OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Gentlemen: Attention: Vs. W. of Jenuary 11, 1941, requ partment ae to the type o from the requirementsOZ whioh reads as fol.lows: mea6ur0 ol ihe stnnaard meas- eolcagsaconteining one and one-half, enty-live, SiSty, atit shall be unlawful for , aeeoclat2on,or corporation e, es11 or offer for sale in (lnclufiirq berrels, IWC:W, c=rtona an9 other containers)of the above stemlard net weights. *%3-o.3. That each package of Slour, other cereal Elour ~.n3. c9rn med ahall have the net weight, name 0S menufacturer (ne8nin~the ~eraon, Slrm, ~ssocistl~on,or corporctlonknich processee the wheat or other Departmentof Agriculture,Page 2 cereal into flour, or whioh'prooessesthe oorn into meal) an8 the name of the place where mlll- ed prlntea or pls.lnlymarked on it in letters and figures clearly readable; and that it shall be unlawftilfor wheat flour, other cereal floup or aorn meal, to be packed for sale, offered for sale or sold within the State of Texas un- leas It shall be so labellea. ‘Sec. 4. That the provisions of thls Act shall not apply to the retalllng of wheat flour, other oered. flour or corn meal Blreot to the consumer from bulk stock, nor to sales of flour to bakeries for use in euch bakeries, nor to the exohange of flour or meal for xheat or corn by grist mills and other mills grlnainq for toll for producers; e.nCi thr.tnothin.?herein contAined shall be held to ~only to Eny proWet+ such as preQaretl-ozncakeflour. czi!