833 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. L,LOydxenzudp aouttty Attormy aoohraa Ceunty xortbn, T b x s 0 834 ’ son. LeyllI3mledy, gags 2 tittee shall, La the ~resettoe of the 8X8NtiW3 cmm&ttee or the oounty oonvention, 8s the aase may be, o%at lots for the aominatlon in lruah manner as they may hlrect cpnd in the grsaenoe Of rival candiuatee, ii they d68ire to be prae- ant, and deelam and oertify the mm oi that sanaidate who is suooesdul by lot+* The temilno1 y of hrt101s a26 “if It appam that + * * the &rgea “e vote ha0 boon oaat for two oaanbb- dates for the aaw offio** striotly appllml it io be- ll~ved, to she situatiou where the two oandiaatoe reoOiv- lztg the large& vote have eaoh received the ams~ nu28bBr of votes, rather than to the sittmtlon whOrs the ma tot&l or the voter reoefved by two candid&t68 vihe have tied for seoond ;l&oe eraeado the to$e naeivod by the cmndtdate reoefvlng mere vote8 than either of them. oonridms tbiiroonneotlon, &Wol* 3106 muat ala0 M * It read.0 arr felluwBr “Art. 3106. 30915 MAJORITYQR Pv OaQg The ootmty raeoutivr ooraaltteo mh&U deolde whether tha nisination of eountf &Yiorrs slmll be by mafority or plwallty v&a, anb, lS by a laadorlty v&o, the ooaw&tteBo mhall wll a8 many eleotlmm %a otay be neooemry to mko mmh nom- ination, and in u%BSthe Ooartttee tei to 00 deoida, then th0 nomin%Oion ot all amh ~fficle~a 8hd.l be by a plurality of tha votes oaat at euoh eleotlon.* Prerummbly, tha Co0hran Gounty Oxeout~vO aomit- tee has ;jrWftMQ by prcgos resolution, as OlXltWQdtbd by thipi %tAtute, th%t no&nations8 for oounty and pm- cluot orficefs shall be by a majority ~0th And aim?6 no candidate, under the shted iwits of your in wr rsoeived a &ajorltg ot th@ votes bask ior the o Bfioe of oeunty jucrga, it will be neoeasa~ to have % seoond prf- wiry em3tion to mlact the Dbnrooratio pcarty nomiaee~ total? the osiiee in queetien. We therefore notias ArtialO 3102 in it* iollowlnf2 ~rovLsfont “**4* Any politicreit party may hold a 835 Hon. @yd Xumsdy, pqy 3 seoond primary oleotion an tha Sourah 3aSatttrdap in August to nednat oandidatea iOr W BOUIR- ty or preoinot 0tri00, wh*n, a majority vota 18 rquixed to a&s nomlaatloag but at auah oeoond priuyy, only the two aandidatoo who reoelvdl the hi&eat number of vote8 at the e;enera~ pri- rapp rm th0 OBPLO0rii60 @hall hm tmx mm plaaed up011th6 offMa ballot. I + * ." pltitse MCI authorlzasthe ooavaltteekr adopt W?EU)rruoh prooeduro in this sitiuaflon.1~ problamatloal la rlew ai the ganeml terminology of the statutor 836 dd AF'FRSVEDAUG 10, 1940 Ictml vwy tray ATTORNEY GENm.ALOE TEXAS