DocketNumber: O-2712
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonorable E. L. Dunoan County Attonmy Nolan County Sweetwater, Toxae Dear sir: ofirt nlto-in u nai- in De7llocretio 0 hio name priatoa ent oanaidate ?or a ballot r0r the or 4th wherrln you wa6 a write-in primarymy have r the g6noral aleetioa aa opendent, or non-parthan Civil Statutee, lQ28, pre- naent 6anaiafh98 t0 hare oial ballot for general omxal4atee for 0rfio0 at a own sleotlon may have their on the official ballot on appli- ‘~ .county ~0r- y or town or- Ban6 foml an4 rein preaorlbea for applicationa to be made to the Yeoretery of State in oaae of State or diatrlot lndepandent nom- ination; providad, that a petition 0r five par oent or the entire vote cast In euoh county, oity or town at the last general eleotlon shall be required ror such nom2riatiOn.” Honorable 5. L. Duncan, Rage 2 The above quoted statute in -providing *auoh applf- cation being in the 881~8 form and subject to the same re- quuirements heroin prescribed for applloationa to bo mada to the Seoretflry 0r State in case of State or distrlot lndepena- ent nomInatlcn* lncorporatss by reference the following clause contained in Article 3159, which reads: ” . and provided, alao, that no parron who has &d at a primary eleotlon ahall sign an application in favor of anyone r0r an 0fri00 for which a nominctlon was made at such primary electIoh.* In order to meet the roquleltea proaoribod by tho roregolng statute, It is noceasarp that ths Independent oandl- date for sheriff present to the oounty judge a petition 8Igned by a aurflclent number of qualified votera 0r tho oounty to equal floe per cent of the entlro vote oast in aald county at the last general eleation, and that all of such slgnatorlos have not voted in the last Demooratlo primary oleotlon. Aaauming that the oandldata hae met thoao raqulra- Blents, wa come now to a conelderatlon of the qua&Ion of whr- ther he 1s entltled to have his name prInted on the ballot at the general election as an lndspendent oandldate, even though he partlolpated aa a candidate, and presumably also a6 a voter, in the Demooratio primary at which the Damooratlo nominee for the orfioe of shsrlfr was selaotsd. Artiols 3110, Revised Civil Statutes, 19&S, provides for the party pledge to be printed on ballots on primary ela~o- tion and reads as follows: “No 0rfi0iai ballot r0r primary eleatlon ehall have on It any symbol or devioe or any printed mat- ter, except a unir0nfi primary test, roadfng as fol- lows: ‘I am a (inserting name of polltlcal party or organlmof which the voter ia a member) and pledge myself to support the nomlnae of this prim- ary;’ and any ballot which ahall not contain such ,prInted test above the namea of the candidates there- on, shall be void and shall not be oountod.” The Supreme Court of Texan has re~peatedly held that the pledge *to support the nomlnso of this primary,* contained on the primary ballot a 8 provided by Article3110, supra
, im- poses merely a moral and not a legal obligation on the Voter. . Eonorabla E. L. Dunoan, Face 3 8.0 Kay v. Sohnolder,110 Tex. 359
, 2l6 8. W. 479, E21 S. w. 6601 westorman v. Mlms, 111 Tax. 29,227 S.W. 1781
Lwa v. Wll~o~, 119 Tax. 256 28 9. w, (2d) 515; Lovo v. Buokaor, 121 Tox. 369, 49 6. W. [24) 425. In tho oasa of Westerman v. lcIm#, nuBa, tho su- pram0 OouHi of Toxaa had before it a question eimilar to the ona hors under oonsldaratlon. In that ca6e the roqui8Ito aumbor of qua1Ifi.d 9Otorr of Oalraston Count who had not participated in the Democratic primary, petit f aaed‘tbt tho name of aubroy Fuller be printed a8 an Indapandont oandldata for alstrlat judge on the general election ballot. AubmJ Nlor had partlolpated and voted in the Demooratlo prima- of that year, at which the Demooratio candldeto Par dirtriot judge was nomlmtsd. The cult waa an original lpplioation to tho supreme Court for a writ o? numdamusto acmpel the Seoratary of State to issue his Inettructionr to tho County Clerk dlreotlng that the name of Fuller be prlatod in tha In- depandont column of the OffIOIal ballot. Tha Supz%tm~.Court denied the mandamus. The entire oourt oonourred. In the ro- rult, but Mr. Chief Justice Phillips based hlr daolelon on the ground thet the statute preroriblng tho party pl dgo to support ths nominees of thet party Impo8ass legal du1 jr upon him. Said Judge Phllllpe, at pago 4E!l "In virtue of the statutes, the duty to,perform tha agraamant booam a legal duty; the right cf Judge Street (the Damooratlo nomlhoa for district judge) ar a benaflalarp of the duty beoame a legal right; and it would oommandthe law'8 protaotlon a8 any other lagal right.* Tho majority of the oourt, however, a8 expraseed In the opin- ion by bfr. Juetloa Greenwooa, reoognlerd the rule laid aown in Kay v. Sohnalder,110 Tex. 359
, Z18 6. W. 479, that tho pledge to mupport the party oandidata lmpoaee marely a moral and not a legal obligation on %he voter. Xr. Juetlor Gremwood dsolared at page 38: *In our oplnlon a voter oannot take part in a primary or oonvention 0r a party, to name party nomlneor, wlthout assuming an obligation binding on the voter's honor and coaaclenoe. Suoh obligation inhere8 in the very nature of his eat, entirely re- Eonorabls x. t. Duos, Fags 4 gardlsss of any sxprsss~plsdgs, and sntlrsly rs- gsrdless OS ths requirsmants of any statute. The obligation, like the promlss sxaoted by the ststuts, whsn treated as governing future conduot, Is for oo- operation in good faith to ssours ths suooess of the nOdMe. Thers Is no reasonably oertaln measure of bona fide cooperation in matters of this sort. The votsr's oonduot must bs detsrmlnsd largely by his own peouliar senso of propriety and of-right; Xt la ror suoh rsssons that the oourts do not undsrtsks to oompal psrrormsnoa o? the obligation. Bslng unsn- toroeable through the oourts, the obligation Is a moral obligation. . . . “We do not say that oiroumstanoes might not aria. under whloh ens wbo had p!irtloipatsd in a primary would be rsllered of ths moral obligation which is ordinarily lnourrsd not to undertake the nomInso*s defeat. The present ease doss not call for ths ds- tsrminstion of the atfeot ot extraordinary olroum- stan0es.w Mr. Justlos Orssnwood’s opinion dmlsd the matidamu on the grounds that the oandldate having vIolatO@ hlo party pledge by soeking to bsoome sn lndspsndent candidate at the general elsotlon did not OCIPSinto a oourt of squlty with ~olsan handew and thsrofors his applloation for mandamus was denied. We oontlnue to quota from the opinlonr gearing concludqd that the petition of rela- tbrs Is grounded on Conduot amounting to 811 lnrita- tion to, and hsnae partlolpation In an aot tlolatirs of good faith and OS oonsolonoe, It rollows that re- lators did not ooms into oourt with aloan hands, a6 required to entitle thsm to.@s relief prayed for, and hence the mandsmus Is d@i'Isd." Under the opinion or the ms ority or the oourt in Westerman v. Maims, the Demooratio no?J me has no lsgally sn- ioroeable rlghts in the matter. Wor does ths man who seeks to have his name plaoed on the ballot as an independent candl- date. In neither case will a mandamus or sn lnjumtion aotion lie either to place the aandidate*s name on the tlakst or pre- vent its being plaoed thsreon. Under ths authority of Weatanuan v. YIms, thsrsfors, we ara oompellsd to advise you that whether ths'name of Inds- 484 *. ``gonoreble :. L. Dunoan, J?eage5 p8ndc:nt candid,?t& for sheriff ehculti b? placed on the general election bnllot under these ciraumetanccs, Ii: a quectlon to be determined by the County Judge. Xle d&oisiOn In the mat- ; ter, In the obsenoe of the exceptional circuzetances referred I to by Er. Justice Greenwoo:: in the last above ?uotatIon, will net be disturbed by the OourtL. He nay base hiu deoislon upon Eddetx-mlnatlon of the question of whether cIrcu:ietenoes exist (in the vior6s of M.r. Justice Grsenwoti ) Wn$er which one who had particlpetsd in a primary would be relieved of the morel obli@tIon which le ordlnsrily Incurred not to undertake the noml.nse*s 6efaat.” ii&plying spe~lficnlly to your questlon, we are of the opj.nIon the.t it rests within the dl,so:&tIon of the oounty judge whether he will accept the application for the name of an Independent oandidate for sherlf f to be printed on the bal- lot for the general eleotion, where such candidate partiolpeted 8s a voter or ckndldets in the preceding Drmooratlc primary k, eleotlon. Fe wish to point out aRain that such applioatlon, in order to meet the requirements of ArtIolss 3159-3162, mu&t be signed under oath by n sufficient number of qualified voters of the county who did. not partI,cipnte In the primary election 1, to equal five per oent of the votes cast In the oounty at the lest general elsotlon. YOWS Very tNly By~&%?~h~ . Assietant %IFK : BBB