DocketNumber: O-2769
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF PHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS @oonorable J. i'iattPage adjutant General Austin, Texas ate of Texas? ,, These Nationil Guardsmn have been.ordered’into the aotive..tilitaryservice of t%e United States by the. Tresibnt. of the United states octing,un&r the authority of Pcblic Resdlution NO. 95 , Act by the 76th Congress. This resolution reach .in,.part a.9 foLlom3: ~ > i. . . -. ,’ ,. .I / ,. ” ‘. ,. ‘. .‘,., . *. : Honorable 5. Watt lage, ?age ‘2 . Yb?solvedby the $enate and House of Repre- sentatives of the United Z&es of herim in Con&ress aoseubled,That during the period ending June 30, 1942, the Iresldeat be, and is hereby, authorized.fro%tiz to.tlae to order Into the aotive rtilitaryservice oi the United states for a period OS twelve concecutive rsontheeach, any or all smxbers oad aits or my or all reserve com;;onents of the Amy of the United Xates (ex- ce?t thit any Dcrcon in.the Xational Guard oi the United Statas under the ace or 18 years so ordered into ,the active Alittry sexvice shall be in:.lediote- ly issued an honorable discharge froa~ths ILatioual Guard of the United 5tctes); Ned retirad Dersonnel OS the Zicgular:Ar~y, v&th or without their consent, ’ to such extent and in such ;mnl;erno he ray cleen necessary for the stredgthenlngoi the national deferso: Provideda That &he :;le,zbers and units of the reserve coxgoneatsof the Amy OS t!ieUnited Zatss ordered into active “edera service mder this Authority shall not be ezployed beyond the ,’ .:lizits ol the !Yestcrn5mlsphere except in the ” territories and possessionsof the United States, including,the-Ghilip2iao .Islands. “Sec. 2. -411Xational Guard, Esrerve,.and retired parsoonel ordered into the active zilltary service of the United &totes uziderthe foregoing special authority, shall frostthe dates on which .“,,;. they are respectively,recjulred by such order to ireport foxduty in such service, be subjectto the :,res-peotivelass and’reguiationsrelating to .en- reenlistxmts; :.,.list~ents, ezgloyscnt., i2on&xt, ~rlghts,and privileges,and dischargesof such personae1 in such service to 2he saxe extent ia all particulars as if they had been ordered into : such servica under existing general statutory au- thorixationo.n. Section 101 oi the Rational Defense ;,otof the kited States, OS a:zendedto January 1, 1940, (38 Statutes 208)) provides: *The National.Guard when oalled as such into the service of tLe United states shall, from the t.i;ethey darere$uire& by the term of the call to respond thereto, be subjectto the ,laws’andrcgu-, ,, . Honorable J. Katt Page, Tage 3 lations governing the aegular Amy, so far as such laws and regulations are applicableto . officers and enlisted ‘menwhose permanent reten- tion in the silitary service, either on the aotive list or on the retired list, is not con- templated by existing law." Section 111 of the same act provides as follows: ., "When Congress shall hzve declared a national exergenoy and shall have authorized the use of armed 13nd forces of the United Atntes for any purpose requiring the use of troops in excess of those of the Regular Army, the President may, under such re- gulations,including such physic31 examination3s he may prescribe, order into the active military service of the United States, to serve therein for ' the period of the w3r or emergency unless sooner relieved, any or all units and (the) members (there- of) of the National Guard of the United titates. All persons so ordered into the active ,military service of the United States shall from the &ate of such order stand relieved from duty in the National Guard of their respectiveStates, Terri- tories; and the Liistrictof Columbia so long as they shall rennin In the active military service of the United States, snd during such time shall. .‘, be subject to such laws and regulationsfor the governmentof the Army of the United States 3s nay be applicableto members of the Amy whose permanent retention in active mi'litaryservice is not con- templated by law.. The organizationof said ,units existing at the date of the order into 3ctlve I;&-,:'-``~: era1 service shall be maintained intact insofar ~, 3s practicable. "Comnissionedofficers and warrant officers appointed in the National Guard of the United States and commissionedor holding w3rrauts in the Army of the United States, ordered into Federal service 3s herein provided, shell be ordered to active duty under such appointmentsand commissions or warrants: Provided, That those officers and ~i3rran+, officers of the &tionsl Guard vihodo not hold appointmentsin the National Guard of the United states may be appointed and commissionedor tendered warrants therein by the President, in the _. RonorableJ. ;;attRage, 23Se 4 sam grnde ona brihch they hold in the Xational Chard. "Gfflccrs and enlisted .:.oA ?hila the ser- in vice of 5t.Gu2itca .2t.‘.?.i*25 uncor the ter.:3Of tilis sect102 si311 raceive the gay and 0110~3r:c3s ~ZO- vidsd by 1~ for officers and eulisted .XC o? the rescAmc forces w!:saozderad to active duty, except briszdicr generals aaL &or Cmemls, vho s?all . ?azoivo the saze 23y a.ldaiioeznces as 3rov?dad by law for brigadier gencmls 3.-d:zjor g-ncrliLsof th3 Aegular.Ar~y,reagectiv3lg. Upon being relieved fro3 activa duty in the 2kiitory sir;rice of tt3 United Lta'xs a11 individasls325 units shall there- uson revert to their Zatio231 Guard status. "In the initial zobilizztionof the X'etionsl Guard of ;; I=. ~2~. it e a States, ccr-streS$h officer personnel shall be tclkn fron the ;i3tioml Guard 33 far as.practicabie,2nd r‘s2 t33 purpose Of this erps..nsion mrral;t O;'fiCclSS rd eaiisted aen of the Sistional h.rd ;~y, in tizLeof PWCE, be ap- pointed officer3 in the Xntional Guard of the United states a3d comissionad 'inthe Army of 'United Ltates." The,provisionsof the Constitutionof.the State of ?exas bearing up03 your ~uastiocs ere as follo:?s: .nSc~iion lE, krticla 16. No mzber of Congzass, nor person holding.or exercising say office of pro- fit or trust, Uyler tho United States, or either of thes, or uader shy Zoreigr,power, shall be .eligible ,,as a z;lber of *&,aLegislut;lre , or hold or axeroise any office of profit or trust under this state." Wection 33, Articlo.16. The accounting of- ficers of this State s&ill neither dr3vjnor >ay 3 I'JDEailZ u_oonthe treasury in fsvor of any person, for sel3ry or co:ngcnsation as ageat, officer or ap$okiteo, w:;oh:;lds3ton the treasury sh311 not a?.nlyto ofricers of the N3tional Guard of Terss, the National Guard Reserve, the Officers Reserve Corps of the 'Jnited .. .. Ronorable J. 'tiatt Page, Rage 3 States, or to,enlisted men of the Xntional Guard, the Xational Guard Reserve, and the Organized Rese-es of the United States, nor to retired of- ficers of the United States Army, Navy, and Marine corps, and retired warrant officers and retired enlisted .menof the United States Army, Navy, and LtirineCorps.n "Section 40, ilrticle2.6. No person shall hold'or exercise, at the same tims, more than one civil office of eJolu.leiit,except that of Justice of leace, County Comtissioner,Notary Rublic and ?ostz.aster, Officer of the i\iati.onal Guard, the National Guard Reserve, and the Officers Reserve Corps of the United States and enlisted men of the ';~"ipe~ - m1 Gaz,-d , the X~tiorzL Gxrd ?.eserve,cad -: _ .-= CZZT1-'-,-zi -jr===-,-- -----2: 0' - -'em .-e ---iy=i;--.Ls- ZLZ- Gm---w Y.."e-3, re;ireZ officers of she United States Army Iiavy, and Xsrine Corps, and retired warrant offi.Aers, and retired enlisted men of the United States Army, Navy, and Larine Corps, unless otherwise .speciallyprovided herein. .?rovided,,that nothing in this Constitution construed to prohibit an officer or enlisted ;1anof the National Guard, and the Rational Guard seserve, or an officer in the Officers Reserve Corps of the United States, or an enlisted man in the Organized tieservesof the United States; or retired officers of the United States Army, Navy, and Zarin~eCorns, and retired warrant officers, and retired enlisted msn of the United States Army, Navy, and ibrine Corps, from holding in conjunctionwith such office any. other office or position of -honor trust or profit, un- der this State or the United States, or from voting at any election, general, special or primary, in this State when otherwise qualified.** Since Article 16, Section 40 has applicationonly to the hoiding of~two l'civil"offices of emolument, that section of the Constitutiondoes not apply to the situation vkich you present. Zx parte Dailey, (Texas Criminal Appeals) 246 S.K. 91. Article 16, Section 12, and Artiole 16, Section 33, however, are not linited in their application to "oivil" offices. . .. . Eonorable J. -:'att ?age, ?age 6 * C'henan Officer or an enlfsted man fn the National Guard of the .Stateof Texas is called into thG active military service ~ofthe United States, from the date that such officer Or enlisted ran in the i~ationnlGunrd of tho State~of Texas is m'usteredinto the active military service of the United Sb?teS he is relieved from duty in ths Nstional Curd of the Pisate Of Texas and ceases to be a member of that orgsnization.. If hG holds nn office of profit or trust under this State,. 2nd by virtue of having been ordered ?nto tke active military service Of tho United States he acqtiires and holds or exer- CiSGS an Office Gf r;rOfit or trur;t in the active dlitary service of the United Statss, under the provisions of Article 16, kCtiOn 3.2, Of OUT State CGnstitutiGn, h.e autGm&tically vacates the office which he holds under this State. Lowe VS. State, 83 Texas Criminel ZGsorts, 134, ,201S.::'. 986; Fekota vs. City of Zest St. Louis, 315 Ill., 58, 145 N.E:,092.' Quoting from the case last above cited: nAftn$ She plaintiff was inducted into the United States Army he ceasGd to be a r.ember of the 1Xlitia, and tke provision in the Constitutionthat appoint- rmnts in that organization should cot bc considered lucrative can have no apglicoticn.`` Each of the question's v?hicti you have presented therefore, must be answered in t.hGnegative, You have limited yo;lrquestions to thG situation v,herea gstional Guardsman holding an "office* under this State by virtus of the greeidentialon11 acquires sn '~0ff.i``'~ in the active militsry service of the UEited States, and ouropinion above has reference only to that situstlon. Hovr- ever the ,followingfeet situations,we feel, should be OOn- sidered: 1, ~ssu~le that i Kational Gusrdsnan holding a State *~office`` ke pesidential call ecquires, by virtue of t.," I;ot an ``offiCG*~ of profit or trust, but a W~ositiOn``of honor, trust or pofit in the active,militarysarvice or the < United States. TO ty.Ls situo:tSon,Article 16, Zectioc 12, of the Constitution,does not api~ly,and the Stats office ?7OUldnot be forfeited. i?owev er, so fans as tix "gosition** Gf hOZlOr, trust or ~r0fj.t be hold under the United States, under J,rticle10, section 33, of the Constitution,the ac- coutin~ officers of the State are 3rohibitcd from drowin& -.. gsying ,y y:errart upon the treesury for the salery.or Com- : i&ation attaching-tothe State "office.!' .- - .: .’ Xonoiable 5. ':'att ?cge, Tace 7 2. dssmo that a Xntionel Wardsan is an nom?loy~en of the Xoto,&mi by virtue of t&? prcsidectial caii, nc.;ulr*s an "office" or ff30sitionf'of "hon.or,trust or profit** in the a ctivc riilitaryiervics of ihlr:i'nitedSt3tcs. To this situa- tion ?yticl,e16, Section 12 of the coastitutiondoes m t apply, end tileendoyee Of the S-bate?:ouldnot thereby automtically loss his 5tate eqloyxxt. ,U.owever,30 long as the wofficelz or 9ositionf1of "ho;lor,trcst'or yrofitB1in the active nilitary service of the United States is held, under Article 16, Section 33, of the Constitution,the accounting officers or the State of Texas are Fzohibited fro- drawiq: or Taying a vrorrantu?on,' the treasury for salary or coxpansationattachinG.tothe State employzzent. BCT a discussion,ofSection 33, Article 16, of the Constitution;in its application ",ot5e holding,oi'tvropod- tj.onsat the sane ti.xe,see our C?iziol Ko. o-2607, attaohed heroto. ,, . 3JY Richard i?:'. Fairchild Assistant