DocketNumber: O-2541
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS GERALD .C. MANN ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable B. A. Coe County Attorney Hardin County Kountze, Texas Dear Mr. Coe: Opinion No. O-2541 Re: Validity of Article 834 of the Penal Code as amended by H. B. No. 583, Regular Session, 41st Legislature, 1929. We beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 15, 1940, requesting an opinion as to the valid- ity of Article 834 of the Penal Code, as amended by House Bill No. 583, at the regular session of the 41st Legislature (1929), your letter being in part as follows: "Please furnish me, at your earliest con- venience, with a departmental opinion concern- ing the adoption by the Commissioners Court of an order prohibiting the operation over the county roads of vehicles with loads in excess of 5000 pounds under the provisions of Article 834, Vernon's Annotated Penal Code. "In view of the questions which have arisen, I deem it advisable to ask your depart- ment for a ruling upon the constitutionality of this article, since I am unable to find where it has ever been construed either by the courts or your department. "your attention is called to the fact that no specific load limit is mentioned in the article, but it gives to the Commissioners' Court, the superintendent, or the State Highway Commission the authority to regulate tonnage of trucks and heavy vehicles over roads when, presumably in their opinion, such use shall tend to rapidly deteriorate or destroy the roads, bridges, and culverts along any particular road." Honorable Il. A. Coo - Page 8 Article 834 of the Penal Code, as it has been reoontly anmxled, is as follower *The ConndsEpioner8* Court of auy county eubjcot to this law actdng upon their owm amfiou, or through the 8uperintexlent., where one is employed, or the State Jllghway Cow ndomloa, shall hay0 the power am% authori* to regulate the tomfage oi trucks and heery +eUclso wblch by reason of the oonetructlou of tho rehlcle or Its weight and toxumge of the load shall teud to rapldly deteriorate or de- stroy the rods, bridgeo and oulyerts aloug the partioulru* roo& or h&pay sought to be proteoted, ti nQtloes shall be posted aul shall state the lnaximmload perndttedaml the tl.nm euoh use is -bited an%. shall be poeted upon the highway la such places as rill euable the drivers to make detours to ayoti the restricted hlgbvaJs or pol'tloue thereof. *If the owner or operator of any moh ve- hi010 feels himself ag@%eyed by such aatloa, he ms;l complain lu tritiug to the County Judge of suoh County, setting forth the nature of hlo grievance. Upon the tiling of such oom- plrint, the County Judge shall fOrthWith cot down for hearing the issue thue raieed for a oertaln day, not more than tbreo &age later, an& a&all give notioe InWriting to suohroed offlolal of tho clay ami purpose of auah hear- lag, and at suoh hearing the Count Judge shall hoar teotlmuy offered by the part1 es respeot- iyely, md upon ooncluelon thereof shall ren- der 5uUgmnt euetainiug, or podiipinc; suoh order theretofore nmde by the Couut && guueriutendent, ati the jtigmnt 0. n------5 the ouuty u&ge shall be final as to the lmaues so rai8eb. .lf upon SW& hoaziug tho judggmnt suc- trius the order of the Oouuty guperinterdent, or the State Hif;hrcyrConmdemion, aud it appears that w yiolatlon of sam M been oomdtted by the ooaplalnant daoe positing suoh nOtdOe@, he shall be subject to the same peualtp horein- after preylded for suoh Qff0n80 as if same hod been Ootitt& eubeequent t0 th0 rOrrdit%on of Honorable B. A. Coe - Page 3 snlaami l Wxy guilty of riolating the provia- tlonm of suob order of the Qounty ~wlp8lrint~torakte~w~Co``on, after it ha8 been so approved W nuoh judgment of the Oounty Judge mhall be finebnot~oeed- ing ho iluadred Dollara.' Theatestodby this general etatut4ry rule uf tallAity, 8e think Arti.ole 634 is wholly InoperrtAve, be- oauw of If8 Ar&flalte and dwbtful SnwBLng in the f41- loving r4spootm 1. Whether the power ud uathority to real&e thetonnageof truoka audhemvyvehlolesls oouforredupon the Ce~slonero~ Court either upon It8 wn actionor aatlng throu@ the t3uperlntcrab4nfwh4re on4 lo onp14y4dd or the &ate iI&@wq CeraPdudoa, or19 llkev%w iM*pad- 4utl.y oonfarre8upon8uohBUpe~teulent,axl the at&o tU*way Gowclwlon at the opM.on of muoh 3uperintemleat er State HIghway tloadod4~; 2. Whether or not the noticea requAr4d by the statute are to be poateilby the 40mdmi.onero~ Court0 the I)uparinteadent of roads, or the lllkte liighwy Do, Qiedon ; 3. Whether or not the *road offload* to whom aotioe in wrltlag lm require6 to be given v%th rempeat toaByoolQlaintbyau`` rmoa to the Qouaty Judge,neana the wper%ntenflmt 0r oouaty rouls, the @ ta t4 Hig h w~ Co md88lo n, or lo w o th e r o ffia ia l; 4 . Whether or not the judgment of the Oounty Ju@s ~ut&aidng the ortier contemplatea the order of the Uonorablc L. A. Ccc - P'agc4 Superintendent of roads, or the order of tllcState 1Nghl- way Commission, or the order of the CommLasioners* Court where the Commissioners( Court has acted upon Its own mtlon, (if it is authorized by the Act to nnko euch or- dor upon its otm motion); Whether or not the Article contemplates penallzing60ne for an act violating a posted notice prior to the order of the County Judge werrullng hle oomplaint as to suoh order shown by the notloo! 0. Whether or not an act violatlq the order of the Conridssion0ra~COurt, the Superlnteadent of roads, or the State iii&way Covmdseion duly posted, is punish- able even in the absence of complaint. We think the statute is so indefinitely framxl, md Is of such doubtful construction, as to be ineufti- clently esplicit to inform those who are subject to it what conduct on their part will render them liable to Its penalties, and this woms to be the recognized test of validity. Eportatorlurn,Xnc. vs. State, 116 6. W. (2) 483; 6~ part0 Wilmoth, 67 S. W. (2) 289; Brockery vs. Stat*, 247 9. W. 606) 3x part0 numphrey, 244 s. Iv. 822; Grahamvs. iiinos, 240 S. 8. 1016$ Grlffinvs. State, 218 S. \Y.4941 M. ii.& T. Ry. Co. vs. Stats, 100 S. U'. 766; Auguetine vs. State, 52 8. W. 77; Connally vs. Gmoral Conet. Co. (U.S.) 70 LW Xd. 322; 12 Tox. Jur. p. 226, 8 17. nonorablo B. A. Coo - Pago ti No citieen skould be convicted of arime under a etatute 80 *antIrig in ~efiaitenees and speolflcness an to the acts mm&3 pmal therein.