DocketNumber: O-2733
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE'OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AU8TlN Eonorable Harry Bhulta aouuty AttOl%My Dallam aolurtp Palhart, Texas a fur hool t. F4 are In ceoel er of 84pt4mbor 10, 1040, recjursti~ the opin artment, uhiehklot- ter read8 ill pert, a(I to1 sohool bur t6 1t uoul4 have The thr4s &d.ldrea are the i~1n.g nithlnthkdiatriot 8Itmted iatenae from the soheol w l'r&a es Xn the past tuo or .three pear8 !lave beoIl pying to tl?c fath4r anmdly @lO.OO per pup11 and the tether haa sent these ohlldrsn to a mlatlvs cm the south plains, mine lcoomlles dfatamo, whhere the ar4 being;sOhooleOr The iathes hes reoont I y demanded that the allWanae be fsoreaseb to the sun of $l.&OO per pqM. par month* In aU- dltion, it tarpeers thet he enumeratad the ohil- drsn In the sob001 dlstriot ez1 the mttth plains whiah t?:ey have been attending, for the past two or thr44 yeem The %ru4t44e er4 wdlllagg flonoreble Xnrry Sofiult~, Faga 8 to nake srlch additional edvanaanmnt and ln faot are BOW questioning t%Ir authority to pay any man towsrd the sduoatlon or support oi thore aklldren, + i, l 'fTlmT10``: (a) Ar4 the tr~sttearof euah OOEGEOB40-00 dlatrlat wsdor the a%ma isot legally p3rmltted to make any payrmnt toward t?le education or support of thacn ohll.drenMB thoul;h thy were enumerated In thati own aounty? *(b) If so, what amunt rlll the trurtaaa be pernlttedto pey pat pupil? *'(a) Xi anwsrated,in the oount whara they were attendlag aoho@-s?m 800 inI lan dim- tnnoa iron their home, may thn``trustaoct legally pay any SLWIout OS the clohoolfund8 tcmards the eduostlon or support of s&t ~ehllbran? ff so, what amountP" Wlthout attarapting to enuraareta all ths varloua stetuted bearing upon the pusstian, our sohool lawa oonkma- plate thet 4 studant ahall attand'aoheol in the dimtriat of hfr resideme. ~rovlslo~ haa baen maWIn oartain lnataaoar for pupils ettendlng sahool In othar dlrtrlota. krtlcrls 8696 RievlrrdCivil Statute* lW!5, pro- vldas for tDc tranefsr o4 a ohtld iroar one dlsdot to @Bother dlstrlot ln ttl4 sass 0ouaty. Xn suoh eases tbs aoholaatlo*a per oaglte a;?pmtloment crrevbe tmasiarrad tc the rnoeitlng: dlstriot. Art1014 &69?, R. a. Eirt 1985, provld4s tor the transfer of a ohlld to nn edjoining dlatrlot In anothar oounty, when it in shown to the Cuunty 3uparlntendant that WH dir- trlot in -&ioh mob ahlld reaidaa, on aooocnt of &%tahaa~or OOBLO uneontrollobla ox dsngercw sbataola is lnaooemalblr to ouoh a5lld." Thin atstuts tnskaa no provlaion far the dlo- trlot in -blah the child rssldsr aontrlbutin6 to the eduaetlcm or sup;ort of nuah ahlld, other t&an for the tranefsr of t&l St*te per ospltn e~.prtl0nnsnt~ tsuoh tranrfsra or ar aapits appatloament 4~4 ~34 te.the roarlvlng dlstrlot en1 not to the parent. ustlale ~Q~ZL, Vernon's Texas ~11~113tatutas, euthor- iree and requires t?m home diiatrlat to pay tile tultlon of lta fionoratrle I!amy 3ohultz, ?age S transterred !A?!: sohool atmlanta, not to exooed $7.50 par mnt2, when the rupll*s ~,rada Is not tau&ht In tba hcnaa die- triot. ?hls tuition Taynent Is llkawlaa made to the regaIv- j,n!~ dlstriot on& not tc the ohilb or parsnt. ?he feats pm- sented in your letter, however, do not ocw within this sta- tute. 7rovfaion be been mile fm pepcnt of tuition to sohools In e4,joiaIng states under oortaIn fasts. %a Art. w30@g,Vernoava Texas SIvil Statuter. "'e are not aware of any lagisletive enaotaent whloh would authorlae the trmataes to expend sohool zoneys for tha ;urposee mentionad In your letter. Set ArtiOle 8027; Roviesc? Civil Gtatutes 19a5, 1lElit1n; ma ;jtjrpSes for whlah pub110 fS80 SOhOd f-48 may be uasd. Filth raterenoe to the eaum&ation of the ohlldni In qusetion sea Artiole %Wi, R. 0. S., 1985, whIoh requires tkat a ohlld be snumratsd In the distriot of hla rerIU+n9a and dlrapts the oenms trustaa Co rec;nIre the parson rander- Ing the oh116 to swear to the.information OOatained in the 0enm.mreport. If these ahIldran ware properly emUaerated then they do not real&s In the ooacmn sohool dl6trIOt In Dallam cotlatg . It ia our opinion that questiona (a) and (0) lrhould be answered in the negstivs and In view oi the ioregolng,quea- tioa (b) dooar not require an anaw@rr Your8 very truly ALip u. Oeo 1 9. Oawaaok Aaslstant APPR~)VEI;OCT 3, 1940