DocketNumber: O-2841
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
.OFFICE OF THE AHORNEY GENERAL 0~ TEXAS AUSTIN -oNAm -- Eonortable Y. 0. flaerm secrctar~ of mato Aumtin, Texam Dear Mr. rlaerm 8 opiLpiop No. 04841 Me: gifeotlte dqte of oonmtitu- I' ,tiotaalamendment, Artlole q, ssotion 28, If maoh .~, mmp&ant mhotild be adopted. I' We aoknal- r&eipt of your letter of date October 22, 1940, reque&lngL-legal opinion, as follarcr to the Colmtltution of \., jALge& lsany appliCStiOIR3 SrO llOI bObBg &e'Por appointments issusdiately after the November Bleotion in the event the Wnt reoeires a mrr)ority rote. *when will the Searstory of atats be authorized to lrPke appointments of Notariem in the event that aolendPent aarri0mt' Hon. IA. 0. Florors - page 2 Uticls XVIl, Section 1, of' tho Constitution, with rospeot to the mode of amending the Conetltutlon, pm~IUes that: . l * a It shall be the duty of the several returning offloers of said elec- tion, to open a poll for, and make co- turus to the Seoretary of State, of the number of legal votes oaet at said eleo- fion for andagainet saIdamendment and ii more than ow)be propoeed, then the nunher of votes orret for and against each of theu~; ond if it shall appear from erid return, that a majority of the votes east hare been oast in favor of any ameud- mend, the said amendment so reoeiring a majority oft the votes oaet shall beoom a part of this CoMtitution, am proolamx- tlon shall be made by the Gwernor thereof.’ Article 2024 of the lIevised Civil Statutes pro- tidesr *On the fifteenth day after the elec- tion, the day of election excluded, and not b&ore, the Seoretary of Btate in the preeence of the Governor am% Attoruey Gen- eral, or in case of vacancy in either of said offices, or Inability or failure of either o? said offioers to a&, then In the presence of either one of them, shall open and count the returns of the election.* This Artlole, as a sequence of Article 3033, controls the ansT?r to your inquiry. You arc therefore respectfully advised that upon the Seoretary of State's counting the returns of the election In the presence of the other State offi- cers named, Fi It shall appear from said returns that a majority of the rotea oast have been oaet in favor of the amemdzmnt, the amendment thereupon becomes a part of the Constitution. See Texas Water 4~ Gas Co. vs. City of Cleburnc,21 S.W. 383
. . Hon. li. 0. Flowers - page 3 The effeotlvo date of the amendment If car- ried doos not depend upon the Governores proclanntion. This was determined in an early case by Judge W~llson of the Court of Crlndnal Appeals, wherein he said: *Our construction of this provisIon is that It la the asoertolned mnjority of the rote of the people, and not the pro+ lamatioa of the Governor, wb%ch gives force and effeat to the amsndment. l l * We are of the opinion, therefore,~that am coon as the election returns were bMaesed, and it r a slocertahed that a majority of the totea east were iu faroF of t&e ameudmsnt, It become a part of the Constitution, and was In full force and effeot from that date." -- Wilson ~0. The State, 1LI %3x. Ct. Apps. Rep. 150. -e . Very truly youra i.TTORNEX GBRERAL @ Tl3X@ 46 0cl.e Speer As&lstant 08-m