DocketNumber: O-2772
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY aENERAL OF N(Ao AUSTIN Q-O.NMI3 l-- -- Dam 8lrI OpinloD~ito.o-J3711 lwr Bar rue&lor tb latter oomtltmnt ot Clplo Ua- nor 8hould bo oredltrd oa bL8 tint ooQmitlwnt? ?,ud related qusstiona. TO&uinqtalry Ot'raoont datw asking our opinion on the queatlonr ltstad h8r boao oeretully oonsldared. XII order to lluoidatr the qwetlota# involved, we lummarizo the ra0tO. Tha oowiot we8 ffrwt 0ommitt.d on Doosmbor 8, 1987, tram liuatmd tsnain countlea to mrva s 811 fear tern tar thr*r oaasa of burglr~, ha~lng born aontaaood 0x1 AoveQter a, 1927. Two amntha a tillqht dam later, or on J``4r~.11,.:1988, ha aaoapld.. Hla IO?T~O, ln thm ~nltm- tlary w4a 48 COnVlOt 80. 87987, rums D. 0. LeaMy. 'on tanaart 11, lSes, the mmm amy OS th4 lm4pe,' tlm prison authoritlea gubliahad oirculara ofterlng gX5.00 rrmrd roor tha taoapta~o ad prtron of thm said o& of the oondltlon8 0t the rewardotter was ~?%oanmitted to prison upon a sow oonvlotica, the ra- oaptaro reward booam void. on Deow&mr 16, 1938, a8 Clyde L~ILIIo~,PO, 90189, ppur prlronar oammittrd tram mw4ra comtf, w43 again to same 4 four year tern tor two oanea of pamaiag a torged iamt-nt, sentence having been antored a3 bsmning OU CO- tobar 14, 19%. Xo cantLon was z.mdo ti the sentmoe to tha BonorablC C. J. :. Xlingson, Faga a prior oonviotioan hmre~nabovs rsferrsd to. 90 MS not ldontifled as the eaoapae, L).C. Lennay HO. 57957, and on Fabruary 7, 1939, the Oorarmr of T&XASarantod a oou- dltlsnal pardon oorerlng the Howard County ooorlotlcm OillT. Thm expiration date uador tbrso oonrlotlCnC umld ba Bebruary 4, 1948. ‘rhoabove raota are glennod from pur origloal latter requesting our opinion mad from the latter you wrote in anewer to our request for additlmal lniormatlon. ;?a quote your requeet parawaph: This inmate is now la custody for m- turn bore aa an oaoapo under 30. 67987 end we would like to hare your opinion no to how- of hia latter oamrnitmentoaould be amdfted on hla first OJaaitmmt~ al80 'Hhethef the pmr- ent arrautlnu offloerr are entitled to H reward in this.O~P*.~ Hlth reference to your, tlrst quaatlai, -ua re- apoottully dimot your attention to the following artiola or the code or criminal ?roosdum of mxrr: *~rtiole 774, (a431 (eae) cumulatlre or conourrent sentsnoe When the eaas defonanat ha8 bean oonvio- tmd ln two or mom OQSOS, CA tka punlabraant asesrrod ia saoh OUISOla ConfinasCnt in thC ~nltontiery or th4 joil ror a term 0r laxMa- 0&?i0nt) fudgmmnt and ssntance shall b:s~TO- nouncod in eaoh oaaa in the smo mumor 41 if tham had ken but and OonriCtion, except that in the dlsoration of tlu Court, tha &U%gment in the aaoond and mbaequent oonvlotlau may either be that tna punishrant shall brgin WheB the judgaont and sentonoa in the 2rooeding oon- victlon haa ceaamd to operate, or that the yu- iehnmnt ahall run concurrently with tho iSAC+ oaee or oases, and sentonce and exeoutlon ~tlall be aoaordingly.* ‘::rior to the ndoption of thla article it ~(13kelc! by tb 3uprChC Cmrt, in tho case or -2rinOoV. ?tatC, 44 iOX. 4?0, tht the CouAs hud no autharlty t0 OUEUl!ltOthe ;WnlltY Eonorable C. J. 5. 3lliqsoa, fu&e 3 an& hara one aantenca bagln at tha arp:ration or anothar. Hannah~n v. State, 7 Tax. App. 644; Baker v. stata, l,l ,mx. It haa bean ssld by tha Court OS Criminal Ap- ~%a'%. it la by rlrtru or the quotad FTOT~S~JU or the Coda that court.4in this atata oaa order a oumulatlro tam, and that on4 term of lm~rlao~ent aball begin at tha uplr- atlon or another, and, in 0454 the ooart do04 sot 60 order la the Last aantanaa or riaal judammt 60 irPpomea, tha t0mi3a run onnourrsntly. sea Rx part4 mint, &.a TOX. iipp. 361, 13 .cL ‘U. 148: 9X part@ 001, 29 TBI. A:p. SC, 14 9. %v. 396; 2~ parts Davis, 71 hx. Cr. R. 538, 160 9. H.-439. It la aald that In tha lpplioation of the atat- uto, It is not ese*ntlalthat tha idor oomlotiona k at the smw tura or oourt; m prta :~oaoley, 30 mx. iipp.338, 17 S. ‘)1. 418; nor In the da&u qourt, %lller v. Gtatd, Tex. cr. App., 44 5.x. 162. Thla Intorpret*tlon Ma evea baaa extonaed to euoh lea#h that in tha caaa or sx parts Lawson, 98 !fer.Cr. R. 344, 268 9. X. 1101, the court held that tima sjmnt ia a fadwal pritroa should uount in a Texas pri6oa soatanae wh0ro the raa0rcd lmprlacarmnt took plaoa after the stat4 aistrlat &dgo had, in impoalag the atate seatanoe, aa~4 00 mai0tii or the redemi m84. Upon application or the ~;rlzolplooor law ooataiad In the iorogolng authorltf68, you ara rsmpotttily adrlsed that tlaotl5a spent In the pealtratiary aa Clrdo Linnay. No. 90187, rhould br oradltrd ~18being ala0 In aatlafaotlon of the senteaao prorlou8ly asseaamd the amaieinaltidual as D. C. La~ay, No. S79S7, and the orodlt should ba for eaOh dar h@ was lotually In prlaoa. sartaln v. Stata, 10 nr. App. 635, whaa ho war releasad on the ooadltloaal and faclnin County oases, he reduaad his statue aa an aaoapra thar4rriua. A pardon uhioh raoltaa a aFa0irio offoaa* does sot oover a oapmrato and alstlaot offenraoommlttad by tha aam ofreader, though the two orfenaeo may ba ot a ah$lar obaraotar; In auoh eraat the f4rdoB ambraoea only the of- iona iGenti0n0a. 31 Tex. Jur. leas 87; ox Rarta Craaa, 115 T.x. Cr. R. 168, 29 S. 3. (2d) 357: KIllOr T* state, 46 i'eX. cr. R. 69, 79 S.!?. 5a7. i Eomrabl0 0. J. 3. .Elllngum, ~236 F. 792. Ae- aordlag ta your reprr to oar latter Jr Septeskr EBt&, wrlt- ten by you on ciotobar 10th 1900, If an eaoapae 16 oemittad to prlaoa with a new 0ou~lotIon, th0 noaptw rewarQ4 are toldad. If this prmlaion wao Inoorgorated with t& orlglaal rmud otresr, you do not now owe the reward ror tJx8 eubjoot wa= ommlttsd on thd %?ard $ounty oaaa, a new OOaTiOtiM. Howaver, wa mada an Lndapsad0nt laraatIgat~a,'and war0 prlvllogad ta se0 on0 or ttrea03tIo08aant out br the prlaon System cmarln~ this matter, throuqh tha aourtaay of ur. JOO 9. Satobr or the Oaparti0nt of Tubllo %?aty. In addition to o phatagraph at the subject, 113 iInWr?rlatr, olas~IiIaatlon and othar d~rcrlptlve zat ter, tha olroular reada a6 rollowa: (zZ5.GG) 3il;lrr Reward X- mlwenty-:*1%-o liverod to~lramfer Asant at my jull in the ~nltedStates. :~Im rnr3rzati2c to c:k,far clerk Crlnfcsl Raoord3p.3rt:.zmt,~untOTf~lOS 2440 ." . . Ia additioa, tno file6 of t-r.2lotakr reveti that through sapy aaiaci4~oe not ontlroly 011~rrto US, the Bmou of IdoatiNostloa and iieoortI5 it tba Eopartaeat of i'ubilo.lotetywore but rooontly furul``4 rp oopy of a above referrod to oremy notloo. 1~ the ooureo ot rmtlm oJm0.a t&o ldeutlty rr ertabllehed, rhauia your @. J7967 t0 b0 OIU Ud th0 SW pahot aI 30. 90167, Clyde ZJa- -Ye YOUP BuruWt OS T?e?aaorda W68 pSOnptly appriesd and $,a- p~liryoadr a8 to nh-Mb3r the 8ubJeot weo atfL1 rant.4 qv ao. esorrw br the Prlsot Syntem. It then r)eaaatbs Shwfft of the CoU!ttyrti-~m the rub$oot 188 Presently residing vmo aotl- ffe4, wheroupoa tha arreutwtsu ma40, butnhether by the o&Tiff ot Nolan CoMtf, or th0 901104 ?mpartaeat is not oLear, siaoe the Do~rtoaat print oi Publio :aistP Pl?rr(er Ildoord,8hon ~9-1340 - 9.0. .3931, ?wetwat9r, Rxas, flold- illg3oape4 xi014allq CO? Tsp.- $0 suot tlmr4toro your lnqulm oondltlacally a?\zlwer rolatlve to th4 rmardt (1) It ihe arrest w-a paao. without knowledm aC tna reward otrer OZIthe mrt of t!m ona WSI&R nuoh arkt, he would not be satitlod to aolleot tno x?oward. mar knowl- w&p oi a reward oxored for tho irrwt and rotura OS WI sroapob prisonor an4 ~srfoxsanoo in soaord tbhemwlth are es- 44ntlal to a rilpt to r403v4r. Thie holaln~ *ppr8r5 ln t.b Suprwo Court Case of 3roadnoxv* Ledbetter,140 nt. 375, 99 e. +. 1111, 9 L.E.~. (ii.:.)lOS7g sea aLoo Tobin v. ::acoab, (9s. Cl+. App.) 1SB 3.W. 227, Choloe v. Cfty of MUa (Tiu. ClV. App.) 210 9. 3. 762. (2) If tho arrest wan 1~40 haoaoso of, in rell8noo upon en4 in oo~plianoo wlta.~thereward &for, th4~mtwar4 0hool4 k ~14 to the p&aoa perlomla& the aote naklq him entltlod thento. xn 0th0r ~0r48, tn0 to2780 or art0mt r0r a uailatorai aoatawot caanot Qo vario4 ualrsr wde la the sm~ tiaaor a~)tho original of'fet. In aoao:-danoewlth the tenets of aontract law, tho kposltlo? of saw aOn4ltlon~ aniountu to the revoastlozioi the orlena oW4r an4 t.hszcaG in,?;of a now oa0. 3x21s revocation OS ::uohan ofrerto be st- foatuai utuothave been 1~46 In ouoh mnaer au to Likely reaoh the rsoiDlentl tlleroor. Fau%lly the 3-e %ethod sat be use4 in r;Jvoiclaga3 'IUYuse4 in akina_ t34 orl&nal~oiior. *:ee on contrxaCI8, Eevlrsd Zdltlotl,VOL. 1, 43 Z9-(iO.%, ‘:.ij,iiaton ww suthaitioe thora oitod. . ?ia have boon delayed aomewh& in anmmrlws yo& remoat for our o#nlon beoaaro cf the difficulty ot ob- taln.lnca11 of the psrtlnoat i.%ats. Te abow will enable $0~ ta determine tSn puostioa with ref9ronce t3 thr rawant; if not oloar to you, iAoas0 son4 ua IIfull stat4csnt or th4 0``4, togetcar with ooplos of any ad all dsaumata prtxxtlgsto4by t&o To&s3 Prison 'yet4n ap- p*rtai;iag thir4to. 2Y / - #a . jai& ;:oodall %f-- .;asistm.nt