OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronomble ct~rg% H. ek4ppdLrd ,,’ “‘ Conrptrollo~ ~,r‘ Acccunta Austin, Texas mar Bonorable George H. Sheppard, Page 2 abslnaan of the Texas Prison Board, a& another dupllCste to ths 3tste ?rison Auditor. All 5511-1 QXldZlCWUtltB 3? 3Zi-i >PiSOA fiyZtQlZ S&~l bB pd.6 irtxu approprlctions ma& by the Logirlatum fin th4 general revenue fz2d of the State, upon avorn aorount8end rarmats drawn by the State Ccuptrol- ler bn th% State Tr%asurar in iho sane tnmner 18 providedby general law. Ranchzooouat shall be approvob by the manager zuxl audited by the audltcm or tha prilmn systsm. The Ccmptrollershall have euthority to lszvm warmats, uld the Weatiurer to pay the xme, upon amounts approvod by the man- qsr on?i n.udl,tad by the ntiltor, uhers the amount of such account does not exceed $5,KlO,cOt wd where the amount of the amount is Sn excess of $2;,000.00, bnfare the Comptroller shall issue a warrant fog the mm% or the Treamursr sng 3ueh warrant, such aaoount &all be tpproved for prrs- nent bg the ahairmanof the Prison Dv:LL?~." 91 there is Ln f’aat but ana account, Zts aature~lr not ahangoct by having it evidenced by two involoer and 8ub- mittad for pEqlJmlt on two olalns. If la the cam under ooa- sidsratlen all the good6 uore purohrssed x&Ior a eingleUGA- traat and they voro ln iaot dcllverad at the ease time, It would be but OA8 sOaOUnt ;mdor the rtatute,, .md th4 JlboaBsltg for approval by t&s Ohelman oS the Prison Doard oould not be obviated by the prC'p4al'ation arid 4Ubd*8iOA of bto tt~bls, mhsre both exascd $5,000.00. If suoh bo the fasts the two ci. olalna should be aonsldered as OAQ rrod nhould bet&r ths Chair- maA’S qrgirovalbefore sagment. In aour letter you also d-eat our attention to Acts 1935, 44th Legislature, Blret Call%d Session, p. 1600, ch. 403, rslating to the induatrinl P6VOlvtng fund Of the priacn ~system and whloh m&s as folXavst n'il I. From axl after tke eftectivs bate or this Act, the 3tate Tr~esure~ of the Stats sf 934s shall deposit sufficient amnmt of mor,eg reaeLva?d by him f?m. the Gcnnsral mnager of the Texas Prison SyStt9s Cut of monr?g wwnd by snd belonging to the State Prison Systmn ln Hunt*- utile, T-B, of Fifty Thousand Dollar8 ($50,000), ‘3~ DC! much thereof E3 l.lSy b9 A@Q48Sttv t0 3X’eate a fund of nifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) to be *mowi a4 the Industrial RsvolvLng Pmd of the ~i.~,qj..To%an Prfaon System, to be used by said Priaoa ,:~.?>:A ,: ',Yyw&?:.;; :L*, ;;~y5*;:,,. d:yj;;-i& ...m*- $),, ':``s+&-~*;;r., ,.-i,. . ., . Eonorable George H. Sheppard, Page 3 Systsm in the gurahaaw of iupplles and materiala for tag plant, shoe and print Dhop and other in- dustriesand dellverJ of finlahed prcduata as pm- vldad in the Genernl Approprirtian Bill for aaid System, and the State Tretmurer ahi at all timeskeep 8U.d Indu8trialRsvolvlng Fund up to the lUAXiarranaPlolllltOut Of irmdm 8bOQe ?rOVld'Bd, ard Mid funds shall bo used for the prolapt p8y- ment in eanh of all mpenser properly payable out of said fund a8 appropriated by #a LegiBlatura in the General AppropriationBill: ruah ~funda to be deposited bJ tha State'Tream in equal amount8 in the Huntsville Bank aad Trust Cwnp=y at mmtsvillo, Texas, and the Pleat National Bank 8t Euntmllle, Texas, and aaid bfiia ShELn deposit with the ffeneral E!nageroi the Pr-laon System, bonds or other semrltlar to be appr,raved by the Attorney General of the State of Tnjet;s su$'flcient to saaure said deposit. "'8 2. It shall be the duty ai the depos- itoziee of the Induatrlal Revolving m Zo Long as they retain such deposit to make 8 waekly re- port to the~8tato Treasurer oi the LItate of Texas a8 to the mndltion of said nmdr On de- posit In said dspoaltories. “‘4 3, This A8t i8 net to be acmtruad CB an additional apprOprietlon to the T(PQI~$Tison 3yete.m frcm that made b7 the @enend. ApprCWia- tlon Bill, but ir eimplJ the authorization to the State Treasurer to areate an lhdurtrialRe- valv3gg Fund for the use of the Texae PrimA sywtBlll* ‘18 4. Paymentrmadeircra the Industrial Revolving Fund shall be made um duly auZhen- Wasted aertitiaatea by the Gemral Hanagor ai the State PrFmn System and shall be paid by the State Comptroller Ott Publia AaOOUXitn by proper warrants drawn cx scld funda aa now m- qtired m Uw for the myment of Other Oharges against the State OS Texae." You request our opinion au to whether that part of the aforaamid Article 616621 providing that the bills i Honorable George R. Sheppard, Page 4 end accounto of the Prison System nhall be r;w?iidfkm appro- priations made 3y the Leglslatuw from the General Revenue Fund of the Stat0 was supermded by the sforeaead Aat creat- the IndustrM. Revolving mud. Clos,rl.y the. two aotu &ml In oonflict oa the point whioh you 2nquire about. Undst suoh oiroumatanass the latert expreraim of thelegl5lativ~ will prevail. Towa8and VI. Terrell; 16 9. U.(26) 1063: Xnaoi'ar afa th6reirr a confllot the Xndut3trfal Ruwclving Fund euperseded ~it&%E%k. To that @xtant gout wound question is anmerad ?n the affitmmtive. YwJre very truly LQTOHRZ~Gi2IJH;ALOF TEXAS APPROVED SEP. 30, 1940 GERAfD C. MA!iR, FPPROvmr 0Pmx0xf CGmsITzm ATZO~6RRlGULOFTlZAS By: B.#.B., chriraan .