DocketNumber: O-2632
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
OFJ=KlE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -Gnmw \ -QR- Honorable0. A. Falter@ OOUty AttOrnaT 6u1 Saba County San Saba, Toxar &I, aatIol&itingthat ha w0ua be ~ao4mrfrfl. on that third eramlnatlon, maar thtiraoa aaa *au aomiaatod over the prerent in0umbant. Thlr week brlagr the infornmtloa that he railed again for the third time.; I preeutm he will take ~aaothsreuLmfaatIo,aaad~, Ii ha doea I awwme that the raeult wlil ba knowa beram the Novacabal: elrotlon. I . Honorable 0. A. Walters, ?age 2 TJnlaea prohibited,eltbsr through a mnaamus or Indunotlon,one oriboth prooesd- tags, his name will b0 oortifledby the oom- altter and his name will go up oa the tlokot at the general lleotIon.w On the basis of thsse fasts yes hesire to~knowl (1) What steps may be taken to eatabllsh the lnellglbllltyof the 04n4laate for the or- ii00 or county attorney; (2) If steps may bo taken, rho Is author,- < . Iesd to institutethe aroessary prooerdiags~ (3) 'Other questionsbased upon the assump- tlon that timely stdps will not bo takea. U Opinion No. 0+%?05 this department held that u&or Artlolss 332 ana 2927 OS the Rev'lssdCivil Statutes, '1925,one who does not hire his license to praotloe law aad 'will not have It at the time of thg Suly prlcmry oleatloa Is not entitled to have his name oertitid ae a oanalaate for the offLoe oi oounty attorney at suoh eleotion. Artlalss 2927, 2928 6.tta 2989 of Veraon~6 Annotatoa 01~11 Statutes, rep&: as r0110w8: *Art. 29117. To person shall be ellglblr to any Stats, oounty, pretolnotor munlalpal 0PiIoe In this Stata unless ha shall be eligible to ho14 of- iiae under the Coastltutloaof this Ytate, and unless he shall her0 r6SIdsa In this Stats for the pQrIod or tw6lve months and sir months in the oounty, prealnot, or aunI0Ipellty,In whIoh he orfers himself as a oanblbate,aoxt preood- Ing any gea4r41 or speolal eleatloa,and shall hare beon 1111 aotual bona fide oltlsen of said oounty, prsolnot, or munIolp4lIty.fora0re than sir months. No person Ineligible to hold oftloe shall ever have his name placed upon the ballot at any general or spealal eleotlon, or at 4ny prlmclryelection where oandldatbs are soleoted under prIm4ry eleotlon laws of this State; and ao such ineligiblecandidate 8hal.lever be VOtea upon, aor hnre votes oountad for him, at eny suoh general, 8p00141, or primary el0OtIOn. Eonorable 0. A. Walters, Page 3 “Art. ZQE%. \ “Neither the Seoretaey of State, nor any oounty judge or this State, nor any other au- thority authoria4a to issue orrtItloat48,shall Is8u4 any o4rtlrIoat4sor eleatlon or appolnt- akentto any person 4l40t0a or-appointedto any oriios la this State, who la not eligible to hold such 0ff~o0 uadt3rtha CoaetItutIon0r this State and under the above artlale; and the nams or ao InslIgIbleperson, under the Constitution ma laws or thle State, shall be oertirira by any party, ooamittee,or any authority author- ha to have.the naa0e Of 04ndia4t0s placed upon the primary ballots at any primary elea- tlon In this Statei and the name or ao Inell- glble aanalaate under the CoartItutIonand laws or this Stst.4 shall be plaO@d upon the ballot of any general or 8p40141 eleotloa by any au- thority whoa@ duty.It -Is to plaoo names of eandlaateo,updnolrlolal ballots, “Art. 2929. “The dI8trIOt court shall have authority to Ieeue writs of Injunctionand all other neaessary prooese at the suit oi any Iaterest- ad party, or of any voter, to enforod the pm- visions or the above two artloles and to prb- teot.thereunaerthe rights or all part.108and the public; for suoh purpose, jurisaiotIon and authority Is ooarerrra-upon all dlstrlot oourts or this State and all oases filed here- under ahsll hare rimi right 0r pr000amoe upon trial and appeal." Under the Artiolee of the RsrIsed Civil Statutes, above sat rorth, the Oandldate mentlonrd In your letter Ie :not entitled to have hla naae go on the ballot in ths gen- eral eleotloa In lOor@mbsrna the D4aooratIo aomlaee for the ofrice 0r county attorney. He should not be voted upon at that time as suoh nominee, and Wider Article 2929 an ln&K~o- ,~tIon my iaeus rros the dlstrlot court to prevent his nam being plaaea berore the YOters at the general 614OtIOn. iet us point out here for your guldanoethat awhilemtiole 8E53, Vsraoa~s .4motiit4a 01~11 8tatute8, pro- . ~-, Honorable 0. A. salters, Page 4 ,videsthe remedy of an InfornmtloaIn the natul quo warrato to be 4Ireoted against qae uulawft truaiag upon or assuming the atah8 or ea 0rric ,whIohhe IS aot entitled, that rmaedy IS not a1 sat11 the oae against whom the writ Is to ,bed: hmm,aotuallyintruded Into ana unlawfullyh0iat As stated in Callaghanv. Tqbln, 40 T. 1 90 s: w. (ea) ss, writ refused, *There Is nothing In that statute that would prbteot the Inauaibent or an ofrIo rrom one who thrrateneato remove him iron4the 84q and to take possrssloa or the property appertainingto the of- ri04. That hatut giVS8 a remedy agalnr a person who ha& slr@aay usurped, Intruao Into, and unlawfully holds an 0rrf00, as the very aesIgnatIonor the prooesdlag olearly~WlIe8.~ It Im R,procieeblng by Quo warranto, to be w0a ~agalastoae in po8eaesIoa or an orrio*, and 04anot be used by an lnouabent to proteot hla frois attenwtea usurpationor his 0rti04.r see also WIllIsms v. Cast~eman,ii8 817 9. w. SW. .You hare been advised that an injuno sue to prereat the nam. of an IaeligIble oandl appearingupon the ballot at the general elrot uaber as the DemooratlonomIne for the ofrloe oosoeraours.lves with the qu.stIon of who is $0 institutethe aroessary prooredIngs. Although Artlole ii989provides la ha that *any Interesteaparty, or any tot*PlaaT Isjunotloathere provided for, the 0880 or All deofaedby the Comlssian of Appeals Is 19s 0 9. if. (aa) 751, oowtrueu the st4tut4 airr0r In that OaBe one Braly, the Dl4IntIf a third man were oandldatesror the orfIc# of torney. At the .l.otIon It appeared that Bml the higher& number or votes 048% and the plair ssoopd largrst auaber. Braly hosevor,was Ix arr Art1010 8987 to be 4 04adhate for th. orI trlot attorney, aud the pl4lntIrt,th eleoosd ,/- Honorable 0. A. Walton, Page b lnstttutod the neoeseary etepe, as a totor, to proouro an InJuuotionunder Artfole gQgQ\to prev4nt the name of Bralp from appearing upon thr ballot at the general eleo- tion and to prevent hi8 oertiiioetiona8 the Demooratio ncdlwe ior the offioe of ~dietriotattorney. The Court stated: &The petition thorrrore rail6 to thor that tha plaintiff hue a logal right, dis- tinot Srom the gwwral pub110 of whioh he la a member, whioh will be aHooted by the osrtifioationof Braly a8 the Dsnmretir nomlneo ior diatriat attornrg, or by the printing of his naum, aa euoh, on the of- fioial ballot at the goneral lleotion in Rovembrber . The plaintlrr, a8 an indirldual,, is not rhown to have d juatiolablminterset in the aatter. fiathererore io not entitled thie euit unless authorizedto to llvaintain 40 80 under that prori8loaof artiole 8889 o$ the 8tatut.m now to .benoticed. A por- tlon of that article provider in erreot that the diotriot oourt &all hare authority to ioeue writs ot injunotionat the suit of ‘any voter,’ to restrain ths plsoing or the name of an ineligibleoandldate upon the offioial b&lot at genafal o r a~4oial lleotion. be th6 true import-of the tatatutory proriaioa just nferred to, that provision oannot hara offrot to lnveet the plaintiff, simply ba- oause he is a votar, with the authority to ;lalntainthis wit. The Conatitutiondoes not pertit this ‘to be dons. It is 4,+a in the oaee jus8 oited t&at: ‘, **It is nroeaearp for the et&e to be 4 party when the action ie for.the benerit 0r the publio at large, though growing out /I korable G. A. i’taltera, Page 6 of 4 party prlmery eleotion. The etatute oannot oonfer a right upoa private inaim- uale to hot for all where it Is,shown they have no interest airrerent rrm irll othera. “The Oonetltution provide8 that the oounty attorney shall represent the atate Fa all ChS40 In the ai8trLot CQurt. By oth4r oonrtitutional provisioa4 the L4gir- luture is authorized to impose that duty on the httornep General, and, in presoribed oiroumathnoee, upon the dietriot attorney. Sse State Constitution,art 8, I gll art. 4, a ee. These oouetitutionulprovisione mark the liznitsof leglnlativeauthority to prescribe who shall reprileent the etate 4nd oontrol Its lntereat6 In a lawruft in the district court. The Leg1slature ie isplledlyrestrained frownoonlerringeuoh duty and reeponsfbilltyon the individual oitizen. Maud '1. Terrell,109 Tex. 97
,200 P. 5
. w. 378. Thenplaintiff therefore hae no authority to naintain thie suit, ae a voter, independentlyor a public off ioial who,ie properly clothed with that authority.” (underscoringours) Ke my therefore oonolude that any cult provided for by Article E929 mat be proneouted by,the State. Ssotion 21 of hrtiole 5 Of the Conetitutionof Texas, reads, in part, as follower “, * * . The county,attorney shall represent the State in all.0484n in the Uietrlot and lnrerlor courts in their roepeo- tiv4 ooilntles~ * * ‘.” In Uaud, County Tvx Colleotor,v. Terrell, State Comptroll4r,LO9 Tsx. 07,200 S.W. 375
, the court stated; “. .t4. Thlitinstrument, by Section 21 or Article 6, lo&gee with the county ettorneye the duty of reyreeentingthe btate in all 0~544 in the dietriot and infsrlor courts, with the right in the i* Leglslutureto regulate by law the mepeo- .P Honorable G. A. Xalters. Page 7 tlve duties of aiatriot aad oountp attorneys wh4re a oounty la inoluded in a’aietrlot having a dlstriot and by deotion 22 of Ar- attorn4y; tlole 4 that44 totidy errits and pleas in the Supreas Court Is ooufided to the Attorney uen- oral. * l *** see al80 5tapls’s v. ljtat.4, 13.2 Tax. 81, 248 S. W, 639 ; Diokeon v. mrloklana, ll4 Tax. 176, 2aa a. 1. 1012. It ia the of this department and youTax- opinion .,, r~epeotfully that you in your ofiioial aayiisra oapaoity es oouuty attorney ars authorized to represent the Stats in a euit for en lnjunotion under rirtiole 2929 or the Revised Civil 8tatute8, 1926, to prevent the nams of an inelfglble oandidate for ths office of county attorney in your Oountg Ron being pla0ed upon the ballot, Voted upon, or 0@rtiii@d as the Demoaratlo nominee for the oifioe at the goner41 eleo- tlon in liovember. IEaoh of ths other puestioue y’ou have presented P iqr our oonsideration are based upon hypothetloal situations which may never orisc, and in view of the foregolag advieing that the rsaedy of injunotfon is 4vaUnble now, their auswer Is rendered unn00484ary. Very ‘truly yours dPlWRNM GWPX#L.OB TXJIS IDS;RS