Eonoreble San-en HoDonald County kttorn4y %l&th CQuntP Tyler, Texea ODiai4u No. 0-2688 Dear 3rz Rii lYleC&nty D4mooratlo Exsoutfre Cormittee may pay aupervlaore of a primary elsotion, appointed under ani by virtue of hrtiol4 3104, Revised Civil Ftatntes of Texae. Your opinion re-questof August 27th,addrosaed to Uersli%C. Wnn, Attornay Osnerel of Texas, haa b0en r4i4rrsd to the writer ror oousidoration and reply. You clakwh4thet the f4os of muprriser~ oi on eleotiorr ohorsn br the oandldatae should be paid by the oandidates rx the County &4outlv4 &imt~ mitt*0 l We quote the follti~ four psrsgrsphs tram ~o'omr 14tterr "unA4r Art%414 29U, HovLseQ Oivti Statute mm j&!uan one~fittkof the ~.aandldateo whes8 rmxms ‘bp&tr&i ‘iipciti’~tho orriolal bellot In the el4otion hsld last Saturday agreed upon two sap6rviuors tar aaoh votlne box in %nith County. In sceordan44 with thla egr44mnt, the au~rviaars a4 a4144t4d served 8s 414otion cbffioialans per mqu4et in said agr44ment. 'There ere three srtioles of the BevIsed Civil Etetuto providing for the srpolntmnt ot~supc+mia~a of ~sleatlons. The first artiols 2941, provides that the chair-n of the count 4xeoutive oomitt4e x4y, upon request five daya pr for to any general oleotlon, appoint one supervixm tar each voting preoinot la the oounty. There is no proviaitxain thet statute dIrecti&; thrttthe candidates shell pay said super- viaore. Thhceeoond article, to wit, 2942, makes th4 provision that any one-f:fth of the canadatee whoae namea trpp4sron the otfloial ballot, eto., aray agr463upon two supervisora. As aiareaafd, it was under this article of the 6l;atutasl ow super- viscro were appointed. There la no provision in eafd article of the statutes plaoing the burden of the paying of said supervisor6 upon the one- fifth or more of the oandidatee raquestinp, them. RThe ttlrd article oi'the statute, to wit, 29428, providing for the selection of the super- visors upon the petition of forty or more of the qualified voters of a preoinot OF ward does provide that the ones requesting the appointment of supsr- visors shall stsnd ths expense of said supsrvisora ’ serving 011 el~sotlon0rfi04r4. “1 do not iind any 4~48 dealing with the paymnt of appointad supervisors by the oountg ohairmn or supervisors agr4sd upon. It 00ours to m thst irmsmuoh 49 the lsst srtiole quoted speoIfI4ally proyid4s th,atthe on48 r4quostIag the appointment ai supenlsms shall pay for 8wlsl) would oertainlg place that burden upon th4 OMS V&O asked ror the appointment of aupervIsoxa. The rirst two artiolas do not so pruvid4, and It Is my opinln su4h sup4rviaors so appelnt4d under the firat two artl014s quoted should b4 p4Id 48& or th4 funds eubsorlhd by all oendidat4a for elsstlon to d4fray eleotion 4speaa4s.~ . W4 aasute4~that th4 aup4rviaors lpgolnbed a4 sleotlcm 0rriof4is war4 app4intod Uenam Artlcrle 3104, lppWag to prl- msry ekotlons, -teed of Artiolwt 2941, 29&? atN2%2a, R4- ri8d civil Stetuim, 88 rorrmd to in y00ur Istiter. xt ia apparent that Artial44 29&l, 2942 and 29&Za apply only to @gal azzdapeelal 4144ti4lia*nd not to p4rty pr%narf,~144- 25?@ ia Sn gua aa foUorst ,, ,n.rt.&ol+, "!&e 4haIrmn 0r the oaanty exeoutivs (IQ&- mittae, for aauh psrtypol.itiodl thet has oadi- det4a on th4 0frioial bal&t, 0r ir b4 rail.4 t0 est, cay three lnembarsor euah oormaitt44,ml, not lestt than rir0 days him4 the getter81 4144- tion (I’ ,*..* Ala4, Art1014 2943, Revlaed OlvIl St4tutes, apply- ing o&y to g4n4r81 end speoial elaetions and not party prl- eli80ti&, reads 3.npert a8 r0ii4ws; Vadgss end olerks of g4rmral and apealal ol4otIons ahall be paid .. .. by the county #sa- a lr 4 r *. l* n Mow, Title 50, entltlsd Vl4otloa4,'~ ooixtalnaArtioles 2923 through 3173, inolu4lr4, of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. Chsagtm 13 of +d Title 50, entitled "IWmlnstlons," oontsining &tiole 3100 throu& krtiole 3167, pertsins to party pritaary4140~1ons. Salt3Art3414 3100 is a8 r0u09fe: ,- “‘I%4 term *primary eleotion' as us4d In tbio ohaptsr, means 4n eleotlon bald by the embers 4S an orce;aniz4d~polltiosl party r0r the purpose of ncmlnati~ the atutMiidUt8 of suoh erty to be voted for at 4 general or speoial eleotf on, or to ri6mLE- ate the 4ouaty exroutivs offloers of e pertp.** p.cm.Warren Me-3ouald,Page 3 Further, Artiole 3104 of said Chepter 13, referring to the eleatlon offloera of a primary elsotlon is aa follow5t WAll the preoinat primary elsotiorurof % party shall be oonductsd by a prealding judge, to be ap- pointed by a ohairman of the oounty exeautive oocl- titter OS the party, with the %sllIstame and epprovnl Qr at leant n majority of the slembersof the oounty , cxeoutive commIttee. Push presiding judge e&all oelect aa aamoiete jueqe %na two clerks to assist In oonduatln~ the election. TWO supervisors may be ahoaen by sny one-fourth of the party candidates, who, with the juagee ena elsrks shell take the oath re- quired of suoh offIoer% In general eleations. !P%o addItIona alsrks m%g be appointed but only when In the opinion of the pretlibi?l~ juQe, there will be more than one huudrsd votes ollad at the primary eleotion in the preojnot." PUndersoaring ours) Thus ArtI 3104 spplyIng 8peoiflcally to 9leotIon offloers In prImerg el%atIaas must govern the eppointment of the auperviame related in yous request. prooeedlng turther in 86&l ohepter 13, Artiolr 3108, Hevi8ed Civil Statutes of Texas, with refarenoe to the 'a* pensa ef aonduat,Ing8 prwry eleatloa, contains the follm- Lner , *'Atthe rmetI.ngof the aounty executive cm- nittee prorId%d In Artlale 3117, the oounty OCQ- raitteeshall ale0 aarefully estlmt8 the ooet ctf printing the offIoIa1 ballota, renting polling plaoea where same may be found neoesnary, prwfd- Ing an8 distributing all necerrsarypoll books, blank statlonerp and voting booth5 required, eom- perinetlonor sleatlon offlaers~ana 0Lerks and measengera, to report the result In enah $reolnot to the oounty oheIrm%n, 8~ provided ror herein, and 611 other neaeastiryexpana%s of holdlag nuoh prImarIes In suoh aountle,eend shall apportion euoh oost among the rarloua oenaIdat%e for nor~Ina- tion ror county and preclnot olYIoem only 88 here- in defined, end offlaea to be filled by the voters of suoh county or preainot only (oandidates for Rate offloes exospted), In auoh manner a8 in their judgment la just and equitable, Bfrlng due oonsideration to the importfmoe and omolumenta of eaah such offlae for *hIoh a nomlnetlon is to be made and shell by resolution, direct the ohelrppsnto IMedIately mail to eeoh person whose n%me has bean requested to be plsoed on the offIoIa1 bellot a statement of the mount of. augh exponser~ SO eppor- tioned to him, with the request that he pay t'ha aeme to the oounty chslrman on or before the Eatur- day before the rourth~uonday in June thereeftor." ,- Hon. Warren MoOon%ld, Pag% 4 !&hesuthority 0s the oounty e%eoutioe 0ommSttee is lj.mlteU by the statute8 oontetmd in 8OId Cheptsr 13. W6 quote th% r0ii0wfng leaguaga rrm the 0880 or sctltiraen~8. Pe*%r, 99 ‘SW 2nd I.0748 *‘lhe m mcuwy wh%n oolleoted and pLaeed in the hands of th% eppeU.ents (the odttee) botmme a txqet runu,.epdomlA an4 be dlebtwa%d snd &mid out a8 prorId%d by statutes aertsStiAg it ooulQ not be ep%nt by the ohelrmm oi the executive %omItt%%, these eppellnnte (the oonmltt%%i,for 6elarioe and servloeo performed by iA% ohalrmn, nor oould lt be spent far uawoesearg oxpens68, but smet be spent for t&s purposes intended by statute, snd under the of prcfvleIoue tha athutee authcaiai9g suoh expenUItaree.w (P%renth%eleours) Honey aollsoted u@sr th4 provisione0s &Marl* 3108 to defray the expense% ai the various oendideteeie nem$netlon oanaot be epoat by the oooalttee aor the oh8irma of the aotittea for itsme not rdthln the purview %f eei& Article 3108. smell te. ~?arksr,u9 sw’2nd 609. CI iqe rind no epe4Srio prwbion 06 to the amount to be peid su~l7iS4W8 jQ@VJ# Or OlCJrk8 in a pdBl8l’~ d.88tie. There 01 the prml8ba se th0 p0jmnt 0s fudge8 a+a oi0rkO fn gpmaraL. .aad ,apadal ~1eeMoarr oontabwd ia ~ArtSalo 2943, abme, Rmwer, th%n 18 ant gimses" for.the pylaaat 4f euperrisore%ppaInted and e%rv g la gemmel, ep%e %l OS pertr prlmag oleotio~. We have no doubt but that the two euper- vieore prwlded fm under drtiolo 3.104la party prlrrery elm- tlons am oleotion ortio%re, en8 that tha oounty %xeoutlv% oormlttoo he8 the authorlt~ to pay the ocmpewatfon of ebo- tlon offloorsa8 expense4s the prlmnr~oleotionunder said Artlalo 3108. It I8 tmr apinitm that the o~neation of two supertiaor6&aeon by mm4ourtJi of the pnrty oaadidatee $a a prtiarg eleotlan ehould be paid by the emoutiro aomi.tt%% mad not tho p%rty candidates uhoodnff the two errpervleore. Also, the mooat or oaupens%ticmdue mild ~parvloora not b%- Ing govermd by statute 1% dleoretlonery*riththe exooutive oonmItt%%as Is the mmunt to be paid juag%% end olerks ab a prlnmry 0~eotIon. Belle*Ing thla to answer your Inquiry; wo ar% Yours wry truly ATTCRtTXY@ENZRALOFTEXAS ``o````*1940 By /a/ Pat soon Asalertsat A7YYm3Er OkAL PCAStjrb APPROmD OPmxOIo cmmmTRE J3YBVB, Chelraran .