OFFICE OF ME Al7’ORNEY GENERAL OF 7EXAS If? :u AUSVlN i. .P ‘ flo8orsble T. lr. TrImbLe, Paage 2 *It 1~ true thr:tno vaoanoy existed nhoa rei+ pondeAt xa6 acyoLAte6, ii by vaaanay IS wamt that then va6 AO gearson xho could then lsrfullydiwharga the dutiesoi thb orrloe, ror relatorcould law- fully disohcrge the dutiae of tho otiloe UAttl hie suooessor putairfbd;but it la true, ii it be held that his term or Orrho should oontinue ror two y0arr fram the date of his pualIlI~eA.Ion, that t&a tina wa6 Dear at haAd =heA the l ppOIAtM!At Ol XWpOAdeAt wei6mat-is,UbaA his tdlntOr OrriO 68 lfSWd by &W sauld esppir., nnd it wa6 the duty OS the oity OWA- 011 to apgolnt hia SUCO~SOUZ. Them was A0 talid objeOtIOA to makw the appointrrvratOf hlr 8UOee8mOr before the axpiriition of the tenn for nhIeh he was elaleotedl . . ." In city oixoAaton V. Mahoney, 80 8.i. 1142, 1143, it Hamam * Vi ax-0 anaro of the doctrine anawnoed la Stats+Aatlln, 84 Texas 48, 19 S. W. SOS. Sut ia t&e osw alted the .owrt gob8 no furtherthan to deolar*,tbs wefl-mittled rulk that an appoint- ment may bb made ln aatlo~patfon qf 8 YaOa~oy. 5uoh s ~oar6b it3 s nbp~sslty, an4 18 uriIY*rmlly followed both IA appointment88 and the lew not oaly gsrmftei but authorlesaIt, to the had that YaOaA- ties may be prarluea agaIAet, 8Aa holdfug over avold- 04. . . .a The rCCS&AStiOA Or s cOUDtY sUpriAtbAd4JAt 011 xO~08Ik- ber 6th to beaozne ettectirs moambar 51et, Is, of ocurae, mereY.9 8A annmAcan%At by the oilids holder of hie intention to rerfgn the office on Zwceinbsr 3lJlat. Until rruah date DO Ycloa~oy will .. srlat In the 0rtice 0r county Fuperlatsndent sAd th8 c~raloa- ers court is powrlses to appOiAt angoAe to nsfmm the duties or the oifloeprior to the 6rr6QtiTb data or the resignation -- iA other words pxior to the actiUel~6xi6teAOi3Or (IYaOaAO9 fA the 0fri00. T&Is doer aot, however, preYeat the oomilebloners oourt rrom antIoLpetlA$ th% Yaaanay aAd rrom zaak,IAgprOYISi@A thsrefor in @dYaAcs. ThO SppOiAtmbAt bW3W3B eff6OtIYe OAl9 .- _ Eonorab1.e T. E. TrImble, page 3 when the ofiloe aotually becomes taoant, uhloh, under the facts d your request, would not be prior to Dscezabor Slat. Sour* very truly hTTOhNiiY OF TAX.46 BY