OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G-c.MAtW A-- yn. vlolot 8. ePeeahlll, oblef i Dlvlrloa of allld Woliaro DoaPlrdul ?oaP wooat nqtrrrt a ea O tR tb b b o ve ltb to d q ?xo w* q Qo te fP o 7 a tad ootoberTt, l$JM, adg* tirrhi8O@B%~tb~irlbO who EoacuwbleWPaeet Bufgn, aunt Attome*, Sl ?aao, to&o, bar gnreatod a letter In ooaneatlonwith the above mn- 598 Rro. vlo1.t8. aroonhtll,?*o 2 tioaed iaqUa vbfob ~08do as fallovor ‘?loaoepefes to rour ')plnion No. o-2739aad nlAtedo9ln.laau. "xa Vlev of ymlr ophioa Ro. o-2739* sad par- &la~l,the last paragraph thereo?,nrdimg 80' fOllOV0' .'Wo bsvo boea umblo to fiad on7 8t48uto tlmtexp~ol~oP 4'=- tioa la muo r th e 7 oo a o r o ’ o a mlo to oroa8oud ootablbh t& off100 Welfa Offfoe)aben moatloaed aml apolo- pr3.d. sad expeadfundsfor 8he raintea- 8noo of ouchofflao.' '9 mivloeUthe Oolliooionerot 00~1-8that the7 verevlth mlauthorltj t to rintain the ChildYel- fwe 3ffloein t& Owatr, vhlohhrd bmxi thea-eto- ``f````?~e~ltadr,rudrrStrte oupor?- xt 111;s w oplaloa8hat 8hlo oplnioaooPreot- ly lt&id the lav on the oubjoot. 'A BelobePof 8he Dbvioioaof child welfare of the Stak Dopmtaont of PublfoWolfme, io in El ?a00 at 8bio tlm ud r uadorok96 that #or have diomoood the rder furthervl8h mmbe~o of row staff utd 8beyhve nqueoted t&t1 n-oubrlttho qu4Jo8L to yeu as follolmt 'This lo tbrefore~ ta mquert 8m o$inba fro8 vu on tim follovlnsfaotor Vw three pmro mm;, the 88&e Deportrat of Publlo Welfmo hao rrrintrirud, fa tl ?mo Oam~ a the odd Civil 8tatuteo.) lmm boea wd %l9aooQam~ba8iJkvenll* laudsad op lat. vr8b la aoaordanoe pPobat1enoffloePo,rho funet1an Artiolem51%-5lb2. "The Ooustyheuntofore l99ointed8Oount7 ohtld WelfareBo8ml,~ertha9roVloloar of Seotioa4, 599 ?oae 3 Ire. Violet 8. i?reenhi.ll, Article 695-4, vhieh row301 "'camlooiQnero'court ot say o o unt~ my appoint in lald oountt seven pemoao n01daat. tbDM.B,rho l&ll some v1that oce9eautlan and hold of- fleadoringth# pleaouvoof the oomlo- oionmot aourt,who ah11 ooaotitute l child Welfm Beard far She oouaty, ``ti>ggWwo zkva ohll leleot Vho Ohild Welfare mud oball *,firr ouoh QPt1.0 as rnr boomQulrod of it by the said ode- 0' oourt and Roard of Control,ln fur% ran00 of the pose 09 thlo sot. couaty oorriooioaero' aotwt of mf oouatrY muwe y member of mush oouaty WeTiwe &a4 for jurt oauoe.~ '?wagmph 5 of Artlale6%-a, provides that the Board of Control,throughuid &mntr Child WelfareBawd, oheuldvork i.8eomjrurotion vlth the CoUooionerot Court ud ntreafleBooM, 4ad thatthe &awl of Control vao wthoriredto us0 and allotany fmdo avail&&e for the 800om9110la- ment of bt# purpose. ‘UMOS &otfoa 42 of Artlole 6sS-r it is protidodthat Countr child WelfareBo&o eotoblfrh- edderAvtiol@ 635-a rtidb OortWd, 'The Mate Dopartaea*of hrblioWolfam be requeotod the Ooua to partteipate ln the open- tionof a couatq c3 ld Welfan Offioe l8 I!1Paso Couaty. Who offiee lo to ,umoiot of a ohild Wel- farovorkara8dao~mgva9heP The countyhas been roquooted 1,200.OOto l99l;l to appropr?iaCe ri tovwdo %he PIJIsrtof tho saladem of the Child Wo lfmer o eo ti r th e lto no g m pand h etmvelin8 r e&imaef the Child Welfavovorker, or to be ap- pliedim mob othermnao~ as &he Couatr ONld Ysffa~ 80Udd0O~tOO. 2hO-00 Of th 0 ll- ados sad offloe lxpeaoeoare to be boxme br Fedem &id, diotributtiunder State lupervialaa, throughthe fItate8eputaoat of publlaWelfare. YSalot 6. WedUll, ?oee 4 oPgo8intft3n of tmla w0i I 80 gfve oanoulk- t&or ooniooo oa problona aftrotl m. V%olot 8. -, wo 5 Ohild Welfare 9rolMmo am involved; to glre oaoe vork oervloeoto thow agosoieo, bath irtateand loaal, to lo- oat0 owl et* fortes haoo and to 9pz mm-- ~ldm8 t%ema do lonioeo j able toall ohildrerhaeedwl omt7, ' "uho oeunty ho d toapprogriato 12.00 for,this pwp0Oo. if;2-Oiol@. I&v0 At4 ~Oa``cO~uiown'OatIst~t~qogiri~ ouoh on expeadltwo us \urutho~loodia lav end vouldoomatitukuillegala9enditwe. ftlomy furthoroplnioathbt Wa.loa to. 0-2739,mutheo the oam e6mmlwiar. Queotion Ho. 1. CM the Count appropriate 41,200.00for thr purposeoutlinedaL vet ‘QuestSor lo, 2. 10 there uy var the Oouuty can 9ay thI0 acme7 to the QouabJ child Welfare B o a r to a lo o up llowh eb p ur p o se4 so8tertioa that the lpprv- refer pu to uy letter of , and them oall those rdbltioaal faoto to 7&w attention. %obdtviolon ‘dt of ekotion 9, Artiole695-8, reaaou foIliwo, "'a.Pmvldul that80 9rb~oloa m. Violet 1. -.Wb nW h o lm g u o g oefth lolot (Astlsleo 18 vao the o utsta n& 5139-51~2~rh$lv~hee l‘*0 Lo g to laevh tumlo mtlJ th o u g h t tzmtbjpl804 the8laoa@o u8aoamn dbeot otgorrlofm of tha g of those emmtioo, it would bo the 8i8wo 08d bra+floi8l Bo t&o pobflo. It is quite pbia that ii tho povm8 60~ foPred on the d.%otrlot judges 0-r mlaora uupro9orl~ oxer0ioeQ,itvfllbave a ton- to leooea orirr, amI dutfeo of W 23 Oonoideriogow fom of goverueoit, 8no r i dino t, l?t*otire utd no9onolblo wthod oeuld I&at bo aeoigood.' %t%olo 5142 sots up ir dew1 the amber of juroallooffloera, rbooe duty it lo to make lmvertl- tio80 foorthe Juvon%loBo8?& and te poPron all $i ties neaeou~ relet %owIevolfweorrhtl~ ua&P 3 the 8aar& Uho Artiole the urlodiat.l08 al809roti is0 foa89psiahmstofa ldroollttoodurae offioer, to bo paid oiatlr 0&301 luthoritfeo;1or ooheo bT Z!LT% Z Et&o* goovid. t nail of paid juvuile oiffoe?a loolotauto ohall bo fixed br a a &tlzel~ th oo a mlo o io a o n’ o ur no t tto lx o eo d th o o vmo h o nla n8tlo 8edo nda 4 b ill JlPor VQlot 8,. o?ooahill, ?w !7 *?mmthv8tatute. rhiohoomotoowsttea- tio8,vhiohvehave refermd to,ve find80 luthorlt~ Sor the app tiCion of w fuada for the wjk*1, to peoiom CL duties vhloh the abfld wolfam vorkor lo to porrom, uoept uder. Arti- 01.51~2 nlatirgta thoa+tmvntof9mba- tia a l0ffi s0 a 0 dlr0oo l0tM 80.wo finaa 0 a uth o r - o fvo r k obr oth eo o ua ty O? tho rgpPcJprlatlau of funds for Ohild Wolfwe vwk thvou@ owh Doard, slave ~o~o``~1~2,ir~opiriar,o~oiii`` rdato to the vosk vhtoh the ahilt%Wo lfuovo r k er Ma the ohflawoxfare ofrieolo ao)w&form,urd 8 opeo~tio opproprlatlon nml lirit8Cioa of funds, as provided for in thou Artisles,is exoluolve. A differeat quootiu voula extot, of "mm; ir l owntyvhvntherevaaaota~d offloors,8E"oo aa lm- beard and 9aid 9robfitlea 9lied9over to appropriate fmdo m.fghtoxiot,but vhen l o p e~ifi~approp~iatioa h a sb eena a a e, l8- pllod paver oaanot, ls 9 09iriar, llee, *:u0w88d th a th t 0 c 0tw7ahod w03.f~0 8eudio ver y o nx io uo to h u o uup iJk luo 8th lo rttvratueul~d8te,utdI tltenforrPequeot y o ur la lyo o 8o M ewotl fath 8ortter. WI0 o eR to o ia o8ea o ur hrt a’ s requeotea mvto ask you to oub8it this queotio8 to a oonfersaae With nfereaoe to the opinionabove 808tiaaod rrittea Irebnur?,2l,lg38,tho follov~v80gn8atvdtothio~ 8ont IOP 08 OpisrMC %ho ooalooloacwo' luo veo k o r tM da yasg O p uo ed a s r o ll ordorl “Dq 8otlo8 &l7 8hdo ud 000Maoa OM oa?Fl&, th eo o urogreeato t o o -o p o rinc r toh 0 lotablioh- rat of e md Welfam Wnit fos th Olty of o & mtb Oo ~t7 ur hrl 0~b l99vQptirtsr 41,.s .z 7 for that purpose for 080 708r. 0th l l uboeqwnt & seth ert y M a 4 x -aQa l Jotaint 06uttee vlth th e City to b ve We of . Rr. ‘liolot 8.O?oodUl, ?o80 8 this ver3r sad reoeivo and dfobuwoe tb 8tmteo lppmpdated bT the Cityand Gotmty. 'Iuupruo8toa~thhu~f?Ntho As ahnlnno 0s the oom3oos.uew' z!z%o?c"ft oo&ooto bo 944 to 0 ,moobos;fahi w- ~oolu vb ¶no boo8 a00 -. km8aoroftbiooomlt 32 lo l OoNtf amoeP,r vlouo #iv0 r a to vbthor o+ 80s tho QoutIIo8ow’ 522C ouohmlthoPtty.* With nferomo to tho abvo the ~inloo holdot *It is ow op.taM #at th, Oadoolo8om’ Co u wis t lutberired to rrln tb ~gprapriatlon for tb pwpooe oet out la row latter, men thoughno aprose lutherlt~uiotd for the oomloofuoro' court to 8pprQ@*to mm07 fop b ouloo of thlo ohAmotes vo kl&on, ir vlev of the us0 W ~.%a rde of ouoh appmmdatlau, o?l*oowthwthoiquohrutheo``tooxpond who latter OS tb oouat~ 8Otormy of Bl Pooo aoun%y above qaotm!gnr#to tbo uwl&tlmlQ\uotloneaop8oood fJ9-&=d&-739 oaare**oa to the wo Lo suefullyFeau- alo.Q-47)9o&uuootl~dto~n tatod to th o ~o No lu ollo 8 tholkl8. slot oplaiorr opeolflanlx7 uovero t&o quootloao psowmbd & tb letterof tb eou8t~ lttoruy 8oatfoned abuve. ~WlvioloaofCbiM Wolfamoftho8tatokportaoat of hrblio Wellbro nioeo ba, qmootU8 of M&hew tbo oodoolar- A& ,luo la erth iye 4s b o vo 8o a tluea o p & nim x r r lb tea ?ebxuaq 21, 1938, a84 at? or4gimG Oplabm lo. 04739, ud t& 605 Jlro.Violet 8, @reemhlll,Pago 9 authoritiesolted tlmreln,ve are of the opLnlon thet the comioolonerot court is sot legally authorlred to make the appropaiatlouand expenbiture8 heretofore meatloned and the opinionka date of February21, 1938, is hereby ex- pnosly eve3 ed tiofar a8 it oonfllotovlth OpinionRo. ogt39. Truetlagthat the foregoiagfully anmferayour in- quby, ve we Very truly youro ATTORXY QlC8SML OITXAB BY &&&-I-- FIRST ASSISTANT Ardell Wllllarr ATTORNEY GENERAL Aaoiotemt / AW’AW