recelrt from any other ECUrOt any additional oosptnsation. Th6 SUprtme court Of Ohio, in th6 oase Of 8Omtr6tt Bank T, Edmond, 81 Northeastern Reporter, 641, glong other thIng8, hold6 In effect that public 9olIof and 6ouab morals allkc forbid that a public officer should demand or rtcsltt for #errice performd by hla in the dlsch6rge of official dut; any other or further remuneration or reward than that prcr- cribsd and allouad by lau. -- Honorable If. P. Boxton, Page 3 Ye quote from Ruling Case L4w, Vol. 22, 99. 837-640, es rolloue: Wontnote ?or extra oompensatlon of pub110 offlosrs have been void oa ground of pub- adJudge 110 90110~. Not only sre they forbIdden br oommon lsw to reoelve extra compensation for their offloiel 6eniee8, but the oommon lam Is not Infrequently reInforcea by constitutional prorlslons. . . . It 18 a prlnolple of the oomion lsu that en offlasr ought not to take roney for doing hi6 autf, but that he should perform hls OffIO~al dUtl68 wlthou& re- uard cc conptneetlon than such Is flxsd and allowed by law. Therefore a pub110 officer oannot rtoOfer ronptnration from third portlee for the performance of act8 within the scope of hi6 official duty, even though the Pots were oerformtd at their rtquest, or though thtx may hare txprtaely promised to pay him. A proalst made under such clrc~stanoes is contrary to public $olioy and cannot be tnforotd. . . .. In view of the forer.dng suthorltles, your question, a6 nbort stated, Is answered In the negatlre. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GEXRAL 0.F TKXAS Ardtll ‘illllams AStiEtaAt AW:db