:_ :“--f329 OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dear Sir: en employer of rlJMnt station her a against thr State tlryraa*l+db'illtbr of amplo#jwlt,an4 what proaedure ehoald low to Baoura aomprnsa- r the aooidrnt? er 27, l?@T, a8 to m~plo~sr of Subatatlon an lnjurr in the t a hoes bsiag do- with tha result that a strean o? eye eubmqusatlf ed, and after oamful following eonalueioa: 830 Bonorablo A. B. Conner, paa 2 In the abrrnoo.oi moh a provieion, no ello~anaa aan ba made by the State. Youre ~8x7 truly ATTORBSY QElWML OF TEXAS BY Amiatant APPROVEDNOV 15, 1940 . ATTORNEY GENFRATU OF TEX,.S