w I ’ . ’ 1. \ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QlnN.mG MANN Amrl” .m- Honorable Nolen L. Sewell County Attorney Wlse County DBOBtUr,Texas Dear sir: V:e have your lett quest the opinion OS this & only orre eye Kould be 81fg1 the provisions of Article 2 ivil statutes os Tours, whlcC roads in part pupils, who is age and a oc sound in bo of thla provision $23to nsgorted in the sohool bus. ort to define the terzi *a It is our opinion, therefore that' your question is . .. Honorable Nolen L. Bewell, Pa&e 2. on8 largely of tad, the determination of vahlch must rest la the eraroles of the sound dlsoretloa veated la the eohool board. Very truly yours A!l'TORNEYGEN%'%AL OBTI%AB Walter R. Koch Aesl8taxA WRXr AW APPROVED AUG26, 1940 APFROVED opinion oomaittee Y. By BXB ohairmen :