DocketNumber: O-2728
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
Honorable S. T. Denny County Audltolr Houston couut y Crockett, Texas Dear Sir: 0~1ni0n 1``. o-2728 Re: The legal duty and authority of the commlnaloners' court with reference to advertising for and reaelvlllg bids ia aotiuectloa with the sale of oountg and road district bonds. Your recent request for an opinion of this Depart- ment upon the questions as are herein stated has been re- ceived. We quote fma your letter a.8 follows8 "Please advise the legal duty and authority of the Comnbslonere Court with reference to adver- tising for and reaeipt of bide In oonneatlon with the sale of County a&d Road District Bonds. "Should the CollPnlesionere Court fall to meet all legal requirements as outllaed in your opinion on the above question what are the legal duties and authority of the County Auditor?" Article ‘752a, Veraoa'e Annotated Civil Statutes, reads a8 followsr "Any county, or any political subdivision of a couuty, or a&y road district that has been or may hereafter be oreated by any general or special law, is hereby authorized to issue bonds for the pu~poas of the oonrtruatlon, malntenaaue, and operation of maoadamleed, grareled or paved road8 and turnpikes, or in aid thereof, ia any mount not _- . Honorable S. T. Denny, Page 2 (O-2728) to exoeed one-fourth of the assessed valuation of the real property of such county or political’subdl- vision or road district, and to levy and collect ad valorem taxes to pay the interest on such bonds atid provide a sinking fund for the redemption thereof. Such bonds shall be issued In the manner hereinafter provided, and as contempleted and authorized by Sec- tion 52, of Article 3, of the Constitution, The. term ‘political subdivision8 as usea in this Act, shall be construed to mean any commissioners pre- cinct or any justice precinct of a county, now or hereafter to be created and established. Article 7523, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statute&, pro- vides “after approval and registration as provided by law eela- tlve to other bonds, such bonds shall continue in the custody and control of the commlsaionersl court In the county in which they were Issued, and shall be by said court sold to the hlgh- eat and best bidder for aash, either in whole or In parcels, but not less than their par value, and the purchase money therefore shell be placed In the county treasurer for such county to the credit of the available road fund of such county, or of such political subdivision or road district of such county, a8 the case may be.“’ When any number of adjoining counties within this State Issue bonds a8 authorleed by Article 778a, Vernon’s Anno- tated !Xvil Statutes, and the procedure a8 set out in Articles 778b-778p, Inclusive, the commlssioners~ courts of the coun- ties embraced in such district, at a joint meeting held ins the county having the largest number of Inhabitants, as shown by the last Federal cetmas, shall adv&tise suoh bonds for sale, and the advertisements or notice of such proposed sale shall be published in the newspaper of general’ alrculatlon published la the district, one time, and. at least ten days before the time fix.ed for such sale, a8 required by Article 778k, Vernon’s Annotated Civil ‘Statutes, Article778k, supra
, applies only to districts corn; prlslng two or more counties contiguous to each other and does not apply to the sale’of county and road dlstrlot bonds com- posed of only one county or a political subdivision thereof as specified in the statute. It will be noted that Article752j, supra
, requires that the commiasionerst court shall sell the bonds to the’ highest and best bidder for ,cash, either in whole or in par- cels, at not less than their par value, However, thla sta- tute does not require the commlsslonerst court tb advertise , Honorable S. T, Lenny, Page 3 (O-2726) said bonds for sale. The only duty Imposed upon the commlssloners’ court with reference to county and road district bonds issued under Articles 752a-752y, lncluslve, are, as above stated, that the commlssloners~ court shall sell said bonds to the highest and best bidder for cash at not less than the par value of the bonds. With reference to your second question, It must be presumed that the commissioners1 court will do its legal duty with reference to the sale of aounty and road district bonds, and until it is shown that the court has failed to do its duty with reference to the same, your second question la premature. Therefore, It Is not nece- ssary to answer the same. Trusting that the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, we are Yours very truly ATTOIWXPWRRRAL OF TEXAS BY Ardell Williams Assistant AW:BBBrjl APPROVED OPIBlIOR COHBITTEE KY /a/ BwB CHAIRMAR