. ’ OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN HOnor~bl* Rolner @arrimll, Jr. Dircator Beprrtment o? Pwbllo Safety Austin , Texas -!?i 1940, you ark the ion of ubethbr ?ihe Aote or, the authorire t on HRe sulultted to Ii8 aA& dleouaaed In our opiaian f Ootobar 9, 1939. th, for your ln- plalon WC hrld follorr: or tomyour eixth querCloa, you are the balanoo whioh may r”p*c la the and Qhaatfeur8r License kd, under Publid 9atsty ocae is not the ohmaoter of npcoi.altuna ~vtil- abke for the UPO oi the Deportmentof Publlo Safety generally, by gnd with the approved of the Lialtaatlunof P~ytwnta?S&&, but the rider : HolaarGarrison,Jr., Page 2 Hor:.Trable quoted above from Senate Bill 427 requirer " th& I)uohexoese or surplus in the fund be devbted to a partloular use by the ComptrOl- ler, that is, the exoesa at the end of the flroal blennlum in this epealal fund is to be pald into the Qeneral Fund for the pur- pole of relmburslngthat fund for the item of``:ralariee and other expenaee arywoprlated to the Depertment of Publio Safety out of the Generel Fund for the flroal blennlum end- ing Augtmt 31, 1941.* Your6 very truly ATTORNEY GENE~:AL OF TEXhB BY A .'d Falmhlld Aesiat&t Opinion Committee By B.W.B., Chairman