YEWIE EPMERAL OF ?i?EXAS Honorable Denver E. Perkins County Attorney Gonzales County Gonzales, Texas Opinion No.O-2683 Re: Justices of the Peace - Trial fees. Dear Sir: Your request for opinion has been received and carefully considered by this department. We quote from your request as follows: "It has been the custom in our County for many years for the Justice of the Peace, on a plea of guilty, to enter a judgment of conviction against the defendant, and, if the defendant has no money, the Justice of the Peace quite often permits him to go at large without bail or recog- nizance and to accept periodical payments of ln- stallments on the fine and costs. It aometimes happens that the defendant dies or leaves the State before the fine and costs are paid. It quite often happens that neither the Justice of the Peace nor the Constable make any further effort to collect the fine and costs after judgment is entered, even though the defendant still lives in the County, However, the Justice of the Peace always presents his bill on the first of the month to the Com- missioners' Court for his fee of $2.50 in such case, Our Auditor has advised the Commissioners' Court that the Justice of the Peace is not due a fee in such a case since it is not a case that has been tried and finally disposed of by the Justice of the Peace. Needless to say, our jus- tices of the peace take a different view of the matter. They have asked me to submit these facts to you for an oplnlon as to whether or not they are entitled to their fees before the fine and costs are paid. Honorable Denver E. Perkins, Page 2 (No.O-2683) "Of course, where judgment is deferred, no fees would be due until the judgment is at least made and entered by the Justice of the Peace on his docket against the defendant. "The County Auditor takes the position that these articles require the judgment to be extended (i.e., fine paid or defendant jailed) immediately upon its entry and that unless It Is executed the case has not finally been dls- posed of. "Our County Judge In discussing the matter with me takes the position that the Justices of the Peace are not entitled to their fees In such case unless they show that they have shown due diligence In collecting the amount adjudged against the defendant. His view is that, if the defendant is dead or beyond the reach of the of- ficers, the Justice Is due his fees; if the de- fendant still lives in the County and the of- ficers could execute the judgment, but fall to do so, that the Justice Is not due his fee. "I have taken the position that if a judgment of conviction Is entered and not deferred that it should be executed at once and that the defen- dant should be committed to jail unless the fine and costs are paid In full and that there is no legal justification for allowing Installment payments of fines and costs. However, It is my position that If the Justice of the Peace Ignores this provision of law and enters the judgment on conviction or plea of guilty and no appeal is taken from the judgment that the case has never- theless been finally disposed of and that the Justice of the Peace Is entitled to his fee, re- gardless of whether or not he shows any diligence to collect the fine and costs." Article 1052, Vernon's Annotated Texas Code of Crim- inal Procedure, reads as follows: "Three Dollars shall be paid by the county to the County Judge, or Judge of the Court at law, - - Honorable Denver E. Perkins, page 3 (No.O-2683) and Two Dollars and fifty cents shall be paid by the county to the Justice of the Peace, for each criminal action tried and finally disposed of before him, Provided, however, that in all coun- ties havlng a population of 20,000 or less, the Justice of the Peace shall receive a trial fee of Three Dollars. Such Judge or Justice shall pre- sent to the Commissioners' Court of his county at a regular term thereof, a written account specifying each criminal action in which he claims such fee, certified by such Judge or Justice to be correct, and filed with the County Clerk. The Commissioners1 Court shall approve such account for such amount as they find to be correct, and order a draft to be issued upon the County Treasu- rer in favor of such Judge or Justice for the amount so approved. Provided the Commissioners' Court shall not pay any account on trial fees in any case tried and in which an acquittal is had unless the State of Texas was represented In the trial of said cause by the County Attorney, or his assistant, Criminal District Attorney or his assistant, and the certificate of said Attor- ney is attached to said account certifying to the fact that said cause was tried, and the State of Texas was represented, and that in his judgment there was sufficient evidence in said cause to demand a trial of same." Article 783, Vernon's Annotated Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, reads as follows: "When the defendant Is only fined the judg- ment shall be that the State of Texas recover of the defendant the amount of such fine and all costs of the prosecution, and that the defendant, if present, be committed to jail until such fine and costs are paid; or if the defendant be not present, that a caplas forthwith issue, command- ing the sheriff to arrest the defendant and commit him to jail until such fine and costs are paid; also, that execution may Issue against the prop- erty of such defendant for the amount of such fine and costs." Honorable Denver E. Perkins, Page 4, (N&0-2683) Article 787, Vernon's Annotated Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, reads as follows: "When a judgment has been rendered against a defendant for a pecuniary fine, If he is pre- sent, he shall be imprisoned in jail until dis- charged as provided by law. A certified copy of such judgment shall be sufficient to authorize such imprisonment." Article 788, Vernon's Annotated Texas Code of Crim- inal Procedure, reads as follows: "When a pecuniary fine has been adjudged against a defendant not present, a capias shall forthwith be issued for his a~rrest. The sheriff shall execute the same by placing the defendant in jail." Article 698, Vernon's Annotated Texas Code of Crlm- inal Procedure, reads as follows: "On each verdict of acquittal or conviction, the proper judgment shall be entered immediately. If acquitted the defendant shall be at once dls- charged from all further liability upon the charge for which he was tried; provided that, in mis- demeanor cases where there is returned a verdict, or a plea of guilty is entered and the punlsh- ment assessed is by fine only, the Court may, on written request of the defendant and for good cause shown, defer judgment until some day fixed by order of the Court; but in no event shall the judgment be deferred for a longer period of time than six (6) months. On expiration of the time fixed by the order of the Court, the Court or Judge thereof, shall enter judgment on the verdict or plea and the same shall be exe- cuted as provided by Chapter 4, Title 9, of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas, Provided further, that the Court or Judge thereof, in the exercise of sound discretion may permit the defendant where judgment is deferred, to remain at large on his own recognizance, or may require him to enter into bond in a sum at least double the amount of the assessed fine and costs, condl- tioned that the defendant and sureties, Jointly _ . -. Honorable Denver E. Perkins, Page 5 (No. O-2683) and severally, will pay such fine and costs unless the defendant personally appears on the day set in the order and discharges the judgment in the manner provided by Chapte,r4, Title 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas; and for the enforcement of any judgment entered, all writs, processes and remedies of the Code of Criminal Procedure are made applicable so far as necessary to carry out the provisions of this Article.” Opinion No. O-616 of this department holds that the Justice of the Peace's right to compensation.from the county for his trial fee under Article 1052, C.C.P., does not depend upon the collection or enforcement of the judgment but rather on the rendition of & final judgment in so far as the Juris- diction of his court Is concerned. Opinion No, O-1759 of this department, holds among other things, that the Justice of the Peace is entitled to his trial fee when the judgment he renders becomes final in so far as his court and jurisdiction are concerned, For example, If a defendant was tried and found guilty, filed motion for new trial within the statutory time and the court overruled the motion and the defendant filed an appeal bond within the statutory time in order to appeal his case from the justice to the county court, the Justice's judgment Is final in so far as his court is concerned and he is en- titled to his trial fee from the county, regardless of the outcome of the case in the county court or the court of criminal appeals. Opinion No.O-1251 of this department holds that where judgment is deferred under Article 698, Vernon's Annotated Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, the justice of the peace would not be entitled to his trial fee from the county until the deferred judgment was entered and until thereafter the statutory time had elapsed to make it final In so far as the Jurisdiction of the justice was concerned. Opinion No. O-1868 of this department holds that where one justice took a plea of guilty and entered judgment and another justice issued commitment and placed the defendant In jail, that the first justice was entitled to the trial fee. It was also held in this opinion that it was immaterial as to .- h Honorable Denver E. Perkins, Page 6, (No. O-2683) which justice collected all or a portion of the fine and costs. We enclose herewith copies of Opinions Nos. O-616, O-1251, O-1759 and O-1868, which contain full discussion of these questions. Under Article 698, the justice may defer judgment in the manner outlined by the statute. However, he cannot receive his trial fee from the county until the deferred judg- ment Is entered and becomes final in so far as his jurisdlc- tion Is concerned. If he enters judgment he has no authority to extend credit to the defendant and permit him to go without paying his fine and costs. When his judgment Is entered It Is the duty of the arresting officer to collect the fine or place the defe~ndantin jail, unless prevented by defendant's appeal from said conviction in the manner outlined by law. However, the justice of the peace is entitled to his trial fee from the county when his judgment becomes final in so far as his jurisdiction is concerned. We are also of the opinion that the unauthorized and illegal acts of the justice in extending credit to donvlcted defendants would not defeat his legal claim against the county for his trial fees legally earned. It is the opinion of this department that your posl- tlon in the matter is correct. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By s/ Wm.J. Fanning Wm. J. Fanning Assistant WJF:AWzbt APPROVED Sept.5,1940 Gerald C. Mann Attorney General of Texas Approved Opinion Committee By BWB, Chairman