y- OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xonorabls k'. A. Gay18 State Registrar State Boa& of HeaN& Austin, Texas Eonorable W. A. DaVl8, page 2 “‘Am3 provided further, _ . . that _any. - altizen . or tile State or Taxes wlehln& to file t&e Fe- oord of any birth or death, not previously registered, may submit to the Probate Court in the oounty where the birth or death oc- curred, a record of that birth or-death written on the adopted forms of blrth and death oerti- fioates. Th8 csrt~ficate shall be subetantlat- eb by the a?fldavit of the medioal attendant present at the time of the birth, or in case of death, the aifidavlt of the physlolan last in attendance upon the &eceased, or the under- taker who buried the body. when the affidavit OS the medioal attendant or undertaker cmnnot be secured, the certificate shall be supported by the affidavit of sosm person who waa ao- quainted with the facts aurroun(lln~: the birth or death, et the time the birth or death oa- ourred, with cr seoond afflcIatlt of sow, per- son who is acquainted with the taots surrounb- lng the birth or death, and who Is not rel.eted to the indlvUua1 by blood or msrrlage, The Frobate Court shall require auoh other ln- formation or evidence an may be doemed neces- sary to establish the citieenship of the lndl- vidual filing the oertlficate, end the truth- fulness of the statements maas in thet record. The Clerk OS the said Court shall Forward the certll’ioate to the State Bureau of Vital rta- tietics with sn order iron the Court to the State Registrar thtit the record be, or be not, acaepted. The 5tate Regfetrar is author- ized to aooept the oertifloate when verified LI the above s!anmr, and shall lseur oertliied oopiee or suoh reoords ss provided ror in seotlon 21 of thlr Act. such oertirled aopfes shall be prima Ptxois evidence in all Courts and plaoes of the facts stated thereon. The State Bureau of vital 2tatlstios shall furnish the forms upon which such reoords are filed, and no other form shell be used for that pur- pose.‘” Note that the Probate Court I# required to pass the facts surrounding the birth or death and may re- e additional evld~enoa it neoessary. ho~orab1e W. A. Mvie, Page 3 :;rticle la, Revlsed Civil Statutes, 1925, reads AS i‘O.llovY : Vo judge or justice 0:' the peaoe shall sit in any ease wherein he may be interested OP where either of the parties my bo oonnected with him by affinity or oonsan&nity within the third degree, or where he shall have b88n couueel in the 0888." It i5 clear that under Art5018 lb of the Rerfsed civil Statutes, and Zeotioh ll or krtiole v pi the3 constitu- tion iron: whloh mtdd.8 16 springa, the County Judge of Jaak County is not only related to those who wish to prove the reoords of their birth; he 15 also tnterestml in the registration of his own birth oertiffaate. Undoubtedly he is disquallfled to preside over these probate prOo88dinga. Article 1932 vernon*a Annotated Civil Statutes, a6 amended, -as enaote & to take oare of just suoh situations. It reado as follows: When a county &d&e is diSg,Ualified to act in any probate !5atter, he shall forthwith certify his die;ualiflaatlon therein to the Governor, whereupon the Governor shall appoint some perem to aot AS special judge in said oa88, who ShA1.L A& fXOJIl t8Wi t0 teKX Witil auoh dls~ualiffcatlon ceases to exist. A special. judge so appointed shall receive the same compensation 8s La now or may hareafter be provided by law for regular judges in similar cases, and ths Cozm.is- aioners' Sourt shall, at beginning of eaoh fisoal year, include In the hdpt of the county, a sufTloient 9~13.for the payAmmt of the speaial judge or judges appointed by the Governor to act for the re&ar oounty judge, .Ae awn&x? Acts 1939, 46th L8p,., p. 187, 8 1~" Consequently, it is'the opinion of this department and you are reapeotfully advised that the County Sudgs of 328 fionorablm W. A. Darie, Page 4 Jaok County who d8SireS to oause to be filed for record the birth oertifioate or himself, hle brothers and eleters, as provided for in HOUSEBill No. 614, Acts 1939, 46th ~gislature, Should,as provided in Artiole 1932, eupra, osrtify hls dlequualifloation to the Cevernor.nhose duty it all be to appoint 8058 8Uitabl8 peraon to serve ~19 oounty judge in his place, Very truly yours ATTORNhENERALOPTJW3 APPROVEDSEp4, 1940 G-Q-oh4 i'W3RNEYGENERAL OP TEXAS