-.~ 550 Eonomble Y. 0. BlcWfers.%8* 9 charter is lawful doea not require the Seorstary of Ststa t0 a000pt r0r riling a oharter containingan unauthorized purpoaa in addition to the lawful purpora. (Millor va. Tod, 67 5. W. 483) Ae above atatod, the real purport of the proposed oorporatlon1s not to do a 6wual advartiain$burrhem. Advertisin$v6wl.d only be lnoldentalto the real purpaao for whloh the oorporatlon ir attempting to be oreatod. Thore- rore, you are rrepeottullyadvlaed that it la the opinion of this Departxmnt that the 86amtary of State is not authorized to grant the abovo mentioned obarter applioatlon containing the purpose olause ~IIabovo set out. Trusting that the foregoing fully anfmers your in- qulry , we are Tour6 vary truly ATl'ONNBY GENERAL Of TEXAS ey&14udL Ardoll w2~llekmn A8sl6tllnt AW66W ATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS