82 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AIJSIIN ”\ ., 'i,, '1 Honorable L. D. Eartwell \ County Attorney ,;' '\ mYIt county Oroenrllla,Ten8 -..~ \\.. ..~..._.\ mar Sir Board or dmbalmlng. A thea lease8 this room to B, a liceneed Embalmer or thr toan of L, Hunt County for a stipulatednonthly rental and a stipulatedamount eeoh time this groperationroom is urod by B in ProParbtg a body ror burial. Honorable L. D. Hsrtwoll, Pago 2 -In the cam oi e death in the town in whioh h does buelnese t?osr interested either call B di- reotly, or oall A who irunediately oallr B by tele- ghono to come and take charge ot the body. A haa no part in the preparation or burial of the body. Thi8 18 handlrd by B under hle own direction a8 he 80.8 et. A rooalvea no compen8atlonror calling B to t4ko ohmrge of sala funoral. Rim only lntere8t in tha matter being in ralll~lgthr oaakat and ool- looting thr agreed rantal rrom B. *B her oomplete oontrol over said preparation room, and he personally supervisesthe burial from the tire he receive9 a call until interment is oomplated. B liver in a town some twenty-rive miles rrtnn the town in which A's place of business and said preparation room ie located.” 'k's shall assume that B la a duly lloan8sd funeral dl- rector as roll as embalmer. Upon these facts you ask our opinion on the follow- ing quaetiona: -~;uestlonNo. 1: Is A vlolatin~ any aectlon 0r Article 45!32-oHCS or Article 702-a Penal Code, that is, 1s A engeged in the business or prsotlce of Funeral xrsctlng in violstlon 0r said Articles? ":,usstlsnNG. 2: Is Bdolsting said law in as- sisting an unlicensed person to angagsd in the buainesa of Funeral Director cs that term 1s defined by law? “‘,uesticn NO. 3: Is it a violation or aaid Article for B to encage in the practice of Funeral Di- recting In a town o%hsr t%n tte cne In v~hlch?~eresides?" . l¶onoroblr1. 0. lhrtuell, Plgo S VJndortaLor,~ *lortloion * or ly othor th.t ho Ir -agod h tho buoinooo IO a roo dth yotr ooaoludoa rlth roapoot to quoa- tlon 1, th a t l fvr tho faoto otatod above It 088~ olur tbot A is not tiolotin$ anld loation (7) in that ho hor nothi- to do With tho sonduotlng or tho iunrrrl or burl81 sad 18 ``ooldI”” hiaeolf out as lngogod in or oanduotlsq mold bus- “, and oonooquontly A IO not rlolotlly any or tho prod- oIono 0r Art1018 45aR-a, R. c. s., or Art1010 752-a 0r tho Penal Cods. It ~000#00rii~ rOiiOW0, that ir A i8 Wt 0438604 in tho buriaom or pooatioo oi i'unonl diroot~, that B oan sot luto t him Is oo doing, whorororo your rooond quootIon is onoworod In tho n~atlro. X8 lIkorioo r&r.. with your oonolwIon thnt your third quortlon rhould be answorod In tho no&atito and wo adopt your disouarlon th0r00r a8 oxprordag th4 viowo 0r thlr Doportmont : No. SI Rule 4 (prowl *?,tlortIon atod by tho a to toBoordor xmbdilag under luthor fty 0r sold Art1010 4lM&) prorldoo that ~Conduotlnga Ranoral #hall 88~1 tho personal 8uporrioIonor a 1loonood maoral Director from the time of th8 rlrot yz uBt;l Intorront lo ooraplotod'. Rule 6 moridoa: noes of ~?unoralDiroctlng muot bo oonductod mad on- gagod In at a fired plaoo or ortabllohmont~and no por- eon oh811 open or maintain e plaoo or lotablIohmontat whloh to ongago in or conduot or hold hIwolf ou? as ongaging or conducting the buolmao ot o runoral f?irootor as d0riad in said low without a lioonsed runoral di- roctby in charge tkerooi at ali thea’. *Under ttr facts etated *bsve it appears thfit5 live8 lr a town 80~1otwenty-rive mlloo mm tho town in qhioh A’S plaoo 0r bulioooo and said preparation room ir looatod. HoonoraoloL. D, Eiartwoll,Pugs 4 =1t IOOma that Sootlon 4 IO not violated by rho arrangomont sot out above r0r B, a lloa:;ood Funeral Dirootor, aasumao ~0r80~1 aup~nidon of the body and the finoral from the tlrr or the rirat 0all uatu Intor0oBt Ia oonplotod. 'As to Rule 6, Under the arrmgomont above sot out tha.buainooaof iunorrl dirootw la osnductod end engaged in at a ilxed plaoo or 8otabll~hmont. The only Juostian then aa to suoh rule la to the part or said rule whloh provides that *a runoral dlrootor mot be in ohargo thoreoi atoll tlmoo~. or aouroo, B would not be poraonal.lygreoent an& phprioally in ohargo of asid FOXI at aach minu:a of the day, but it a,-pears to me irvm rho raoto that b would bs in charge thoroor et all xasonablo times and at all tiara when said room WBO bOiAg U8Od OC WhOo l iU!IOrol W08 bring dirOOt@d. Win BIrollo v. Stats, 16 9. K. Sd, pegs S85, our Court of Criminal Appeals 5.npaoalng on 8 law which rovi4od Ohut a beauty lohool In #lo stats must be fat all timof under the diroot auyenIalon or a rogiot- ored halrdreeeor or coanmtologietheld tkmt the word9 *at all times' a;poarln(;in said 8l;sttits must be &ven o rational oonstrnotlon aonsiatontwith the le;iola- t,ure*rintent azd ntusibe ovratruod 6s zaanini;at all reaaonac4e timee. It rsams that ths words *at all tme’ appearing in -2ul.o5 ahvuld be @ren the same ConatSuO- tion, and 3, who would be grosont personally at all thes when snid praparatior room was beir?E; wed and when a funeral was being dlreoted and a;``rvisod and till@ a body was bein.;;m,-ared ior burial am Lmrle&, would UGer a roasonatle comtr~ction of saia rule a8 set OUt in Sizelle v. =tase be 'celdt0 be prssent and in charge thereof at all tiOLes.*