Honorable Neil J. Gilligan County Auditor Uvalde County Dvalda, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Number O-2923 Be: Time for holding road bond elections. Ilbhave your letter of Novauber23, which reads as followsr "Will you kindly inform me whether or not Arti- cle 704. as amended, Vernon's ¬ated Civil Statutes, providing bond elections shall be held not less than 15 nor more than 30 days from the date or order of election, prevails wbr Article 2950 wherein it is stated that the munty Judge shall oause notice of election to be posted or published for thirty days? I pm interested in P county-wide bond ale&ion - - road bond." We first aall your attention to ths fact that Title 22, Chapter 3, hrticles 752a, et seq., constitute the staturoty authority for the issuance of road bonds. Article 752f-2 reads as follows: "The Conrmissioners'Court shall determine the time and plaoe or places of holding suoh election, and ths date of such election sh4.lnot be less than thirty days from the date of making the order of election." This artihle refers to the election contemplated by Article 752f, wherein it is provided that if the proposed issue of bonds and levy of taxes is for tt7 e&ire county, notice of election shall begiven by pub- lioation In a newsgaper published,in such county for three successive weeks, if there be one, and futiher provides that in addition thereto for P period of three meks prior to said election, notice shall be posted by the county olerk & four public plaoes in the county, one of whioh shall ba at the oounty courthouse door. . Honorable Neil J. Gilligan - Page 2 (O-2923) 1c, call your attention to Article 752g, which reads as followsr "The manner of holding such sleotion and canvas- sing and making returns thereof shall be governed by the general laws of this State when not in confliot with the pro- visions of this Act." We ara of the opinion that the issuanoe of road bonds and the manner of voting same must be in rccordanoe with the above quoted arti- cles, and that &tic10 704, as amended, and 2950, referred to in your latter, have no application in the isauanoe of such bonds. You PI-~,therefore, advised that in any road bond election, notice thereof shall bs posted for P period of not less than thirty days from the date,of the order of election. Trusting that the foregoing satisfactorily answers your in- quip, we *rb Yours very truly ATTORNEY GIiXERALOF TE#S By /*/ Cl~rsncs E. Crowa Clarence E. Crowe Assistant CEC-srEGW APFROVED DEC 17, 1940 /s/ Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEYGEIWRALOFTEXAS Approved Opinion Committee By BKB Chairman